Download AFT NATIONAL CONFERENCE - Association for Family Therapy

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In association with the Merseyside Branch
Call for workshop proposals September 19th and 20th
(Dis) respect, freedoms, loyalty, (not) knowing, ethics & survival.
We invite you to come to the wonderful, unique city of Liverpool which itself is no stranger to the odd
dip into irreverence!
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool L3 5UL.
Thursday lunchtime, 18 September to Saturday 20 September 2014 (4.30pm close)
What does it mean to survive in these difficult times? How can we preserve our integrity in our
professional and personal lives? Is it possible that one size fits all?
Planning this conference reminded one committee member of choosing a new pair of running shoes. So,
what’s the difference between one pair and the next you may ask? Surely, each pair does what they
were designed to do? However, in choosing a new pair of running shoes you may have to try out many
different designs and styles before finding the one that fits – feels right at this time, or perhaps have
different pairs for different conditions. Whatever fits for you, may not be the same as someone else’s
choice of fit. However, like theories and ideas, shoes share something in common. Many may try to be
‘one size fits all’ but all borrow, learn, build on and continue to grow from what has gone before.
Increasingly it seems like expectations are being placed upon us, particularly in times of diminishing
resources. Pressures to find that one approach, idea or question that will prove to be the way all therapy
should be conducted. The demands placed on services seem to privilege throughput over therapeutic
process. Keeping creativity and curiosity alive in these stormy seas of external societal and systemic
pressures, is a difficult and demanding task.
Not surprisingly then, we can all be tempted to avoid drowning by relying on our main theoretical ballast
for floatation. What then happens to our creativity, playfulness, growth and the taking of the
therapeutic risks families need us to do sometimes? Do we stick with the same old familiar shoes or
embrace difference?
As Gianfranco Cecchin wrote
“ … it is at the moment when the therapist begins to reflect upon the effect of his own attitude and
presumptions that he acquires a position that is both ethical and therapeutic. In order to be able to
attain this ability for self-reflexivity, we believe that it is necessary to have a certain level of irreverence
and a sense of humour, which one acquires by maintaining a continuous conversation with colleagues,
people outside the mental health field, students and patients alike.”
(Cecchin et al (1992). Irreverence A Strategy for Therapists Survival. Karnac Books)
Invited speakers include Rudi Dallos, John Burnham, Arlene Vetere, Jim Wilson, Ged Smith and Sharon
As well as these well-known speakers we wish to encourage some more conference ‘fringe’ workshops
and activities. We would welcome proposals for workshops and discussion forums both large and
small that encourage the trying out of many different pairs of shoes.
We hope to encourage discussions about the strengths and resourcefulness to be found in many
different ways of working and thinking, without this being a search for “the answer” – more one of
discovering some answers amongst many possible answers that may be ones you might want to try out
and see how they fit.
So come and join us in Liverpool to try on a few different pairs of shoes and see what might fit for you, or
what you may want to consider incorporating in your own design for your own particular pairs of shoes
and together we may be able to build a life raft to survive these stormy seas.
Workshop Proposal Form – 2014 AFT annual Conference “Irreverence”
Please complete and return this form to [email protected] by 31 January 2014
Name of Lead Presenter
Job Title/Role
Name (s) of additional presenters
Please note the information given above will be used in the Programme if your workshop is accepted.
Contact email address of Lead Presenter:
Tel No (Work):
Title of Workshop:
What would be the maximum number of people you would like in the workshop?
How long would you ideally like for this workshop?
Any preferred day?
Abstract of Workshop: Please type carefully as this information will be used in the programme.
 Please indicate how this will relate to the title and attend to issues of diversity and equality.
 Please describe in what ways the audience will be actively engaged with the workshop
Please indicate below any special requirements in terms of AVA or access, set up. If you are
using powerpoint, please bring your own laptop.
Each Workshop attracts a £40 payment towards conference attendance. If more than
one presenter, the reduction to be agreed with the AFT office.
Thank you.
Please complete and return this form to
[email protected]
For Office Use Only
Time Slot
Offered yes/no
Accepted yes/no