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Name _______________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________
Practice A
Angles Formed by Parallel Lines and Transversals
1. The Corresponding Angles Postulate states that if two parallel lines are cut by a
transversal, then the pairs of corresponding angles are ____________________.
2. Congruent angles have _____________________ measures.
Find each angle measure.
3. m1 _______________________
4. m2 _______________________
Find x.
Fill in the blanks to complete these theorems about angle pairs.
7. If two _____________________ lines are cut by a _____________________,
then the two pairs of alternate interior angles are congruent.
8. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the two pairs of same-side
interior angles are _____________________.
9. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the two pairs of alternate
exterior angles are _____________________.
Give two examples of each kind of angle pair in the figure.
10. alternate interior angles
11. alternate exterior angles
12. same-side interior angles
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Holt McDougal Geometry
y 5 2x 1 1
Name _______________________________________ Date __________________ Class __________________
5.Sample answer: HJ
6. Sample answer: DE
7. plane DEF  plane GHJ
8. Sample answer: DE  EF
9. Sample answer: HE and DF
10. Sample answer: 1 and 3
11. Sample answer: 1 and 8
12. Sample answer: 2 and 3
13. Sample answer: 2 and 7
14.transv. n; same-side int. s
15. transv. m; alt. ext. s
16. transv. p; corr. s
Practice A
1. congruent
2. equal
3. 140°
4. 70°
5. 75
6. 150
7. parallel; transversal
8. supplementary
9. congruent
10. 3 and 5; 4 and 6
1. no; no
4. Sample answer: Parallel lines are
coplanar lines that never intersect, and
perpendicular lines intersect at 90
2. no; yes
3. PR  RQ  PQ
4. The distance PR  RQ, the length of the
path from P to Q traveling in a
counterclockwise direction, is much
longer than the length of the path
traveling from P to Q in a clockwise
direction. So, PR  RQ  PQ.
5. Any two lines will intersect at exactly
two points.
6. If the two points are at opposite “poles,”
then infinitely many lines will pass
through them.
11. 1 and 7; 2 and 8
12. 3 and 6; 4 and 5
Practice B
1. 47°
3. 97°
2. 119°
4. 62°
1. p || q
1. Given
2. a. m2 + m3 = 180°
2. Lin. Pair Thm.
3. 1  2
3. b. Corr. s Post.
4. c. m1 = m2
4. Def. of  s
1. Sample answer: No; AP is skew to RS
and RS is skew to AD , but AP is not
skew to AD .
5. d. m1 + m3 = 180°
5. e. Subst.
2. Sample answer: No; PQ is skew to
Practice C
Problem Solving
AD but not to PS .
Sample answer: DEB and CBE
B parallel lines
6. J skew
Reading Strategies
1. LP and MQ
2. Yes, there is a right angle box at their
3. All four segments are marked with the
same arrows.
6. 15; 40
1. Sample answer: m1  m2  180°
and m3  m4  180° by the SameSide Int. s Thm. Thus, the total of the
angle measures is 360°.
2. 360°
3. 360°; sample answer:
1. Draw BE parallel to
1. Construction
2. m1  mABE  180°,
m4  mDEB  180°
2. Same-Side Int.
s Thm.
Original content Copyright © by Holt McDougal. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Geometry