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University of Colorado Denver
School of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
12700 East 19th Avenue, P15-C238
Aurora, CO 80045
Office (303) 724-6131
Laboratory (303) 724-6132
Fax (303) 724-6135
Cellular (720) 219-9324
Email [email protected]
August 2003-present
Graduate Coursework (12 hours, GPA 3.9)
University of Colorado Denver
BIOM 6601: Biostatistics Methods I
BIOM 6602: Biostatistics Methods II
BIOM 6648: Clinical Trial Design
TXCL 7655: Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetics
BIOM 6680: SAS Programming for Data Management
CLSC 7150: Ethics and Regulation in Human Subjects Review
CLSC 6270: Critical Appraisal Seminars in Clinical Science
CLSC 6650: Guided Research Tutorial
August 1997- May 2001 Doctor of Pharmacy
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Registered Pharmacist. State of California. RPH #53383
Registered Pharmacist, State of Colorado. RPH # 16688
Registered Pharmacist, State of North Carolina. RPH # 17121
Antiretroviral Clinical Pharmacology Fellow
UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DENVER; Department of Clinical Pharmacy
Denver, Colorado
July 1, 2003-January 31, 2006
Supervisor: Courtney V. Fletcher, Pharm.D.
Activities: hypothesis generation and study design, grant preparation, wrote protocols and consent forms, designed
case report forms, communicated with the NIH, Clinical Research Center, and Institutional Review Boards (IRB),
recruited and consented study subjects, conducted patient study visits, maintained patient records and electronic
study database, managed NIH site visits/study audits, conducted IRB annual reviews, and compiled
safety/laboratory data for safety officer reviews, pharmacokinetic modeling, scientific presentations, manuscript
preparation and submission to scientific journals, manuscript review for scientific journals, teaching, provided
antiretroviral concentration interpretation and antiretroviral drug information to HIV providers locally and nationally
Outpatient Clinical Pharmacist
JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL, Outpatient HIV Clinic, Moore Clinic
Baltimore, Maryland
September 1, 2003-June 27, 2003
Supervisor: None
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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Activities: developed a pharmacist-managed clinic at the Johns Hopkins Outpatient HIV clinic with three other
pharmacists, provided basic HIV education to patients regarding medications, VL/CD4 measures, opportunistic
infections, etc., initiated patients on antiretroviral drugs, developed medication schedules and filled pillboxes for
patients, assisted patients with antiretroviral side effect management, assessed adherence with both opportunistic
infection medications and antiretroviral drugs, directly observed therapy for select patients, educated patients on
preparing and administering enfuvirtide
Inpatient Clinical Pharmacist
JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL, Department of Pharmacy
Baltimore, Maryland
July 22, 2002-June 27, 2003
Supervisor: Connie Saltsman, Pharm.D.
Activities: clinical pharmacist for HIV/Opportunistic Infections unit and one general medicine unit, staffed in
pharmacy satellite, code response team, provided inservices/CEs, served on medication safety committees,
developed policies/procedures for the use of thalidomide and enfuvirtide, provided discharge counseling to patients
on the HIV/Opportunistic Infections unit
Pharmacy Practice Resident (ASHP Accredited)
San Diego, California
July 1, 2001-June 30, 2002
Supervisor: Charles James, Pharm.D.
Activities: clinical rotations in inpatient infectious diseases, outpatient pharmacist-managed antiretroviral clinic,
ambulatory care (warfarin, asthma, CHF, transplant clinics), home infusion, internal medicine, medical intensive
care, trauma/surgical intensive care, neonatal intensive care, pharmacokinetics, drug information and two six-month
longitudinal outpatient clinic rotations in the pharmacist-managed antiretroviral clinic and the HIV
lipid/lipodystrophy clinic, performed a medication use evaluation of nosocomial pneumonia treatment, resident
research study evaluating outcomes of patients in the tenofovir expanded access program at our institution, two
grand rounds presentations, one platform presentation at Western States
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
May 15, 2000-July 28, 2000
Full-time during summer
Supervisor: Timothy Kuhn, Pharm.D.
Activities: researched and wrote a review article on serotonin agonists (triptans) to be submitted to a scientific
journal, organized study data into study files, updated budget spreadsheet for approximately 100 studies
GLAXO WELLCOME INC., World Wide Clinical Genetics
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
January 2000-May 2000
Part-time during school
Supervisor: Wayne Anderson, Ph.D.
Activities: wrote final study reports based on incoming data from genetic components of clinical trials, attended
scientific meetings, interacted with other Glaxo Wellcome employees in Commercial Operations, US Medical
Affairs, and Laboratory Operations
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
November 1998-December 1999
Full-time during summers, part-time during school
Supervisor: Richard Stanford, Pharm.D.
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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Activities: summarized clinical, quality-of-life, and cost-analysis studies for sales force and other health care
professionals, wrote, edited, and assisted in submission of potential publications, researched and reported data on
ICD-9/10 codes, took minutes at scientific meetings, assisted in evaluation and implementation of economic models
and patient questionnaires, set up new publication alerts for various therapeutic areas, conducted extensive literature
searches and summarized findings (specific projects included obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, and HIV
lipodystrophy syndrome), organized study data into files, maintained study files
GLAXO WELLCOME INC., Clinical Applications Research
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
May 1996-November 1998
Full-time during summers, part-time during school
Supervisor: Janet L. Fox, Pharm.D.
Activities: wrote and edited protocols, abstracts, manuscripts, final study reports, case report forms, and subject
consent forms, entered and analyzed study data from Case Report Forms, updated Study Status Reports, presented
study updates at Review Committee Meetings, created and maintained the departmental budget spreadsheet for
approximately 500 studies, interacted with potential investigators and sales representatives, organized study data
into files, maintained study files, conducted literature searches, maintained a potential investigator database
March 1, 2008 to present
Graduate Faculty (Toxicology), University of Colorado Denver School of
February 1, 2008 to present
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
Colorado Denver School of Pharmacy
February 1, 2006-January 31, 2008 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Colorado Denver School of Pharmacy
April 2009
Bristol Myers Squibb, The Collaborative Institute of Virology’s Pediatrics Panel
Graduate and Undergraduate
University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO
December 2009
P3 Fall Seminar PHRD 5200A
Fall 2009
P3 Integrated Organ Systems XI (9 hours)
October 2009
P2 Clinical Sciences Foundations PHRD 4600 (2.5 hours)
Spring 2009
Interdisciplinary Ethics Course, PRMD 5000 (10 hours)
April 2009
Drug Metabolism & Pharmacogenetics, TXCL 7561 (1 hour)
February 2009
Principles of Drug Action, PHRD 3650 (1.5 hr)
Fall 2008
P3 Integrated Organ Systems XI (8 hours)
April 2008
TXCL 7561 Drug Metabolism & Pharmacogenetics (1 hour)
March 2008
Comprehensive Patient Care PHRD 5650 (8 hours)
February 2008
P3 Spring Seminar PHRD 5200B
November 2007
P3 Integrated Organ Systems XI (8 hours)
Spring 2007
P3 Spring Seminar PHRD 5200B
December 2006
Professional Skills Development PHRD 5100
November-December 2006 P3 Integrated Organ Systems XI
November 2005
P3 Integrated Organ Systems XI
October 2005
P2 Clinical Sciences Foundations PHRD 4600
Fall 2005
P3 Fall Seminar PHRD 5200A
April 2005
Comprehensive Patient Care PHRD 5650
December 2004
Professional Skills Development PHRD 5100
Fall 2004-Spring 2005
P4 Advanced Pharmaceutical Care Portfolio PHRD 6100
Fall 2004
P3 Fall Seminar PHRD 5200A
April 2004
Comprehensive Patient Care PHRD 5650
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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November 2003
Professional Skills Development PHRD 5100
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD
January 16, 2003
Pharmacologic Management of HIV-100.401 Adult Physical Health
University of California San Diego Medical Center, San Diego, CA
July 2001-June 2002
Preceptor-CP148. UCSF School of Pharmacy
December 2001-February 02 California Pharmacy Board Review for UCSF pharmacy students
University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC
Spring Semester 2001
Advanced Pharmacotherapy for Nurse Practitioners NSG 512
Continuing Education
MediMax Communications (physicians)
Colorado Pharmacists Society
Medscape CME (physicians)
Professional Program (Pharm.D.)
June 2008-present
Kevin Henderson, P2, Honors Project, Clinical Research
May 2008-present
Jessica Bannon, P2, student worker, Clinical Research
Summer 2009
Brock Bumpass, P2, student worker and Masters Thesis, Clinical Research
Alyssa Walker, P3 and P4 years, Clinical Research
June 2009
Conflict of Interest Committee, University of Colorado Denver School of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Retreat Planning and Organizing Committee
Admissions Committee, University of Colorado Denver School of Pharmacy
May 2008 to present
October 2007 to present
Investigator-at-Large, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Hepatitis Committee
Medical Advisor, Colorado AIDS Drug Assistance Program Formulary
November 2007 to September 2009 AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Hepatic Function Working Group
2006 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Young Investigator Award
2004-2005 Recipient of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Infectious
Diseases Fellowship
2002 Recipient of Shining Star Practitioner Recognition Award at Johns Hopkins Hospital
2002 Recipient of the University of California San Diego Resident Research Award
2000-2001 Recipient of the George T. Cornwell Pharmacy Scholarship
2000 Recipient of the Ralph Rogers Sr. Pharmaceutical Policy and Evaluative Sciences Administration Award
1999-2000 Recipient of the J. Lee and Helen Yingling Pharmacy Scholarship
University of North Carolina Dean’s List
Organization Memberships
January 2008 to present
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
April 2007 to present
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
August 2004 to present
Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists
July 2001 to present
American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Review Panels
June 2009
Grant Reviewer, NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research
June 2008
Grant Reviewer, University of California San Diego Center for AIDS Research
May 2008
Grant Reviewer, NIDA, NIH, Drug Interactions Special Emphasis Panel
Journal Referee
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Antiviral Therapy
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy
Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology
Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs
Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy
HIV Clinical Trials
Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
“Emerging Treatments for Hepatitis C Virus” Colorado HIV/AIDS Community Advisory Board, 12/09, Aurora, CO.
“Sex Differences in Antiretroviral Drug Pharmacokinetics and Toxicities and Antiretroviral Drug Interactions
Important for Women.” Clinical Care of HIV-Infected Women Symposium, 4/07, Denver, CO.
“Pharmacology Update from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.” Colorado HIV/AIDS
Community Advisory Board, 3/07, Denver, CO.
“The Effect of Lopinavir/Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of Tenofovir”. Center for AIDS Research, 2/06, Denver,
“The Effects of Low Dose Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of Tenofovir”. University of Colorado Department of
Clinical Pharmacy Faculty Retreat, 8/04, Vail, CO.
“Enfuvirtide Use at Johns Hopkins Hospital”. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pharmacy and Nursing InService, 6/03, Baltimore, MD.
“Antiretrovirals”. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pharmacy, General Medicine Pharmacists, 4/03,
Baltimore, MD.
“Pharmacologic Management of Alcohol and Opioid Withdrawal”. Nursing In-Service, Johns Hopkins Hospital,
12/02, Baltimore, MD.
“Adverse Drug Reactions”. Nursing In-Service, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 11/02, Baltimore, MD.
“SSRI Withdrawal Syndrome”. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Clinical Pharmacology Forum, 10/02, Baltimore, MD.
“Nevirapine-Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome”. Pharmacy Morbidity and Mortality Rounds, UCSD Department of
Pharmacy, 6/02, San Diego, CA.
“Voriconazole”. Pharmacy Grand Rounds, UCSD Department of Pharmacy, 11/01, San Diego, CA.
“Pharmacotherapy Update in the Treatment of Mycobacterium Avium Complex in patients with AIDS”
Pharmacy Department, National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, 4/01, Bethesda, MD.
“Short-Term Use of Octreotide for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children”. Pediatric Pharmacy
Department, Duke University Regional Medical Center, 2/01, Durham, NC.
“Initiating Pharmacologic Treatment in Hepatitis C”. Pharmacy Student Seminar, Coastal Area Health Education
Center, 1/01, Wilmington, NC.
“Electronic Submissions at the Food and Drug Administration”. FDA Drug Information Department, 10/00, Rockville,
“Prilosec 1™: Summary of Proceedings of the Joint Nonprescription and Gastrointestinal Drugs Committees FDA
Advisory Meeting”. FDA Drug Information Department, 10/00, Rockville, MD.
“Internet Pharmacies: Strategic Initiatives for Glaxo Wellcome”. Group presentation to a division of Commerical
Operations, Glaxo Wellcome Inc. as part of Drug Discovery, Development, and Marketing Seminar through UNC
School of Public Health, 12/99, RTP, NC.
“Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Genetics (PG) of Isoniazid (INH) in South African HIV-Exposed Infants-PACTG 1041”.
48th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Abstract 1680, October 27, 2008.
Washington DC.
“ATN 056: Pharmacokinetics of Antiretroviral Regimens Containing Tenofovir and Atazanavir/Ritonavir in
Adolescents and Young Adults with HIV Infection”. Adolescent Treatment Network Meeting, October 4, 2006. Silver
Spring, MD.
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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“PACTG 1020 Atazanavir with and without Ritonavir in HIV-Infected Infants, Children, and Adolescents”. Bristol
Myers Squibb Collaborative Institute of Virology, June 24, 2006. Dallas, TX.
“The Effects of Lopinavir/Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of Tenofovir”. Charleston Fellow Forum, June 2-5, 2005.
Charleston, SC.
“NRTI Interactions with Other Antiretroviral Drugs: Clinical Studies”. World Health CME Content Development
Meeting, March 2005, Dallas, TX.
“Pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/RTV) in HIV-Infected Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Pediatric
AIDS Clinical Trial Group 1020B.” Vail Fellow Forum, June 3-6, 2004. Vail, CO.
“Tenofovir: Efficacy in an Expanded Access Program”. Western States Residency Convention, May 2002, Monterey,
“Pharmacokinetics (PK) of antiretroviral regimens containing Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) and
Atazanavir/Ritonavir (ATV/RTV) in adolescents and young adults with HIV Infection – Study ATN056”. 8th
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy. Abstract 12. April 16-18, 2007. Budapest,
“Effect of Multidrug Resistance Proteins 2 and 4 Polymorphisms on Tenofovir Pharmacokinetics in HIV-Infected
Patients.” 7th International Workshop on the Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy. Abstract #34. April 20-22,
2006. Lisbon, Portugal.
“Antiretroviral Drug Dose and Formulation Challenges in Children”. Pediatric Formulations for Antiretroviral
Therapies: A Forum for Collaborative HIV Research Workshop. April 28, 2005. Quebec City, Canada.
Aug 2009-July 2014
March 2008-Feb 2010
March 2007-present
April 2009-present
July 2009-present
March 2007-present
January 2006-present
Principal Investigator: 5K23DK082621-02
Concentration-Controlled Ribavirin for the Treatment of Patients with Chronic HCV
Total Direct Costs: $777,489
Protocol Pharmacologist: Adolescents Treatment Network Study 063 (PI: Havens PL)
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the Safety and Effectiveness of Vitamin D
Supplement to Improve Tubular Reabsorption of Phosphate and Decrease bone turnover
in Adolescents and Young Adults with HIV infection being treated with Antiretroviral
Therapy Containing Tenofovir Compared to Those being treated with Antiretroviral
Therapy not Containing Tenofovir
Total Award Amount: ~$14,000 (5% effort only)
Principal Investigator: University of Colorado Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Seed Grant
In Vitro Evaluation of an Intracellular Drug-Drug Interaction between Entecavir and
Total Award Amount: $14,623
Faculty Mentor: COMIRB 08-1198 (student/PI: Kevin Henderson)
Assessing the Effectiveness of Pharmacy Based Adherence Interventions on Adherence
in Persons with HIV
Total Award Amount: $3000 from DOPS to student
Principal Investigator: COMIRB 09-0475/CTRC 6004
Effect of Antacids on the Pharmacokinetics of Raltegravir in Healthy Volunteers
Co-Investigator, Protocol Pharmacologist: COMIRB 06-1178 (PI: Carten MC)
A Pilot Study of the Pharmacokinetic Interaction between the hormonal emergency
contraception, Plan B, and efavirenz (unsponsored)
Co-Investigator, Protocol Pharmacologist: Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group Study
1041 (PI: Nachman S)
A Randomized Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial to Determine the
Efficacy of Isoniazid in Preventing Tuberculosis Disease and Latent
Tuberculosis Infection Among South African Infants with Perinatal Exposure to HIV
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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October 2003-present
Co-Investigator, Protocol Pharmacologist: Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study
1020A (PI: Rutstein R)
Pharmacokinetics and Safety Analysis of Atazanavir and Atazanavir/Ritonavir in HIVInfected Infants, Children, and Adolescents (unsponsored)
January 2008-June 2009
Co-Investigator: Tibotec Investigator-Initiated Study (PI: Aquilante CL)
Genetic predictors of pharmacokinetic variability in the drug-drug interaction between
darunavir/ritonavir and pravastatin: the role of SLCO1B1 polymorphisms
Annual Direct Costs: $168,761
May 2008-April 2009
Co-Investigator: P30 AI054907, NIH, NIAID (PI: Campbell T)
Colorado Center for AIDS Research
Total Direct Costs: $555,070
Dec 2005-Dec 2008
Principal Investigator: Colorado Center for AIDS Research Junior Faculty Award
Pharmacologic Evaluation of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women on Highly Active
Antiretroviral Therapy
Total Award Amount: $50,000
Dec 2005-April 2008
Co-Investigator: P30 AI054907-02S1 (PI: Fletcher CV, McFarland E)
Effects of Puberty on Antiretroviral Drug Metabolism in HIV Infected Children and
Award Amount: $216,631/yr direct costs
August 2005-Feb 2007
Protocol Pharmacologist/Protocol Vice Chair: Adolescents Treatment Network Study
056 (PI: Havens PL)
Pharmacokinetics of Once Daily Antiretroviral Therapy Regimens Containing Tenofovir
and Atazanavir in Adolescents and Young Adults with HIV Infection.
Total Award Amount: $74,498
August 2005-March 2007 Co-Investigator: AstraZeneca investigator-sponsored study (PI: Hoody DW, Gerber JG)
Evaluation of Pharmacokinetic Interactions Between Crestor and the Combination
Protease Inhibitor Kaletra
Total Award Amount: $225,595
July 2004-June 2005
Principal Investigator: ACCP Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Infectious Diseases
The Effect of Low-dose Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of Tenofovir
Total Award Amount: $31,500
January 2004-Dec 2006 Co-Investigator: NIH R01 A133835-10 (PI: Fletcher CV)
Concentration-Controlled Antiretroviral Therapy in Persons Experiencing Persistent
Award Amount: $200,000/yr direct costs
July 2001-June 2002
Medication Utilization Evaluation: Treatment of Nosocomial Pneumonia
UCSD Medical Center
July 2001-May 2002
Early CD4, viral load, and safety outcomes with tenofovir (Viread)
USCD Medical Center Owen Clinic
Kiser JJ. Practice guidelines: development, application to clinical care, and role in provider education. Clin
Pharmacol Ther. 2009;86(3):239-41.
Brousseau KM, Filley CM, Kaye K, Kiser JJ, Adler LE, Connick E. Dementia with features of Alzheimer's disease
and HIV-associated dementia in an elderly man with AIDS. AIDS 2009;23(8):1029-31.
Kiser JJ, Gerber JG, Predhomme JA, Wolfe P, Flynn DM, Hoody DW. Drug : Drug Interaction Between
Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Rosuvastatin in Healthy Volunteers. JAIDS 2008; 47(5):570-578.
Kiser JJ, Aquilante CL, Anderson PL, King T, Carten ML, Fletcher CV. Clinical and Genetic Determinants of
Intracellular Tenofovir Diphosphate Concentrations in HIV-Infected Patients. JAIDS 2008; 47(3):298-303.
Kiser JJ, Fletcher CV, Flynn PM, Cunningham CK, Wilson CM, Kapogiannis BG, Major-Wilson H, Viani RM, Liu
NX, Muenz LR, Harris RD, Havens PL, and the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions.
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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Pharmacokinetics of Antiretroviral Regimens Containing Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Atazanavir/Ritonavir in
Adolescents and Young Adults with HIV Infection – ATN056. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Kiser JJ, Carten ML, Aquilante CL, Anderson PL, Wolfe P, King TM, Delahnuty T, Bushman L, Fletcher CV. The
Effect of Lopinavir/Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of Tenofovir in HIV-Infected Patients. Clinical Pharmacology
and Therapeutics 2008;83(2):265-272.
Anderson, PL, Lichtenstein KA, Gerig NE, Kiser JJ, Bushman LR. Atazanavir-Containing Renal Calculi in an HIVInfected Patient. AIDS 2007;21(8):1060-1062.
King T, Bushman L, Kiser J, Anderson PL, Ray M, Delahunty T, Fletcher CV. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometric determination of tenofovir-diphosphate in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. J Chromatogr B
Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2006;843(2):147-56.
Kiser JJ, Lichtenstein KA, Anderson PL, Fletcher, CV. Case Report: The Effects of Esomeprazole on the
Pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir and Fosamprenavir in an HIV-Infected Patient. Pharmacotherapy 2006;26(4):511-4.
Kiser JJ, Anderson PL, Gerber JG. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Pharmacologic Considerations for Antiretroviral
Drugs. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2005; 2(2):61-7.
Review Articles
Kiser JJ. Trends in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus. Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2009;22:405-418.
*continuing education for Pharmacists*
Kiser JJ. Pharmacologic Characteristics of Investigational and Recently-Approved Agents for the Treatment of the
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS 2008;3:330-341.
Kakuda TN, Kiser JJ. 7th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy. Expert Opinion on
Pharmacotherapy 2006;7(11):1519-33.
Kiser JJ, Anderson PL, Kakuda TN. 6th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy. Expert
Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2006;7(2):229-241.
Book Chapters
Kiser JJ, Anderson PL, Fletcher CV. Chapter 139: HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection. Pharmacotherapy Workbook:
A Patient-Focused Approach, 7/e. McGraw-Hill 2008.
Kiser JJ, Fletcher CV. Chapter 14: The Clinical Pharmacology of Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors.
Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics in Theory and Clinical Practice, 2/e. Informa Healthcare, Inc. 2007
Kiser JJ, Anderson PL, Fletcher CV. Chapter 138: HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection. Pharmacotherapy Workbook:
A Patient-Focused Approach, 6/e. McGraw-Hill 2005.
Abstracts/Poster Presentations
Bannon JA, Aquilante CL, Hoody DW, Predhomme JA, Foster CJ, Walker A, Hammond K, Kiser JJ*. Effect of
Transporter Genetics on Rosuvastatin Pharmacokinetics and the Magnitude of the Drug-Drug Interaction Between
Rosuvastatin and Lopinavir/Ritonavir in Healthy Volunteers. American College of Clinical Pharmacy; October 17-21,
2009, Anaheim, CA [abstract 319 ].
Kiser JJ*, MaWhinney S, Kinzie K, Barr E, Simons A, Paul S, Hoody DW, Fletcher CV, Allshouse AA, Weinberg A.
Total and Unbound Lopinavir/Ritonavir (LPV/RTV) Pharmacokinetics (PK) in a Concentration-Guided Study of HIVInfected Women Throughout Pregnancy and Post-partum (PP). 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic
Infections, Montreal, Canada [abstract 946].
Walker AM, Aquilante CL, Anderson PL, Foster CJ, Kiser JJ*. Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/RTV) pharmacokinetics
(PK) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A5 expressors versus nonexpressors. 2008 Spring Research and Practice Forum of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy; April 4-9, 2008;
Phoenix, AZ [Poster #173].
Brousseau K, Connick E, Kaye K, Kiser JJ, Adler L, Filley CM. Cognitive Impairment in the Aging HIV-Infected
Patient. American Neuropsychiatric Association 19th Annual Meeting, March 1-4, 2008, Savannah, GA.
Fletcher CV, King TM, Bushman LR, Kiser JJ, Anderson PL, Brenchley J, Douck D, Schaker T. Compartment
Kinetics of Intracellular Tenofovir. 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA
[abstract 754].
Hoody D, Kiser JJ, Predhomme J, Flynn D, Gerber J. Drug-Drug Interaction between Lopinavir/Ritonavir and
Rosuvastatin. 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 25-28, 2007, Los Angeles, CA
[abstract 564].
Rutstein R, Samson P, Kiser J, Fletcher CV, Graham B, Schnittman S, Smith M, Mofenson L, Fenton T, Aldrovandi
G. The PACTG 1020A Protocol: Atazanavir with or without ritonavir in HIV-infected infants, children, and
adolescents. 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 25-28, 2007, Los Angeles, CA
[abstract 715].
Kiser JJ, Carten MC, Wolfe P, King TM, Delahunty T, Bushman LR, Anderson PL, Fletcher CV*. The Effect of
Lopinavir/Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of Tenofovir in HIV-Infected Patients. 13th Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections, February 5-9, 2006, Denver, CO [poster 570].
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
Page 8 of 9
P Samson P, R Rutstein, T Fenton, J Kiser, CV Fletcher, S Schnittman, L Mofenson, E Smith, B Graham, G
Aldrovandi and the PACTG 1020 Study Team. Changes in Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels among Pediatric
Patients Treated with Atazanavir, With or Without Ritonavir Boosting, the 1020A NIH PACTG Protocol. 13 th
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 5-9, 2006, Denver, CO [poster 689].
Kiser JJ, Carten MC, Anderson PL, Fletcher CV*. The Effects of Lopinavir/Ritonavir on the Renal Clearance of
Tenofovir. 8th Annual Conference on Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy: Making a Difference, May 12-15 2005.
Poster Presentation.
J Kiser, R Rutstein, G Aldrovandi, P Samson, B Graham, S Schnittman, M Smith, L Mofenson, CV Fletcher*, and the
PACTG 1020 Study Team. Pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir/Ritonavir in HIV-Infected Infants, Children, and
Adolescents: PACTG 1020A. 12th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 22-25, 2005,
Boston, MA [poster 767].
R Rutstein, P Samson, G Aldrovandi, B Graham, S Schnittman, CV Fletcher, J Kiser, E Smith, L Mofenson, T Fenton,
and the PACTG 1020A Study Team. Effect of Atazanavir on Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels in HIVInfected Infants, Children, and Adolescents: PACTG 1020A. 12th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic
Infections, February 22-25, 2005, Boston, MA [poster 774].
“Pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/RTV) in HIV-Infected Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Pediatric
AIDS Clinical Trial Group 1020B. 7th Annual Conference on Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy: Making a
Difference, May 13-16 2004. Poster Presentation.
Schwartz RH, Wright S, Justice JA, Deeter RG. Taste Preferences of Less Pleasant-Tasting Antibiotic Suspensions in
Children with Acute Otitis Media and Tonsillitis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1998;27(4):920, Abstract #751.
Kiser JJ, Fletcher CV. Response to "Lack of Evidence for an Effect of Lopinavir/Ritonavir on Tenofovir Renal
Clearance". Clin Pharmacol Ther 2008; 84(6):661.
Kiser JJ. Meeting Report: the 4th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Hepatitis Therapy. National
AIDS Treatment Assistance Program, July 12, 2009.
Kiser JJ. Meeting Report: the 3rd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Hepatitis Therapy. National
AIDS Treatment Assistance Program, April 22, 2008.
Kiser JJ, Fletcher CV. Meeting Report: the 9th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy.
National AIDS Treatment Assistance Program, April 22, 2008.
Kiser JJ, Fletcher CV. Pharmacology Update from the 8th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV
Therapy. National AIDS Treatment Assistance Program, May 7, 2007.
Gerber JG, Kiser JJ. Pharmacology Update from the 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.
National AIDS Treatment Assistance Program, March 14, 2007.
Anderson PL, Kiser JJ. Medscape HIV/AIDS. Pharmacologic review of the 6th International Workshop on Clinical
Pharmacology of HIV Therapy. April 28 – 30, 2005, Quebec City, Canada. 2005. (Available at:
Kiser JJ. Kaletra™. Positively Aware: The Eight Annual HIV Drug Guide; Jan-Feb 2004:30.
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2008 to present
Associate Director for Pharmacokinetics, University of Colorado Denver School of Pharmacy
Center for Translational Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacogenetic Research
7/2008 to 7/2009 Organizing Committee for the 4th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Hepatitis
Therapy, Boston, MA June 2009
8/2009 to 7/2010 Co-Chair, Organizing Committee for the 5th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of
Hepatitis Therapy, Boston, MA June 2010
Jennifer J. Kiser, PharmD
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