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Access 2000
User Levels 1/2/3
Identify what type of information a database has been designed for
Create and modify fields for entering data with field characteristics such as name,
type, size and format
Create and edit a form to enter data
Create queries to find and retrieve information using single or multiple criteria
Input data appropriately to update fields or create new records
Produce, format and edit reports
Perform a data sort
Create relationships
Use Logical operators in multiple criteria queries
Create and use primary keys
Import data from excel
Perform multiple table queries
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Identify what type of information a database has been designed for ............................ 3
Microsoft Access ................................................................................................. 3
Planning a Database ........................................................................................... 3
Database Terminology ......................................................................................... 3
Create and modify fields for entering data ................................................................ 5
Creating a Database............................................................................................ 5
Creating Tables .................................................................................................. 6
Table Design View .............................................................................................. 7
Defining Fields.................................................................................................... 8
Field Properties .................................................................................................. 9
Input Masks ......................................................................................................10
Looking up Values from a list or table ...................................................................11
Perform a data sort ...............................................................................................15
Create relationships ..............................................................................................15
Create relationships ..............................................................................................16
Relationship Joins ..............................................................................................16
Create and use primary keys .................................................................................18
Setting the Primary Key ......................................................................................18
Create and edit a form to enter or View data ...........................................................19
Forms ..............................................................................................................19
Form Wizard .....................................................................................................20
Create queries to find and retrieve information using single or multiple criteria ............29
Queries ............................................................................................................29
Produce, format and edit reports ............................................................................34
Reports ............................................................................................................34
Import data from excel .........................................................................................37
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Microsoft Access
Access 2000 is a database software programme that runs on Windows. Database
software is used to manage data that can be organised into lists of related information,
such as customers, products, vendors, employees, projects or sales. Many small
companies record customer, inventory and sales information in a spreadsheet
programme like Excel. While this electronic format is more productive than writing
information on index cards, Excel still lacks many of the database advantages provided
by Access.
The advantages that database software has over a manual index card system include:
Data entry is faster and easier
Information retrieval is faster and easier
Information can be viewed and sorted in multiple ways
Information is more secure
Information can be shared among several users
Duplicate data entry is minimised
Planning a Database
The first and most important object in a database is the table object because it contains
the raw data – the pieces of information stored in individual fields in the database. When
you design a table, you identify the fields of information the table will contain and the
type of data to be stored in each field. Some databases contain multiple tables linked
In planning a database it is important to:
Determine the purpose of the database and give it a meaningful name
Determine what reports you want the database to produce
Collect the raw data that will be stored in the database
Sketch the structure of each table including field names and data types
Database Terminology
A database is a collection of information associated with a topic (for example sales of
products to customers).
The smallest piece of information in a database is called a field.
A key field (primary key) is a field that contains unique information for each record.
A group of related fields such as a customer name, address and contact details is called a
A collection of records for a single subject is called a table.
An Access database is a relational database in which more than one table can share
information. The term “relational database” comes from the fact that two tables are
linked, or related by a common field.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Tables are the most important object in an Access database because they contain the
data within the database. An Access database may also contain six other objects, which
serve to enhance the usability and value of the data. A list of these is provided below
with a brief description. This course covers Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports.
Contains all the raw data within the database in a spreadsheet-like view.
Tables can be linked with a common field to share information and therefore
minimise data repetition/redundancy.
Provides the user with fields or records from one or more tables. Queries
are created when a user needs to extract data from a table.
Provides and easy-to-use data entry screen.
Provides a printout of data that may contain enhancements such as
headers, footers and calculations on groups of records.
Creates Web pages from Access objects as well as provides Web page
connectivity features to an Access database. Also called Data Access page.
Stores a collection of keystrokes or commands, such as printing several
reports or displaying a toolbar when a form opens.
Stores Visual Basic programming code that extends the functions and
automated processes of Access.
Data can be entered and edited in four of the objects: tables, queries, forms and pages.
Regardless of how the data is entered, it is stored in a table.
Data can be printed from a table, query, form, page or report object.
All of the objects are stored in one database file.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Creating a Database
When creating a new database, you must give it a name. To create a new empty
database, start Access and choose Blank Access database then click the OK button.
Choose the drive and
folder for your new
Type the name for
your new database in
the File Name box
Click the Create
button to name your
The Database window opens:
Database name
Database window
(Control Centre)
Once you have created your database, you need to create objects to store, print, query
and present your data.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Creating Tables
Tables are the most important object in an Access database because they contain the
data within the database displayed in a spreadsheet-like view.
Tables can be linked to other tables with a common field to share information and
therefore minimise data repetition/redundancy.
Tables can be created from the database
window by clicking onto the ‘New’ button
by double-clicking one of the ‘Create table’
Create a table in design view is the
preferred option for creating a table. In
Design view, you specify field names and
field attributes – including the type of data
the field is to store e.g. Text, Yes/No,
Date etc. This specification is then saved
and data can be entered into the table via
Datasheet view.
Creating table by using wizard will create
a table (within pre-set parameters)
according to your responses to options that
it presents to you.
Create table by entering data will allow you to enter data directly into a table without
any named fields
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Table Design View
View button to switch between
design and datasheet views
Design View of a Table
Before you create your table, you will need to decide what Fields you want to include
and what Data you want the fields to contain:
A list of available data types is displayed
when you click into Data Type column:
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Defining Fields
In Table Design view, enter the first field name. Field names can be up to 64
characters long but must not include full stops, exclamation marks or brackets –
spaces are acceptable.
The next step is to define what type of data will be stored in this field. Choose one of
the following data types:
Data Type
Lookup Wizard
The database default. Text fields can contain up to 255
alphanumeric characters. The default is 50.
Similar to a text field, a memo field can hold up to 65,535
alphanumeric characters.
Used for ‘real’ numbers. The field size property of a number data
type will determine how large a number can be stored:
Field Size
Range of values that can be stored:
0 – 255
-32,768 – 32,767
Long Integer
-2,147,483,648 – 2,147,483,647
-3.4 – 10^38
-1.797 to 10^308
Assigns a unique number to each record that is added.
A single bit setting to indicate whether something is in one state or
another – for example Yes or no, True or false etc
Fixed format to 4 decimal places designed to prevent rounding
Used in conjunction with the format property, can be used to
display any date or time in any format, e.g. Short Date, Long Date
Used for objects such as Excel spreadsheets, images, etc. created
in other applications. Can hold up to 1 gigabyte.
Path names for ‘jumps’
Not actually a data type, this wizard can be used to help to create
relationships between two tables and to provide combo-box
(dropdown) lookups.
The description column is optional; you can put explanatory notes in here if you wish.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Field Properties
Field properties allow you to define the characteristics of Data types, such as how they
are displayed or how many characters can be entered.
Each Data type has its own set of properties:
Typical field properties for a
number field
Typical field properties for a text
Typical field properties for a date
To set a field with default settings, no further action is essential. You could move on to
define the next field in the next row. However, you may find it appropriate to set some
properties for the field:
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Field Size
Input Mask
Default Value
If text is the data type, field size equals the number of characters to be
allowed in this field. (This makes no difference to database size).
If numeric is the data type, field size will have named size (e.g. integer).
Some data types will have preset formats that you can utilise – e.g.
short date.
You can also use placeholders to create your own format, e.g. dddd,
Consider using the greater than sign (>) to ensure all text is displayed in
upper case whether entered in upper case or not.
For currency, auto will be set to 2
Different placeholders determine what sort of character is allowable in
what columns e.g. a part number to be entered with three leading alphas,
a dash and four numbers could have an input mask: AAA-0000. Any
attempt to put a number in an alpha position would result in an error
message and vice versa.
If your field names do not make ‘good English’, you could use a caption as
its label on forms. (Example: Some people prefer not to put spaces in
field names and may abbreviate items. The field name ‘custno’ may then
be given a caption of ‘customer number’
If nothing is entered by the data entry operator, the value that is to be
automatically assigned to the field. Often used for current date by using
the function =date() in the default property.
Data entered into the field must conform to any rule placed here. For
example, to ensure that the field ‘colour’ only has entries of red, white or
blue in it, make the validation rule: red or white or blue
The text of an error message returned to the user when they violate the
rule above.
Makes this field mandatory to complete
An index speeds up queries on the indexed fields as well as sorting and
grouping operations. For example, if you search for specific employee
names in a LastName field, you can create an index for this field to speed
up the search for a specific name.
Input Masks
An input mask ensures that the data will fit in the format you define, and you can specify
the kind of values that can be entered in each blank.
Input Mask Codes
Digit (0 through 9, entry required; plus [+] and minus [-] signs not allowed).
Digit or space (entry not required; plus and minus signs not allowed).
Digit or space (entry not required; blank positions converted to spaces, plus and
minus signs allowed).
Letter (A through S, entry required).
Letter (A through S, entry optional).
Letter or digit (entry required).
Letter or digit (entry optional).
Causes all characters that follow to be converted to lowercase.
Causes all characters that follow to be converted to uppercase.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Looking up Values from a list or table
Access will create a field that allows you to choose a value from another table or from a
list of values by using a list box or combo box.
Ensure that the table is saved before using the lookup wizard
Choose data type lookup wizard
To type your own values, choose the I
will type the values that I want
option then click Next:
Enter the text or values you want to be
able to pick from then click Next:
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Choose Finish:
In the Datasheet view of the Table, the lookup is
shown and the value can be selected:
The Lookup tab of Field Properties shows the
Row Source with each entry in quotes and
separated by a semi-colon. You can edit or add to
the list by typing in the Row Source.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
If the lookup values are stored on another table within the
database: Choose data type lookup wizard
Choose I want the lookup column to look up the values in a table or query then click
The lookup wizard will display the other tables in your database. Select the table and
click Next:
The available fields from the table are displayed. Add the fields you want to be able to
pick from and click Next:
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
In this example, hiding the key column
suppresses the “Account No” column.
If you choose to, you can leave this
checkbox blank, and instead of seeing
just a list of customer names, you would
see account numbers in one column and
their corresponding names in the second
Note: It is important to remember that even if you are seeing names not numbers, the
actual value being stored in the underlying database is the account number. Bear this in
mind if you perform filters or finds on the table later!
You can now enter some test data into your table in datasheet view.
When you are satisfied that your table is working and you are able to collect data, you
may want to create a Form to make it easier to display and enter the information.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To change the order that data is displayed in a table, use the Sort buttons on the toolbar
Click into the field you wish to sort by and then click the required sort button.
Table showing sort ascending
Table showing sort descending
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Relationship Joins
In a one to many relationship, a
match is made between the primary
key (in the one side of the
relationship) and the foreign key (the
corresponding field in the many side
of the relationship).
In this example, ‘customer id’ from
the ‘customers’ table is the primary
key. It is linked via a one to many
relationship with the field ‘customer
id’ from the contracts table – the foreign key. (one customer may appear on many
There are two main types of table relationship:
One to One
One record in table (a) matches with one record in table (b)
One to Many
One record in table (a) may match with many records in table (b)
A One to Many is the standard relationship to link two tables.
Items (A)
Acme Drawing
Acme Paper
Stock Control (C)
Item No
Use a One to One relationship to:
subdivide a very wide (i.e. with lots of fields) table to improve performance
to separate sensitive data – e.g. employee name and address in one table, salary and
performance data in another.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To create the relationships use the toolbar button:
In the Show Tables dialogue, add all the tables that you
need to relate; close the Show Table dialogue to
The table ‘windows’ can be moved (via drag and drop)
to the most convenient layout.
To form the links, click onto the primary key and drag
and drop it over its foreign key counter-part.
When you drop over the foreign key, the Relationships
Dialogue Box will appear – enforce the Referential
Integrity and click onto the ‘Create’ button.
Referential integrity
Referential integrity is a system of rules that Microsoft Access uses to ensure that
relationships between records in related tables are valid, and that you don't accidentally
delete or change related data.
Back in the relationships window, your two tables will appear to be joined by a line
similar to the one shown in the picture below. Note that the ‘one’ and ‘infinity’ symbols
are only shown when referential integrity has been switched on. .
To edit the relationship at any time, double click the diagonal
line between the two tables.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Setting the Primary Key
The power of a relational database system comes from its ability to quickly find and bring
together information stored in separate tables using queries, forms, and reports. In
order to do this, each table should include a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies
each record stored in the table. This information is called the primary key of the table.
Once you designate a primary key for a table, to ensure uniqueness, Microsoft Access will
prevent any duplicate or Null values from being entered in the primary key fields.
There are three kinds of primary keys that can be defined in Microsoft Access:
AutoNumber, single-field, and multiple-field.
AutoNumber primary keys
An AutoNumber field can be set to automatically enter a sequential number as each
record is added to the table. Designating such a field as the primary key for a table is the
simplest way to create a primary key. If you don't set a primary key before saving a
newly created table, Microsoft Access will ask if you want it to create a primary key for
you. If you answer Yes, Microsoft Access will create an AutoNumber primary key.
Single-field primary keys
If you have a field that contains unique values such as ID numbers or part numbers, you
can designate that field as the primary key. If the field you select as primary key does
have duplicate or Null values, Microsoft Access won't set the primary key.
Multiple-field primary keys
In situations where you can't guarantee the uniqueness of any single field, you may be
able to designate two or more fields as the primary key. The most common situation
where this arises is in the table used to relate two other tables in a many-to-many
To nominate a field (or fields) as a primary key, open the appropriate table in design
Click into or select the row(s)
nominated for primary key
Click onto the key symbol on
the toolbar
When a field has been nominated as a primary key, a key symbol will appear in its grey
row header.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Properly organised and well-designed forms make a tremendous difference in the
productivity of the end user. Since forms are the primary object used to enter and edit
data, time spent planning a form is time well spent. Forms are often built to match a
source document to facilitate fast and accurate data entry. Now however, it is becoming
more common to type data directly into the database rather than first recording it on
paper. Form design considerations, such as clearly labelled fields and appropriate
formatting are important. Other considerations include how the user tabs from field to
field and what type of control is used to display the data.
When designing your form consider the following:
Define the overall purpose of the form
Determine the underlying record source
Gather the source documents used to design your form or sketch the form on paper if it
does not exist.
Determine the best type of control to use for each element on the form.
You can create a form from scratch using Form Design view or you can use the Form
Wizard to create an initial form that can be modified later if needed.
The Form Wizard provides options for selecting fields, an overall layout, a style and a
form title.
Choose Forms from the Objects
Choose Create from by using
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Form Wizard
Start the Form Wizard and choose the
Table that you want to create a form for:
Note: You may have more than one
table in your database on which to base
your form. You can also create forms
based on queries.
Field selectors:
> Single field
>> All fields
Select the fields you want to include in
your form and click Next:
Choose a layout for your form. A
preview of the layouts is displayed
when the radio buttons for each style is
Columnar is the default option.
Layouts can be edited once the form
has been created.
Click Next:
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Choose a Style for your form.
A preview is displayed when the style
names are selected.
Click Next:
Type an appropriate name for your
Click Finish.
The form is displayed in its own
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Maximise the form window for a complete view:
The form is ready for use, records can be browsed and new records can be entered using
the record navigation buttons:
Number of
displayed record
in the table
First record
in table
record in
New record
Next record
in table
Total number of
records in table
Last record
in table
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Once you have your basic form, all elements can be moved or enhanced. Switch to
design view to change form elements:
The following example is the same form but with heading and image added. The fields
have been arranged and command buttons added to make navigation easier.
Command buttons set to browse
records and add a new record.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
You can modify your form in Design view by moving and re-sizing controls:
Field List button
Toolbox button
Text Boxes
Clicking onto a field in design view selects it. A selected field will have “blocks” around
Hover your mouse pointer over one of the small blocks and it will change to a double
headed arrow  
Dragging the mouse when you have the double headed arrow, will re-size the control.
Hover your mouse pointer over one of the large blocks and it will change to a pointing
Dragging the mouse when you have the pointing hand will move the control.
Hover your mouse pointer over one of the borders and it will change to a “flat” hand.
Dragging the mouse when you have the flat hand will move both controls.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Each control in the form has it’s own unique set of properties which can be customised.
The Form itself can be customised eg background colour.
Ensure the control is selected and choose the Properties button to open the properties
Change the way your form is displayed by
changing the form properties.
Specify if the Stroll Bars, Record Selectors,
Navigation buttons Dividing lines etc. display in
your form.
It is advisable after each change to
switch to form view, to see the effect of
each change.
Labels and Text boxes can be formatted using the
formatting toolbar. They can be repositioned by
dragging the control around the screen. Note: a
“pointing hand” will move a single control, a “flat
hand” will move all the selected controls.
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To create a Form Header, point
between the Form Header and Detail
sections. Your mouse pointer will
change to a double-headed arrow
Drag Down to create some space.
Insert a label by clicking on the label tool in the Toolbox and dragging to create an area
to type into:
Type the label text and click off the label. Click on the label again to see its handles:
With the handles showing, you can
edit the font style and size
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To insert a picture or image choose Object from the Insert
Select Microsoft Clip Gallery and click OK
Insert the image from the gallery.
To re-size the image, set
the Size Mode to Stretch
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To insert record navigation buttons e.g. next record, previous record, new record,
click Command button on the Toolbox. Click onto the form where you want the button
to appear. The command Button Wizard appears:
Choose the record navigation Category and Action you want to perform and click next:
Choose an image for the button and choose next:
Give the button a name and click Finish
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
You can use a Select query to find records. As their name implies, select queries allow
you to select records that match supplied criteria. They can also be used to create new
calculated fields, total fields (domain aggregates) and sort.
To create a new query, click Queries in
the Objects bar then click the Create
query in Design view option:
The Show Table dialogue box appears:
Select the table(s) that hold the records you wish to query and click Add (repeat for each
table) then click Close
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
The Query window opens with the selected tables in the upper section:
Add the fields to the lower section (grid) by double-clicking the table name, then
dragging the selected fields into the grid:
Fields are added to the query grid:
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To add a single field to the query grid, double click it.
Field Name
Table Name
Sort order (ascending/descending)
Show the field in the result of the query
Conditions for the query
Alternative/additional conditions for the query
In order for records to be output from the query, there must be matching records in all
the tables shown.
You can run the query at any time to see the records produced – these are shown in
datasheet view.
To switch back to design view – perhaps to modify the criteria for the query, click
onto the design button on the toolbar:
To add more tables whilst in design view, click onto the Show Tables toolbar button:
To apply criteria to the select query, type an entry under the appropriate column on the
row headed Criteria.
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Common logical operators include:
less than
not equal
wildcard (Like)
less than or equal to
more than or equal to
Between x and y
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
To create a calculated query, in design view of the query, locate the first blank column in
the grid and type the new field name followed by a colon, e.g. Commission:
Type the formula placing field names in square brackets []
The example above is calculating 20% of the field “fee paid”
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Reports are the means that Access provides for creating printed copies of the information
in your database.
To create a report using the Report Wizard, choose the Reports object and then choose
Create report by using wizard.
The Report Wizard dialogue box opens:
Pick the table or query you
want your report based on
Select the fields you want
included in your report, then
click next
Add any grouping levels you
would like in your report,
then click next.
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Choose a sort order for
your report, then click
Choose a layout for your
report, then click next.
Choose a style for your
report, then click next.
Type a title for your report,
then click Finish.
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Your report opens in Print Preview:
Click the View button to
change to Design View
Edit the Report using the same methods as for Form Controls.
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
You can import data saved in a spreadsheet (Excel) into an Access table using the Import
Choose File > Get External Data > Import
Make sure Look in is displaying
the folder where the
spreadsheet is saved and Files
of type is set to Microsoft Excel
Choose the file you want to
import and click Import
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
You may need to prepare your spreadsheet before you import it into Access by ensuring
that there are no blank rows or columns and that the headings can be easily converted.
Follow the on-screen prompts: In a New Table
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
If you have an identifiable field to use as a primary key, specify it, otherwise choose Let
Access add primary key.
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Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1
Name the Table and choose Finish
ICT Training – Desktop Course Documentation
Created by G Leigh – September 2006 – Access User Levels 1/2/3
Version 1.1