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Whitewater Student Government
Senate Meeting Minutes – 2/4/13
I. Call to Order at 7:00pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance-Sen. Klay led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Roll Call
Carp, Daniel (O)
Dudley, Katelynn (O)
Gaudet, Joe (O)
Goodrum, Justin (O)
Goreta, Hannah (O)
Grassnickle, Adam (D)
Hagan, Shannon (O)
Heck, Michael (E)
Holthaus, Jordan (D)
Kats, Lauren (E)
Klay, Johanna (O)
McDarison, Taylor (O)
Morris, Mary (E)
Patterson, Connell III (O)
Peterson, Jeremy (O)
Rajsich, Michael (D)
Runyard, Tim (O)
Selck, Jamie (O)
Strasser, Mike (O)
Tomachek, Lucas (D)
Waldhuetter, Dylan (O)
Zamecnik, Alex (E)
Ziolkowski, Thomas (O)
Roll Call
Tardy Unexcused – 7:03pm
Present – Left at 8:00pm
Present – Left at 8:04
Excused Tardy – 7:20pm
IV. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
A. Minutes
1. Move to approve the Minutes of 1/28/2013 by Sen. Grassnickle, 2nd by Sen. Carp
a. Voice Vote – Motion Passes
B. Agenda
1. Move to approve the Agenda by Sen. Holthaus, 2nd by Sen. McDarison
a. Voice Vote – Motion Passes
V. Special Orders
A. Appointment to Off-Campus Seat (1 Open Seat)
B. Appointment to At-Large Seat (1 Open Seat)
C. Oath of Office
VI. Student Issues and Concerns
Under this section no formal action will be taken, although issues raised may become a
part of a future agenda. Participants will be allotted a 3 minute speaking period. Topics
on this agenda may not be discussed in this section; however, participants are welcome
to speak to agenda items as they appear in subsequent sections.
-Sen. Grassnickle – pool of rain/snow in front of Fricker health hazard as well as
safety hazard
VII. Speakers
Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible.
VIII. Reports
A. Internal Committee Reports
B. External Committee Reports
1. Dining Services - Sen. McDarison and Sen. Kats
C. Officer Reports
1. President Jensen
2. Vice President Jordan
3. WSG Adviser – Ms. Jan Bilgen
4. E-Board Reports
a. Student Affairs Director – Ms. Limerick
b. Academic Affairs Director – Mr. Brady
c. Public Relations Director – Mr. Bristow
d. Financial and Business Services Director – Mr. Murphy
e. Intergovernmental Affairs Director – Mr. Schoate
5. WSG Clerk – Ms. Genrich
6. Deputy Speaker – Sen. Kats
7. Parliamentarian – Sen. Goreta
8. Speaker – Sen. Klay
IX. Unfinished Business
X. New Business
A. Creation Tobacco Free Task Force – Vice President Jordan and Michelle Bertucci
1. Move to create Tobacco Free Task Force by to include one (1) representative from the
Alumni Association, elect a chairman in the first meeting, and to have the minutes of
each meeting sent to Whitewater Student Government members by Sen. Grassnickle,
2nd by Sen. Goreta
i. Move to strike the minutes being sent out to Whitewater Student
Government members by Sen. McDarison, 2nd by Sen. Selck
(1.) Move to exhaust the Speaker list by Sen. Morris, 2nd by Sen. Goreta
(a.) Acclimation called by Sen. Goreta
(b.) Objection called by Sen. Carp
(i.) Voice Vote, motion passes
ii. Move to amend to change the name to Tobacco Policy Review Committee by
Sen. Waldhuetter, 2nd by Sen. Morris
(1.) Acclimation called by Sen. Morris, Motion Passes
iii. Move to amend to add one (1) representative from the Whitewater Police
Force by Sen. Morris, 2nd by Sen. McDarison
(1.) Acclimation called by Sen. Morris, Motion Passes
iv. Move to amend to change “chairman” to chair by Sen. McDarison, 2nd by Sen.
(1.) Voice Vote, motion passes
b. Roll Call Vote: 19-0-2 motion passes as amended
Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible.
Carp, Daniel
Dudley, Katelynn
Gaudet, Joe
Goodrum, Justin
Goreta, Hannah
Grassnickle, Adam
Hagan, Shannon
Heck, Michael
Holthaus, Jordan
Kats, Lauren
Klay, Johanna
McDarison, Taylor
Morris, Mary
Patterson, Connell III
Peterson, Jeremy
Rajsich, Michael
Runyard, Tim
Selck, Jamie
Strasser, Mike
Tomacheck, Lucas
Waldhuetter, Dylan
Zamecnik, Alex
Ziolkowski, Thomas
XI. Issues
XII. Committee Appointments
XIII. Announcements
XIV. Adjournment
A. Move to Adjourn by Sen. Carp, 2nd by Sen. Peterson
1. Voice Vote-Motion Passes
B. Meeting Adjourned at 8:25pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Gretchen Genrich
Whitewater Student Government-Clerk
Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible.
Executive Reports:
President John Jensen- Hello Everyone, I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, I know that I did. Last
week was relatively uneventful... This week we will be having our first Executive Board meeting to start
talking about goals and plans for this semester. Today I sat in on Chancellor's Administrative Staff and
talked about a lot of stuff that we can talk about in the Office if you so choose. Have a great week!
[Hours Last Week: 11 hours]
Vice-President Danielle Jordan- Hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend and had fun watching the
Superbowl. This past week I worked on cover pages for everyone's binders. If I have spelled your name
incorrectly or you find a mistake somewhere, please let me know. Secondly, if you need a binder made
because you do not have one from last semester let me know as well. Last week I also worked with
Michelle Bertucci about the Tobacco free task force, which will be discussed later in the meeting. Please
look over the bullet point sheet that we have handed out and be ready to discuss the task force idea.
Have a great rest of your week!
[Hours Last Week: 10.75 hours]
Student Affairs Director, Ms. Lucretia Limerick- Hope your semester is off to a great start! Last week was
eventful with getting the Involvement week activities finalized. I still need people for the Involvement fair
table for WSG and to help run check in as the day goes on. The other projects I plan to work on for the
semester include the buddy system, adopt-a-lot, new student seminar, project cleanup and any other
events that come up. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on any of the activities my
committee will be focused on this semester feel free to contact me at [email protected]
[Hours Last Week: 11.5 hours]
Academic Affairs Director, Mr. James Brady- Greetings all,
I hope you had a great weekend! Not too much happening in the world of Academics. I unfortunately will
not be able to have a meeting with Provost Kopper until March. I will be meeting with Greg Cook instead
to keep up with what's happening. I will be attending the Academic Affairs Staff meeting on February 12th
to discuss any concerns about Media and Marketing relations. If anyone wants more info or is interested
in attending with me just let me know. I hope you all have a great week!
[Hours Last Week: 10.25 hours]
Public Relations Director, Mr. Dan Bristow- Good Evening WSG!
I hope everyone had a great week, I sure did, it was nice to get back into the swing of things.
We will soon be finding out what committees you're all in, so to reiterate, if you're interested in any kind
of marketing/advertising/public relations/ etc. please make sure to let the speaker know that you'd like to
be on the PR Committee.
I put together a comprehensive schedule with Ms. Bilgen this past week, so baring any unforeseen
circumstances or events (knock on wood) we're pretty set for PR plans for the year.
That's about all I've got for tonight, please let me know if you've any questions or comments!
[Hours Last Week: 14 hours]
Business and Financial Director- Mr. Justin Murphy - Hello. This week I hope to be getting my committee
and get the ball rolling with them. Also, I am working on selling the Student Chamber of Commerce to
local businesses. I am setting up appointments to sit down and meet face to face with the owners and
highlight all the benefits that we have to offer them. I believe this is the best way gain members. We had
an okay response from the flyers we sent out last semester, but these interviews are going to be much
more informative. We will be having our weekly SCOC meeting on Wednesday night at 6pm in UC 260 like
usual. Feel free to come by! Otherwise that is all, have a good week. [Hours Last Week: 10 hours]
Intergovernmental Affairs Director- Mr. Spencer Schoate - I hope everyone had a fun and safe Super Bowl
weekend! I want to start off by thanking everyone again for the opportunity to serve as the first ever
Intergovernmental Affairs Director. I went to the first RHA meeting on Wednesday, January 30 th. The
atmosphere was incredibly inviting and I had a blast! I strongly encourage everyone who lives in the
dorms to get involved with RHA. I met a young man named Michael Riley, the editor of the Royal Purple.
Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible.
He said if WSG has anything they want to be published in the newspaper to let him know. He asks that we
have submissions turned in before each Monday (that’s when they start getting things ready for release
on Wednesdays) His email is [email protected]. For those of you who are interested in being a
Resident Assistant, applications are due on February 14. Summer RA positions are available. Those
applications are due February 13th. HSC applications are available at the Career and Leadership Office or
on Facebook and are also due on the 13th. I will be attending the Common Council meeting tomorrow at
6:30pm. Updates will be available next week!
[Hours Last Week: 8.75 hours]
WSG Clerk, Ms. Gretchen Genrich- This week I worked on the election calendar, which was super fun. Be
looking forward to approving those at next week's meeting. You all also should have a mailbox under
corresponding district and a placard, if you don't have one, let me know and I'll get right on it!
Here's my annoying rant for the week: Please don't write anything besides aye/nay/abstain while voting.
Not only is it distracting from our duties, but it's irresponsible to your constituents. I highly doubt your
constituents would vote for you again if they knew you were misrepresenting them. Have a great week
[Hours Last Week: 11 hours]
Speaker- Senator Johanna Klay – Thank you once again for electing me as the new Speaker of the Senate!
I have been working with former Speaker Senator Holthaus in order to provide the smoothest transition
for everyone as possible. I have put a handout for senators to fill out regarding the respective committees
they are on, and wish to be a part of as well. PLEASE, have these in my mailbox on Wednesday the 6 th by
5pm or else I will not be able to take your feed back into consideration. During the rest of the week I will
be going through committee appointments and will have an updated list provided immediately. As for the
Spring 2013 Retreat that will take place on February 9th from 11am-4pm in ESKER 118—please e-mail
Deputy Speaker Sen. Kats AT LATEST by Wednesday the 6th at 12pm in you are not able to be in
attendance. I will be forming groups and will need to know who will not be present during the meeting.
This Retreat is mandatory for all WSG members, so take the proper precautions if you will not be able to
be there. Also, as a general and friendly reminder of the Standing Rules, please do not have food during
the meeting. Water bottles are fine, and so is soda—but it must have a cap (to prevent messes). I’m really
looking forward to have a productive session this semester, if you ever feel the need to contact me
outside of the meeting to have an informal meeting—don’t hesitate. Thanks!
[Hours Last Week: At least 1 hour]
Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible.