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Microbiology Final Review
1. Ebola Virus
-Gram Staining:
-None because it is a virus
-Long, Filamentous
-Surrounded by a protein/lipid viral envelope
-Pleomorphic (many shapes)
-Virus family filoviridae
-Causes Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
-No known vaccine
-Humans: By direct contact with infected body fluids, or to a lesser extent, skin or
mucous membrane contact
-Generally confined to Africa
-Very lethal, Research is limited, Dangerous to handle, thus can’t use in terrorism
-Unknown Reservoir
-Replicate by budding on surface of the cell
2. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
-Gram Staining:
-None because it is a virus
-Two strains: HIV1 (more virulent) and HIV2
-Technical Name: Retroviridae lentivirus
-HIV is a retrovirus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a
condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail
-Symptoms don't show up frequently so it’s dangerous
-No known vaccine/cure because it mutates quickly
-Sexual route
-Mother to child
-Prevention: Abstinence is safest way and use sterilized needles
-Rampant in South Africa
-One of most destructive pandemics in history
-Virus can stay in body for long time
3. Herpes simplex
-Gram Staining:
-None because it is a virus
-Virions enveloped
-Two Strains: HSV-1 and HSV-2
-Pleomorphic (many shapes)
-Orofacial infection, genital infection, Herpes whitlow, Herpes gladiatorum, ocular
herpes, encephalitis, meningitis, Bell’s palsy, Alzheimer’s disease
-No known cure (disease with you for life)
-Resides as life-long, latent viruses and can be reactivated.
-Symptoms: last for short periods of time and then disappear and reappear (can also
show no symptoms)
-Sexual route
-Humans: by direct contact with a sore or body fluid of an infected individual, or to a
lesser extent, skin-to-skin contact when no symptoms are present
-Prevention: abstain from sexual contact and long-term mutually monogamous
relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected
1. Yeast
-Gram Staining:
-None because it is a fungus, not a bacteria
-Round to ovoid
-Technical Name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
-Breads and beer
-One of the most used eukaryotic model organisms in studies similar to E. coli
2. Lactobacillus
-Gram Staining:
-Facultative anaerobe
-Lactic acid bacteria
-Some can cause dental caries
-Industrially for the production of yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, pickles, beer, wine, cider,
kimchi and other fermented food
1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-Gram Staining:
-Acid-Fast staining to retain dye since it has mycolic acid
-Slender, straight bacillus
-Mycolic Acid (waxy material)
-Obligate aerobe
-No outer cell membrane
-Non-spore forming
-Important to keep taking medicine or disease will come back
-Mostly affects the lungs
-Caused many deaths in the past
-Airborne (Ingested by milk or meat)
-Reservoir is humans
-Facultative intracellular parasite
2. Treponema pallidum
-Gram Staining:
-Difficult to stain (very thick, highly invasive)
-Spirochaete (Helical, spiral shape)
-Causes Syphilis (STD)
-Treat with antibiotics (penicillin)
-No vaccine
-Person to person disease
-Sexual contact
-Mother to infant
-Can’t culture (too dangerous)
3. Staphylococcus aureus
-Gram Staining:
-Coccus (grape-like clusters)
-Known as Golden Staph
-Non-spore forming
-Facultative anaerobe
-Causes pimples, boils, bacterial infections, pneumonia, meningitis, septicemia
-Treatment: used penicillin then Methicillin then vancomycin
-Found antibiotic resistant strain (MRSA- methocillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
- serious situation, trying to create a new antibiotic
-Easy to spread/contaminate (found and can survive everywhere)
4. Escherichia coli
-Gram Staining:
-Symptoms: Nausea, severe abdominal cramps, fatigue, watery or bloody diarrhea, low
grade fever
-Most strains are harmless.
-When they do cause an infection, it usually occurs in the intestinal and urinary tracts
but it can occur at different parts of the body
-O157:H7 is a common strain that causes food poisoning
-Treatment: without treatment, infections will go away within 5 to 10 days, drink a lot
of fluids to keep from dehydration
-Antibiotics: amoxicillin, cephalosporin, carbapenems, Aztreonam
-Live on a wide variety of substrates
-Found to be in intestinal tracts of human and other warm-blooded animals
-Humans: undercooked or raw beef, lettuce, unpasteurized milk or apple juice
-Contaminated well water, lakes, swimming pools
-Prevention: eat thoroughly cooked beef, avoid unpasteurized milk and juices, wash
fresh fruits and vegetables, wash hands, and know where source of water
-Grow as fermenting colonies (growth occurs at 37ºC)
-Helps to protect from bacterial infection, produces minute amounts of Vitamins B12
and K.
-Biotechnology (abundant in the intestinal tract, thus good candidate for research)
-Isolated to produce human insulin
-Used as fecal contamination indicator
-Model Organism
5. Salmonella typhi
-Gram Staining:
-Motile; Has flagella
-Facultative Anaerobe
-Non-spore forming
-Typhoid Fever, Enteric Fever
-Antibiotic treatment
-Only reservoir is humans
-Food-born or fecal-oral route or person to person contact
-Multiply in intestine and spread to surrounding organs
6. Streptococcus pyogenes
-Gram Staining:
-Protein capsule (for defense)
-Grow in chains/pairs
-Aero-tolerant anaerobe
-Non-spore forming
-Strep throat, Scarlet Fever, Erysipelas, Necrotizing facitis, internal flesh-eating disease
-Found in human throat/skin or respiratory tract
-Prevention: washing
1. Bacillus anthrasis
-Gram staining:
-Facultative anaerobe (with or without oxygen)
-Endospore (protein coat to protect)
-Causes anthrax
-Symptoms: flu-like
-Treatment: Use bleach/boil/antimicrobial soap/ antibiotics such as penicillin
-Doesn’t usually affect humans
-Lives in soil
-Inhale by eating
-Why is it used for bioterrorism?
-It can produce endospores and survive in the soil for decades in this state
-What material produced by it?- endospores and some can produce toxins