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Chapter One
Animals and Behavior Study Guide
______ Estivation
A. Chemicals used by animals for communicating
______ Migration
B. A collection of similar cells
______ Innate
C. A tightly-knit group of lions
______ Invertebrates
D. Cell containing a nucleus
______ Vertebrates
E. Example of how animals might deal with food shortage
______ Pheronomes
F. Behavior influenced by genes
______ Pride
G. A learned behavior
______ Tissue
H. Less than 5% of known animal species
______ Eukaryotic
I. An animal without a backbone or skull
______ Reading
J. A state of reduced activity
Section 1
Many animals use ___________, _________ or both to defend themselves against
Behavior is classified as _________ or __________. ___________ behavior is inherited.
___________ behavior depends on experience.
Some animals _________ to find food, water or safe nesting ground.
Section 2
Animals have internal _____________ _________ to control natural cycles.
Daily cycles are called ______________ ______________.
(how your body knows whether it is night or day)
Some animals use the positions of the sun and stars or Earth’s __________ field to
Section 3
Communication must include a signal and a _________.
Two important kinds of animal communication are ___________ and
_________________ displays.
Animals communicate through __________, ____________, __________ and ________.
Group living allows animals to spot both _________ and __________ more easily.
___________of animals are more visible to predators than ___________.
_____________ is an example of how animals might deal with a food shortage.
True or False (If false, give the correct answer)
1. Animals make their own food.
2. Animals are multicellular.
3. Living in groups helps animals find food.
4. Living in groups attracts predators.
5. Living in groups helps prey spot predators.
6. Warning coloration is always a sign that an animal is poisonous to eat.
7. Some birds use the Earth’s magnetic field to attract mates.
8. To defend against predators, an animal might use toxins.
9. Communication occurs only between members of the same species.
10. Animal cells are surrounded by only cell membranes.
11. When a honeybee finds nectar, it communicates where the nectar is to the other
bees by lying on its back.
12. When a predator threatens a herd of musk oxen, they will scatter, allowing each
individual to defend itself because the sacrifice of a few will save many.
Study, Study, Study… good luck on the test!!