Download Career Day – October 31, 2007

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Name _________________
Do you have a career you are interested in? Find out more about it and share
it with our class! Pick one career option you might want to pursue as an
The project will be due: November 30 (visual aids turned in Nov. 28)
There are three components to the project – interview & research process,
written report, and class presentation. Each part will be a separate grade.
A. The Interview & Research Process. First, you will need to find a
person to interview that has the career you are researching or has had the job
in the past. You will plan for the interview by preparing questions in writing
before the interview. During the interview, record the answers to your
questions. The questions and answers will need to be turned in with
your project. Don’t forget to be polite and professional during your
interview. The person you are interviewing is helping you so be sure to
show your appreciation.
B. Written Report. After completing the interview, you may still have
more questions. Feel free to use the internet, books, or any other resources
your parents feel are appropriate to help find more information about your
career. With all that you have learned, create a written report telling me
about what you have learned and if you would like to have this job
someday. Be sure to tell me why you feel that way. You must have an
introduction and a conclusion. The paper should be more than one page in
order to describe the career in complete detail. The report should be well
organized, neat, and free from grammar, punctuation, and capitalization
mistakes. It may be handwritten or typed.
C. Presentation. You will present your career to the class as if you are
already working in that job. You may dress up, bring props or tools of the
trade, and get creative! The only requirement is to make a poster, tri-fold
display, or PowerPoint slide. This visual aid should be informative and
fun. Your presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes. It doesn’t need
to be memorized or read from a script; but please be prepared by rehearsing
at home. If you choose to dress up, you may stay in your costume all day
unless your work uniform involves jeans. You may wear the costume to
school and then change out of the jeans into your school uniform after your
Some things to consider:
 The amount of education or training involved
 Job responsibilities
 Tools
 Attire or dress code for work
 Salary or pay (think about good manners when addressing this
issue – rather than saying “how much do you make” a better
question might be “what is an average salary or salary range
 A typical day
 Can you travel as part of the job?
 Geographic location and physical location of your work
 Safety of the job/is it dangerous?
 Other interesting facts
A rubric is attached to show you exactly where all the points will come from
and how to get a 100!
I will need to know which career you choose to present by November 11 th.
Name _____________________
November 30, 2016
Career Day Project
There will be 3 presentation times. Parents may sign students up for a
specific time slot so that they may come to watch. There will be 6
students presenting in each time slot. More information will be e-mailed
as we get closer to the date (Visual Aid Due: November 28; Presentation:
November 30)
Interview – 1 cumulative grade - Social Studies
____________ 25 points. An interview was completed and submitted. The
date, time, and person interviewed appears on the interview sheet
created by the student.
____________ 50 points. There are several quality questions that show the
student planned for the interview.
____________ 25 points. The student recorded (wrote down) the answers
given from the interviewee.
Written Report – 1 cumulative grade - Language Arts
____________ 15 points. The report is neat and legible – it is the students
best work.
____________ 15 points. The report is free from spelling, punctuation, and
grammar mistakes.
____________ 25 points. The student provides a clear picture of what they
learned about the career.
____________ 25 points. The student tells if they would like to have the job in
the future and why.
____________ 10 points. There is an introduction paragraph.
____________ 10 points. There is a conclusion paragraph.
Presentation – 1 cumulative grade – Language Arts
50 points for the visual aid – this will be turned in November 28th.
___________ 10 points. The visual aid is creative and fun.
___________ 10 points. It clearly states the field that the student is
presenting, and it is turned in on time – November 28th (2 days before the
___________ 10 points. It is neat and organized – easy to read.
___________ 20 points. The visual aid is informative and adds to the
50 points for the presenation
___________ 10 points. It is obvious that the student practiced beforehand he/she is prepared. The presentation is age appropriate.
___________ 10 points. The presentation lasts no more than 5 minutes but is
long enough to learn about the career.
__________ 5 points. The student has a prepared presentation and does
not simply read the written report or read the captions on the visual aid.
(student may read notes off of a notecard).
__________ 5 points. The presenter speaks clearly and practices good
public speaking skills.
__________ 20 points. The audience is able to learn about the career from
the material being shared.