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King Saud University
College of Languages & Translation
Spring Semester 2007
134 Najm
Pre Med Department
First Interm Exam
Student’s Name:___________________________________________ Serial No: ___________
ID No: ______________________________
Group: ______________
Part I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Write the corresponding letter in the box
(10 Marks)
Label the basic components of a model cell:
2. In College, Mona wanted to learn about the structure and functions of cells, so she signed for a
course in:
A. cytoplasty
B. cytology
C. cytolysis
D. histology
3. Dr. Louis used her hands to examine her patient. This technique is called:
A. auscultation
B. percussion
C. palpation
D. inspection
4. The Hippocratic oath is important because it is a promise:
A. to maintain respect for human life.
B. to respect the confidentiality of doctor-patient relationship
C. to use medical tools in the diagnosis of diseases.
D. both A & B are correct.
Which term means a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease?
A. diagnose
B. prognosis
C. diagnoses
D. syndrome
6. They act as morphine like painkilling chemicals:
A. endocrine glands
B. thymus glands
C. exocrine glands
D. endorphins and enkephalins
7. The bones of the fingers and toes are called:
A. carpals
B. tarsals
C. metacarpals
D. phalanges
8. Blood pressure is at its highest point when the heart contracts. This is known as:
A. diastolic pressure
B. systolic pressure
C. low blood pressure
D. bradycardia
9. The alveoli are:
A. branches of the bronchial tree
B. divisions of the lung
C. flexible air sacs
D. the membrane that surrounds the lungs
10. The innermost layer of the skin, also known as subcutis contains:
A. sweat and oil glands
B. fat cells, blood cells and nerves
C. melanin and collagen
D. hair and fingernails
11. The growth hormone (G.H) is secreted by the ____________ glands
A. thyroid
B. pituitary
C. adrenal
D. lineal
12. The flow of blood from the right atrium to the right ventricle is controlled by the ______ valve.
A. tricuspid
B. bicuspid
C. venacava
D. mitral
13. Which term describes the fibrous tissue that connects one bone to another:
A. ligament
B. tendon
C. kneecap
D. cartilage
14. Which membrane surrounds and supports the organs located in the abdomen?
A. the villi
B. the pericardium
C. the peritoneum
D. the periosteum
15. Among the following which is not an instrument used to view parts of the digestive system?
A. colonoscope
B. gastroenteroscope
C. sigmoidoscope
D. cystoscope
16. Breathing out air is called
A inspiration
B expiration
C ingestion
D exhalation
17. The windpipe is known as
A. larynx
B. voice box
C. pharynx
D. trachea
18. Mr. Saure suffered from angina pectoris due to
A. myocardial infarction
B. anemia
C. ischemia
D. fibrillation
19. Two glands located above the kidney are the ______________ glands
A. thymus
B. pituitary
C. endocrine
D. adrenal
20. The muscle separating the chest and the abdomen is
A. the pelvis
B. the diaphragm
C. the cerebrum
D. the diagram
Part II. Write T for True and F for False for the given statements.
(5 Marks)
1) __________ Craniotomy is a surgical incision into the collarbone.
2) __________ Cystocentesis is the surgical removal of fluid from bladder.
3) __________ Tracheorrhagia is an inflammation of the trachea.
4) __________ Haematuria is a condition of blood into urine
5) __________ Bronchiectasis is the death of bronchus or bronchi tissue.
6) __________ Phlebosclerosis is the hardening of the walls of the vein.
7) __________ Hyperpituitarism is a term that means benign tumor of the pituitary.
8) __________ Arterionecrosis refers to the tissue death of an artery or arteries.
9) __________ Urethrodynia refers to condition of pain in the ureters.
10) _________ Periositis is an inflammation of the tissue that surrounds a bone.
Part III.
(A)Complete the following sentences with the correct term. Write the correct answer in the
space provided:
(10 Marks)
1) ________________ is the examination of the dead body to determine the cause of death.
2) Dr. Lawson read the patient’s ___________________________, also known as ECG or EKG.
3) The third part of the small intestine is the _____________________________.
4) The gland behind the stomach is the ____________________________.
5) The coloring pigment found in the epidermis is known as __________________________.
6) The smallest blood vessels are called ______________________________.
7) The largest artery in the body is the _________________________________.
8) The breast bone is also referred to as the __________________________________
9) To burn or destroy dead tissue by heat, electricity or chemicals is to _______________________
10) The yellowish fluid in the blood that contains proteins is ________________________
Part III
(B) Complete the following sentences with the correct medical term.
(10 Marks)
1) The medical term referring to tumor in brain _____________________
2) Mr. Green’s muscle wound required suturing. This procedure is called ___________________
3) Mr.Ramon has an abnormally slow heart beat. The medical term for this is ________________
4) The medical term meaning surgical repair of the tracheas is _________________________
5) Amy Rose required a surgical puncture to remove fluid from liver. This procedure is called
6) ______________________ was performed on the patient to create an opening between the
colon and the stomach.
7) After diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma, the surgeon ordered the removal of the kidney known as
______________________________( don’t use ren/o)
8) My uncle underwent surgical repair of the bladder. The nephrologists called it
9) Mr.Rauof is suffering from narrowing of thorax also referred to as ________________________
10) Sarah wants to specialize in the study of the nose and larynx. The course name is ___________
(don’t use nas)
Part IV Using slashes divide the following terms into parts and give the meaning of the entire
(10 Marks)
1) Osteotomy
2) Angiectasis
3) Lithonephrtis
4) Hyperglycemia
5) Proctosigmoidomegaly __________________________________________________________
6) Pharyngolaryngectomy
7) Rhinorrhoea
8) Pleurodynia
9) Urethrocystopexy ______________________________________________________________
10) Cerebrosclerosis ______________________________________________________________
Part V The circulatory system consists of the heart and the vessels that transport blood. Label
the following structures in the diagram:
(5 Marks)