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Final Exam Review 3 - Biology
Pg. 195-198
49. Is evolution through natural selection random?
50. What is convergent evolution?
51. What is divergent evolution?
52. What is coevolution?
53. What is competitive relationship?
54. What is extinction?
55. What is background extinction?
56. What is mass extinction?
Pg. 204-206
57. What are index fossils used for?
58. What are the three basic units of time for the geologic time scale?
59. The last tens to hundreds of millions of years is known as __________.
60. A geologic time scale that lasts tens of millions of years.
61. The smallest unit of geologic time, which lasts several million years.
62. What are the three eras in the geologic time scale?
63. Paleozoic means ______________.
64. Mesozoic means ______________.
65. Cenozoic means ______________.
Pg. 221-223
66. The study of the relationship among organisms and their environment is known as
67. What is an organism?
68. A group of the same species that live in one area is known as ______________.
69. Group of different species that live together in one area is known as _____________.
70. All the species and the climate, dirt, water, rocks in an area are known as _________.
71. What is a biome?
72. The act of carefully watching something over time, is known as _______________.
73. What is experimentation?
74. ____________ is creating different scenarios to see what would happen to a
population or environment under a specific condition.