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Brianna Calhoun
Is My Burger going to Eat me Instead of Me eating it?
Fast Food is Taking over our Lives. Can we Survive with Fast Food?
Is Fast Food Killing Us? The
number of Fast Food costumers is 50
million each day. Of these, 6% or 3
million, eat Fast Food every day. An
estimated 300,000 deaths a year are
related to obesity, according to US
Surgeon General David Satcher, who
called for removal of Fast Food from
schools due to a growing epidemic of
obesity. Obesity can lead to many
other diseases, including: type 2
diabetes, heart disease, high blood
pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea and
Are the Ingredients In Fast Food
Causing Health Problems?
1. High Carbohydrate/Simple
Sugar – Increases risk of heart
disease, diabetes, depletes key
nutrients (B Vitamins and
2. High Fat- Increases risk of
cancer, diabetes and heart
3. High salt- Raises blood
4. Low Fiber- Associated with
Figure 1. Hamburger with fries and a
increases risk of colon caner,
heart disease, diabetes, and
What in Fast Food is addicting?
1. Sugar- Offers the same addictions as in
bingening, withdrawal and cravings.
Are there any Fast Food restaurants that are
2. Convenience- Mcdonalds reastuarnts are
everywhere in America.
Most resturants have a healthy menu but are they really
3. Economy/ Value Meal- People love low
healthy? People have to be careful of where to go
prices, and Mcdonalds earns billions each year.
because when restaurants say they are healthy, it does
4. High Calorie Foods- “Our brains envolved
not really mean they are healthy. For example,
during a time when food was scarce, so we
Mcdonalds offers healthier salads, but those salads
became adept at choosing foods that packed
have all the ingredients as the regular menu items have.
calories” (Gowin).
Subway promotes itself as a healthy sandwich place,
5. Speed of Satisfying Hunger- Fast Food hits
but its food has a lot of sodium and carbohydrates. All
the blood stream quickly,acting like a drug,
the sugars dressing, chips and sodas do not make a
and causing carvings. For a hit of Fast Food all
healthy meal. Cooking a home cooked meal is a lot
a person needs to do is wait in a drive thru for
a couple of minutes.
6. Branding- Employees have a script greeting,
every menu looks the same, and the sign is
Go to websites like,, where
everywere inside and out.
people can search for the
7. Memory and food
nearest restaurants with healthy
“Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different
additives(Flavoring an
options by zip code. Another
Preservatives)recommendation is to not go
The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and/or
Researchers gave
out to fast food restaurants all
body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is
children regular nuggets
the time. For people who are
greater than what's considered healthy for his or her
and Mcdonalds nuggets.
healthy, one to two times a
The kids picked
month at most is okay. For
height. Obesity occurs over time when you eat more
Mcdonalds chicken
people who have health
calories than you use. The balance between calories-in
nuggets because it
problems, they should avoid
and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that
reminds them of the
going to fast food restaurants.
might affect your weight include your genetic makeup,
happy meal (Gowin).
Make a home cooked meal
overeating, eating high-fat foods, and not being
physically active. Being obese increases your risk of
diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some
cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of
your weight can delay or prevent some of these
diseases. For example, that means losing 10 to 20
pounds if you weigh 200 pounds.” (Medline Plus)
“Should I eat that?”Spring 2014
“Should I eat that” Spring 2014
Work Cited
Gowin Joshua. “7 Things McDonald’s know About Your Brain”. You Illimmated. 16 March 2014. 8 August 2011.
“Fast Food Statistics”. Statistic brain. 16 March 2014. 1 Jan. 2014.\
“Will Fast Food Be the death of us?”. Abcnews. 16 March 16, 2014.8 Jan, unknown.
“Obesity”. Medline Plus. 16 March 2014.
“Should I Eat That?” Project, HTHI Fall 2013