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Baird Chem in Your life Chapter 10
1. Which of the following is needed in very small amounts in the human body?
a. vitamins
b. minerals
c. fats
d. proteins
a: Vitamins are explained on page 365.
2. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?
a. C
b. A
c. D
d. E
a: This is explained on page 366.
3. Which of the following vitamins is considered to be an antioxidant?
a. E
b. B
c. D
d. A
a: Vitamin E, the most effective antioxidant, is explained on page 369.
4. Which of the following vitamin deficiency will cause scurvy?
a. C
b. A
c. B
d. E
a: Scurvy is a disease in which there is a vitamin C deficiency.
5. Which of the following vitamins is needed to make the proteins that are involved in blood clotting?
a. K
b. D
c. E
d. B
a: This is explained on page 369.
6. Which of the following is used as an additive to preserve foods?
a. benzoic acid
b. acetic acid
c. malic acid
d. formic acid
a: This is explained on page 374; benzoic acid is the most effective.
7. Which vitamin has seven different forms?
a. B
b. A
c. C
d. D
a: This is illustrated on page 368 in Table 10.1
8. Tuna, salmon, fish oils, and milk are significant sources of which vitamin?
a. D
b. B
c. C
d. D
a: This is illustrated in Table 10.2 Properties of vitamins.
9. Which of the following is used as a common herbicide?
a. 2,4-D
b. DDT
c. malathion
d. methoxychlor
a: This is explained on page 380.
10. What is DDT commonly used as?
a. a common insecticide
b. a herbicide
c. a weed killer
d. a fungicide
a: This is explained on page 381.
11. One advantage of an organic phosphate used as a pesticide is that _____.
a. it is nonpersistent
b. it bioaccumulates
c. it biomagnifies
d. it does not bioconcentrate
a: This is explained on page 382.
12. An important organophosphate insecticide is “malathion” because _______.
a. it has a high LD50
b. it has a low LD50
c. it is soluble in H2O
d. it is insoluble in H2O
a: The higher the LD50, the safer it is to humans, and organophosphates have a high LD 50 .
13. Which of the following is most toxic to human beings?
a. aldicarb
b. carbaryl
c. diazinon
d. chlopyrifos
a: The LD50 = .9mg/kg, which is very toxic.
14. PCBs are very common industrial organochlorine chemicals and have been a problem in our
because _______.
a. they have a very low LD50
b. they have very low vapor pressure
c. they biomagnify in food chains
d. they have a very high LD50
a: The LD50 has a very low value for toxicity, which makes it very toxic.
15. Currently, which is the greatest source of anthropogenic dioxins in the environment?
a. incinerators
b. bleaching of pulp
c. weed killers
d. PCBs in electrical transformers
a: This is explained on page 393.