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Don’t Catch a CA Flu!
As senior year is approaching, students expect a sweet summer and a fun filled
ride next year. College acceptances, grad bash, and prom give the impression that senior
year will be the greatest year of high school. But there is something threatening lurking
nearby. Some will begin to feel ill right before a paper is due. Others may just not have
the stamina to attend all classes. This will most likely strike everyone at some point or
another. Writingalgia? Absentiasis? No, it’s something much worse…
Senioritis is a crippling disease that causes students, even CA students, to mutate into
academic sloths.
Symptoms include a lack of studying, a nonchalant attitude, and frequent absences. The
only sure fire cure is an occurrence known as graduation. Thankfully there are
preventative and remedial measures that can help fight it. Also, it is important to
remember that when fighting against senioritis, students are their own worst enemies; it
disease is self-created, due to a lack of strong will. Guidance Counselors suggest that we
stay off of Facebook and away from the phone when completing homework and avoid
Harmful Effects:
It is also extremely contagious, so avoid situations with those who are infected. Senioritis
infected students can be found crawling in the LRC the day before big papers are due, or
sometimes even the day of! You’ve seen them. They are the kids banging their heads
against the computers, relentlessly trying to raise their Writers Workbench scores just
those extra fractions of a point! They are the kids whose fingers are whizzing across the
keyboard as they try to complete their first drafts. And worst of all, they are the kids who
have already finished their papers and ask you to go to lunch with them, further infecting
the people around them.
Unfortunately, Senioritis is a misleading term. It doesn’t only apply to seniors. Some
people have had it since freshman year and many have already come into contact with it.
Senior year will be here in the blink of an eye, so take a stand and battle this dreaded
disease. Students’ futures are on the line and they cannot be taken advantage of by a CA