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Unit 9: Post WWI, Totalitarianism & WWII (Chap. 28 & 29)
Chapter 28 The Age of Anxiety pg. 921-948
1. Existentialism
2. Logical Impressionism
3. Functionalism
4. Bauhaus
5. Dawes Plan
6. Kellogg-Briand Pact
7. Mein Kampf
8. The New Deal
9. Social Democrats
10. Popular Front
1. Friedrich Nietzsche
2. Albert Einstein
3. Sigmund Freud
4. Virginia Woolf
5. Franz Kafka
6. Leni Riefenstahl
7. Raymond Poincare
8. John Maynard Keynes
Chapter 28 Reading Questions
Philosophy, Literature & Art of the post war era (pp. 921-937)
1. Discuss the meaning behind poet Paul Valery’s statement “crisis of the mind.”
2. Explain how modern philosophy differed from pre WWI philosophy.
3. Identify the differences between the Existentialist & the Christian Existentialist by discussing the
philosophies of at least one individual from each philosophy.
4. Describe Freud’s theory of the unconscious mind by identifying the id, ego, and superego and
how they relate to each other.
5. Analyze the stream-of-consciousness technique by discussing specific 20th century writers and
their work.
6. Describe the painting style impressionism and identify the French artists who pioneered it.
7. Explain how postimpressionism or expressionism differed from the earlier impressionist style
and discuss the significant artist that contributed to the new style.
8. Discuss how Surrealism and Dadaism reflected the mood and attitude of post-WWI Europe.
9. Read (pg. 934-935) Picasso & Modern Art – Describe the periods of Picasso’s art by discussing the
significant paintings from each period.
10. Discuss how governments of the early 20th century utilized radio & motion pictures.
Post War Governments, Diplomacy, & the Great Depression (pp. 937-948)
11. Describe the events of the Rhur Crisis of 1923.
12. Explain how the economic relief of the Dawes Plan led to a temporary sense of international
stability by discussing the “spirit of Locarno” and the Kellogg Briand Pact.
13. Discuss how the collapse of the stock market in 1929 triggered a global economic depression.
14. Explain how Keynes economics differed from the popular economist of the early 20th century.
15. Describe how mass unemployment led to greater social problems.
16. Explain how Scandinavia’s welfare socialism served as a “middle way” between the opposites in
capitalism and communism or fascism by discussing welfare socialism.
Chapter 29: ID-Sigs Dictatorships and the Second World War (pp. 953 – 984)
1. Totalitarianism
2. Fascism
3. Five-Year Plan
4. Collectivization
5. Kulaks
6. “The Great Purge”
7. Black Shirts
8. Lateran Agreement of 1929
9. Nazism
10. Mein Kampf
11. Enabling Act
12. Nuremberg Laws
13. “Kristallnacht”
14. Appeasement
15. Rome-Berlin Axis
16. Spanish Civil War
17. Sudetenland
18. Munich Conference
19. Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
20. Blitzkrieg
21. Battle of Britain
22. “Final solution of the Jewish question”
23. Auschwitz-Birkenau
24. Holocaust
25. Unconditional Surrender
26. Grand Alliance
27. Battle of Stalingrad
28. Battle of the Coral Sea
29. Battle of El Alamein
30. Atomic Bomb
1. Joseph Stalin
2. Alexandra Kollontai
3. Benito Mussolini
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Karl Lueger
6. General Hindenburg
7. Heinrich Himmler
8. General Francisco Franco
9. Neville Chamberlain
10. Winston Churchill
11. Philippe Petain
12. Dwight D. Eisenhower
13. Charles de Gaulle
14. President Harry Truman
Chapter 29 Reading Questions
Totalitarianism & Stalin (pg. 953-963)
1. Explain how earlier forms of conservative authoritarianism differed from the 20th century totalitarian
2. Discuss how the goals and characteristics of Fascism differed from Marxism.
3. Why did Lenin implement the NEP, and to what degree was it successful?
4. Analyze the degree of success of Stalin’s five-year plan by discussing its achievements and failures.
5. Analyze the methods used by Stalin to bring the peasants or the “cursed problem” under his control,
and discuss the results of these tactics?
6. Discuss the social and cultural changes in Russia that resulted from Stalin’s attempt to create a “new
kind of society and human personality”?
7. Why did Stalin initiate the “Great Purges,” and what were the lasting results?
Fascism & Nazism (pg. 964-984)
8. What were the circumstances under which Mussolini rose to power in Italy? What were his goals and
tactics for obtaining and holding power?
9. Analyze the early life of Adolph Hitler and how it influenced his political philosophy?
10. Analyze the factors and conditions that led to Hitler’s rise to power in Germany?
11. Discuss the means by which Hitler was able to achieve an iconic image in pre WWII Germany.
12. Describe the Munich Conference of 1938 and Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement. Why were so
many British willing to appease Hitler? What was the result of the Munich Conference?
13. Identify the diplomatic steps that Hitler took that led to World War, focusing on alliances, annexations,
and invasions.
14. Discuss the different aspects of Hitler’s “New Order” and the methods he used in attempting to
establish it.