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Hugh Simmons
14530 Manor Rd.
Phoenix, MD 21131
[email protected]
I would like to ask for your support of my nomination to the position of National Audubon's
Regional Director for the Mid-Atlantic Region.
I am currently Vice President of the Chesapeake Audubon Society in Maryland. I have served on
their board in a variety of roles since 1994 including President and Treasurer. I was a participant
in the Audubon Council of Maryland prior to the formation of the Audubon Maryland-DC state
office. Then, as the State office was being formed I was an active chapter representative and
participant in its planning. Since then I have served on the board of Audubon Maryland-DC as a
chapter representative, Secretary and currently Chapter Relations Committee Chair. I also have
served for many years on the board of the Pickering Creek Audubon Center.
My experience across all levels of local Audubon activities has prepared me well to represent
regional interests on the National Board. Audubon chapters provide a network of grass-roots
connectivity to members and the public that few other conservation organizations have. Through
their work chapters directly connect people with nature and provide education, conservation and
advocacy on important local, regional and national issues. The work that chapters are doing is
impressive and their potential is vast. I believe that it is the role of the Regional Director to
support this work and potential by serving as a bi-directional conduit of information between the
chapters and State offices and the National Board and National Audubon. I seek to gain an
understanding of each chapter’s and State’s issues and priorities and how they relate to the
region and National Audubon's goals and priorities. As Regional Director I will provide email
updates after each national board meeting to keep the chapters and States informed
on National Audubon priorities and direction. It is also be my goal to visit chapters and States
within the region when possible.
I am an avid birder and nature photographer and regularly lead field trips for the Chesapeake
Audubon Society. My professional career is in academic practice management. I have a
Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Masters of Business Administration and am currently
Senior Administrator of the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Maryland School
of Medicine.