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Semester #1 – GeoScience Review Guide – Final Exam
Scale & Scientific Inquiry:
1. What is a light-year? How big is it in kilometers?
2. In your scale model of the Solar System, the scale was 1 cm = 10,000,000,000 km. Jupiter is
778,000,000 km from the sun. On your scale model, how many cm was Jupiter from the sun?
3. Is this a true or false statement? 104 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
4. What is 1,430,500,000 km expressed as in scientific notation?
5. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately _______________________.
6. Rank the following in order from smallest to largest: megameter, nanomter, kilometer
7. One millimeter equals how many meters?
8. Stellar distances are usually expressed in what units?
9. What is the name of the variable that the scientist controls in an experiment?
10. Is this statement an Observation or an Inference? Apollo 13 clip - “There is gas venting into space...”
11. In the Astronomical Distances activity that you mapped out on the adding machine tape, what was most
notable about the planets and their relationship to one another?
12. If the moon's diameter is 3,476km and the Earth's diameter is 12,756km, what is their ratio to one
another? (in other words... how many moons does it take to make one Earth?) **NO CALCULATORS
13. Turn 108,000,000 into correct scientific notation.
Galaxies & The Universe:
14. Which is larger: Star, planet, galaxy, or globular cluster of stars?
15. What is a galaxy?
16. List the 3 types of galaxies.
17. At its nucleus, the Milky Way Galaxy is about 100,000 light-years wide and ________ light-years thick.
18. What advantage do space telescopes have over telescopes used on Earth?
19. A spiral galaxy has a nucleus of (bright / dim) stars.
20. About 60% of all known galaxies are classified as what type of galaxy?
21. Describe an Elliptical Galaxy, including what type of stars are found there…
22. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
23. What is the name of the galaxy in which we live?
24. Parallax Lab - Objects that are closer to Earth have a (Larger / Smaller) parallax shift.
25. Parallax Lab - What is the Parallax Effect used for in Astronomy?
26. In the Balloon Lab: What did the dots on the balloon represent?
27. How long ago do astronomers believe that cosmic background radiation formed? (in relationship to the
big bang)
28. According to Hubble's Law, galaxies are retreating at a speed that is proportional to their ___________.
29. Describe what the significance is in the spectra of galaxies when there is a greater “red shift”.
30. In the Balloon Lab: What did the balloon model for you?
31. In the Balloon Lab: What did the balloon itself represent?
32. According to the big bang theory, when did the universe begin?
Stars & The Sun:
33. What is the source of the Sun’s energy?
34. When two hydrogen atoms combine during nuclear fusion, what is produced?
35. Gamma rays, X-rays, visible light, and radio waves are all types of ____________________________.
36. Why do sunspots appear dark?
37. Where is our Sun located in the Milky Way?
38. Know the parts of the Sun and what they look like…
39. By observing sunspots, what did Galileo conclude?
40. Which term describes a cloud of dust and gas in space, the birthplace of stars?
41. The layer of the Sun that radiates most of the light that reaches Earth is called the _________________.
42. Where do stars spend 90% of their life cycle?
43. The thin orangish-red rim seen around the sun during a total solar eclipse is called the ___________.
44. What is important about Hubble’s discovery that there is a red shift in the spectra of galaxies?
45. What object in space is so dense that even light can not escape?
46. Which type of spectrum is observed when studying the light radiation given off by most stars?
47. Where are the Blue stars located in the H-R Diagram?
48. The most stable stage of a star's life cycle, no matter what the starting mass, is called the ____________
49. List at least three things that the HR Diagram reveals about stars.
50. Using the Doppler Effect, what can astronomers determine about a star?
51. Stars that have low mass or medium mass live (longer / shorter) lives than stars with high mass.
52. What information does a star's spectrum offer about the star?
53. What life cycle stage is our Sun currently in?
54. What is the next stage of our Sun’s life cycle?
55. Which elements are contained in the unknown star?
56. During the life cycle of a Massive star, what stage will it
enter after it leaves the main sequence stage?
57. Spectroscope Lab - What type of spectrum was given off by the three gas tubes?
(you saw mostly black with a few wavelengths of color)
58. The weak outermost layer of the sun is called the __________________.
59. A medium or low mass star that has exhausted (used up) most of its nuclear fuel - in its final stage, is
called ________________.
60. How long can our Sun continue to exist in its present stable state?
Gravity & Orbits:
61. True or False: Orbital period increases as orbital distance increases.
62. What shape are the orbits of planets around the Sun?
63. Earth is the _________ planet from the Sun.
64. Which of the following is NOT considered part of our solar system?
(Sun / Terrestrial Planets / Galaxies / Jovian Planets)
65. Which planet is closest to the Sun?
66. Which of these is bigger?
(Sun / Solar System / Universe / Milky Way)
67. On the moon, you'd be able to lift ________ times as much as you can on Earth, and it would feel
exactly the same.
68. When a planet is closer to the Sun, it moves (faster / slower) in its orbit.
69. Almost all of the mass of our solar system is located within what object?
70. Which planet has been explored by the rovers Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity?
71. The turning or spinning of a body on its axis is known as ________________________.
72. The formation of the solar system from a huge cloud of dust and gases is called the __________ theory.
73. The gravitational pull of a planet is determined by that planets _______________.
74. The apparent westward movement of a planet against the background of stars is called ____________.
75. The force that gravity exerts on an object is called ____________.
76. Earth is closes to the Sun at a point called _________________________.
77. Earth's axis slowly but continuously points in different directions, a movement known as __________.
78. What movement of Earth is responsible for day and night?
79. The motion of the Earth traveling around the Sun is called __________________.
80. According to the third law of planetary motion, the period of revolution of a planet is related to the
planet's _____________.
Mapping Our Earth:
81. On a topographic map, what do lines that are close together represent?
82. How many GPS satellites do you need to locate only the latitude and longitude of your location? (2D)
83. What is GIS?
84. A map with a scale of 1:24,000 means what?
85. What is the name of the imaginary line on a globe located at 0 degrees longitude?
86. What is Longitude?
87. What is the name of the imaginary line on a globe located at 0 degrees latitude?
88. List the four sources of GPS signal interference.
89. True or False: No matter what type of map is made, some portion of the surface will be distorted
because of the original round shape of the Earth.
90. Textbook – pg. 11: Find the Latitude & Longitude for points A – E
A = _________ B = __________ C = __________
D = __________
E = __________
91. What do Topographic Maps show?
92. What do tick marks pointed inward in a circle represent on a Topographic Map?
93. What geometrical concept did we use to find a location using GPS systems?
94. What does "P" in GPS stand for?
95. True or False: Contour lines on a Topographic Map can cross.
Cycles of Our Earth:
96. List three main sources that are responsible for rising levels of Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
97. In what form is most of the Carbon found on Earth?
98. What percentage of the atmosphere is composed of Nitrogen gas?
99. What compound is formed when Carbon dioxide reacts with water?
List at least three Carbon reservoirs.