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Breaking News:
Offers to Join the
Potential for exceptional photo and
film record of sponsors' products in
action on The Roof of the World
EVEREST: Friendship Beyond Borders Expedition
We know that the Otto Bock Company Group is a proven partner and sponsor in fostering
the benefits of sport for the physically disabled. Because of this, we are very proud to list
Otto Bock among the sponsors of our expedition. We deeply appreciate the products you
have donated already to its success.
However, now there is more that we can do together to create very tangible bottom line
success for the Otto Bock Company Group. We ask for your additional support for this very
valuable new member of the team.
We would like to welcome to our expedition team a seasoned photographer and
cinematographer, Mr. Lincoln Else. His job would be to provide outstanding still photos and
film footage of the expedition. One of a family of award-winning documentary filmmakers in
America (creators of "Cadillac Desert", "The Day After Trinity", "Yosemite:The Fate of
Heaven", etc.), Lincoln will be able to create exciting and inspiring images and footage of the
Otto Bock products in action on "The Roof of the World".
It is easy to imagine how powerful these images would be displayed in your Annual Report, at
your Shareholders Meetings, in print and television ads, or in collateral marketing materials.
Consider how easily your sales team would be able to capture the attention of customers,
and convince them of the strength and superiority of your products, by showing some
images or a film clip of your products being used to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.
Additional funds needed to provide this added value to the expedition
In order to make this happen, our expedition will now need to solicit additional funds to
cover the increased costs of specialized equipment, travel, and provisions for this new
member of the team. We feel very strongly, however, that the return on investment for
these increased costs will be huge--particularly for Otto Bock. Here is why...
Disabled Climbers are not only inspiring achievements in sport, but also
in world peace
One of the newest and most exciting new aspects of climbing and mountaineering is the
growing organization and global visibility of disabled climbers. In 2003, quadruple amputee
Jamie Andrew of Scotland collected an award for the ‘Swiss Summit’, a joint climb by Indian
and Pakistani mountaineers to promote protection of the environment and peace zones
through sport and cultural links. The award was presented at the 2nd Global Summit for
Peace through Tourism in Geneva by the International Institute for Peace through Tourism
Louis D’Amore, founder and president of IIPT, said: “This was the first time the flags of
the two nations had flown together on a mountain summit...None of the ascents had been
made before by a quadruple amputee. Jamie Andrew shows that mountaineering is accessible
to all”. On hearing about the recognition for the Swiss Summit, Jacques Rogge the President
of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said: “This project in itself is a true
demonstration of values inherent to sport such as courage, friendship, respect, peace and
universality. We can only praise such a commendable project and achievement.” In 1999,
Jamie Andrews lost both hands and feet to frostbite. Now he is being honored around the
world for his inspiring example and work. This spring, Nawang Sherpa will do the same,
thanks to the support of Otto Bock.
Climbing is on track to become one of the Olympic and Paralympic sports
Our research shows that you are already very active in sponsoring disabled athletes in the
more traditional sports such as those in the Paralympics. But you may not be aware of the
large and very rapidly growing sport of climbing, particularly indoor climbing as shown in the
picture of Nawang at the top of this page. Indoor climbing as a sport has literally exploded
in the past ten years, with strong growth predicted for the future. The reason is quite
simple: the rapid growth of indoor climbing gyms and walls has introduced the sport to
millions of people around the world. Enjoying the sport of climbing is no longer limited by
one's access to outdoor cliffs and mountains. Now the huge populations of urban dwellers
around the world are embracing the sport.
Indoor climbing is inexpensive, comfortable, and safe. Competency can be gained very
quickly. People of any body type can excel; in fact, it favors those who may be at a
disadvantage in other sports. Young girls and women are often better climbers than boys
and men. Smaller people are often better climbers than larger people. This kind of new
success provides tremendous self-confidence in young and old alike. As more people around
the world try climbing, and are captivated by its physical and psychological benefits, the
sport has become much more of a "mainstream" activity. Even the corporate world has
begun embracing climbing, particularly mountaineering, as a metaphor for success and high
achievement (see some recent examples). In the next winter Olympics, ski mountaineering,
which combines the excitement and rigors of skiing with some mountain climbing and
rappelling, will take its place as a "demonstration sport". Indoor climbing is being moved
along the same track for Summer Olympics in the future.
For these reasons, we believe that Otto Bock could leverage the high quality photos, sound
recordings, and movie footage provided by our expedition to capture interest and generate
new excitement in all its products and activities.
Your additional support of the Friendship Beyond Border Expedition will
provide long-term proof of your corporate commitment to innovation and
reaching for the highest goals in life
We agree strongly that friendship and camaraderie between physically disabled and ablebodied people are very important to all of societies around the world. Equal rights for the
physically disabled are part of basic human rights, and should be recognized as such. And
although seamless integration of disabled and able-bodied may be an idealistic goal in
society at large, we laud your enduring commitment to reaching that goal.
We would like to provide Otto Bock with the highest quality photographic and cinemagraphic
proof of that commitment. By providing additional support for our team
photographer/cinematographer, Otto Bock will guarantee that it will have the sounds and
images that will clearly set it apart from the competition for years to come.