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Lighthouse Christian Fellowship
Pastor Don Parnell – [email protected]
We are a blessed people to know that our part in this great transfiguration is interpreting itself. We can
look at the “Age of the Church” and the past forty three years since the opening of the seals and see how
God has upheld the words of his prophets. Paul showed us how we had entered the “Age of the Church”
and gave us the secret that we were in the loin of God’s mind before there was a world and then we were
in the loin of Jesus in his body. Revealing to us that we have already been resurrected, caught up,
raptured away with Christ in his resurrection and ascension. We are already in Heavenly places and we
entered there by “One Holy Ghost Baptism”. This is our true adoption, our positioning in Christ. It is our
Theophany predestinated to the elected piece of earth for us to live the life of Christ in a restored body.
We wanted to show you how firm our prophet is in this teaching.
PERSEVERANCE_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0113E 12 Aren't we happy? We haven't got a thing to
worry about, not a thing. We've anchored in Christ, setting in Heavenly places, caught up in Rapturing
grace right now, setting in His Presence in Heavenly place in Christ Jesus. Death itself can't touch
us. Anchored away, nothing can bother us, just simply secured and waiting for His Coming. And we're
grateful for this.
[Caught up in Rapturing Grace Right Now. Isn’t our Lord wonderful to reveal these things to His Seed. All
other will fail to see and put it off into the future.]
If we believe the whole Thing, there would be a spring of joy in our souls, because we are
raised with Him in the likeness of His resurrection, now sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
with all principalities and powers and darkness under our feet. We have a right, with the Blood of
Jesus Christ, our Token, that we are a purchased of God. That, God has paid our redemption,
through Jesus Christ, and we have a right to hold that Token over anything that we ask, and
receive it. God said so! That settles it. If we could just believe all the Scriptures!H
N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802
That's the same thing He does when He gives you the Holy Ghost baptism with Fire. He can
come and dwell with you, and we can sit in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, because we are
already in Him. Not we "will be." We are now sitting in Christ Jesus. How do we get into it? By one
Holy Ghost baptism. "By one Spirit we're all baptized into Christ," which, we are now. Won't "be" in Christ;
we are! He is the great spiritual King over the Spirit that's in us, because we were in Him at the beginning.
And now, what is this pentecostal blessing? It's the confirmation of the resurrection. No wonder
the Gospel Itself means "good news." Good news of what? He has raised from the dead. "And because
I live, ye live also." Ye which were once dead in sin and trespasses, God has quickened us together, by
that Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead. And we are now setting in Heavenly places with Him,
communing with Him, talking with Him. What a joy to tell people that story, that believes it to be
the Truth!
[Raised with him! Sitting in heaven with him! Our resurrection is confirmed in him! I didn’t read anything
about future tense in here. Remember, our prophet said, “They are always talking about the past or the
future and the blind eyes never understand what is going on in the present.]
Or, we, if we are ordained on that ground, if we are ordained to be on that ground; like the
eagle walking in the chicken's nest. If you're ordained on that ground, the Holy Spirit is here to
find you. And when It finds you, you recognize Its call. You know the hour you're living. You know
that these things are supposed to happen. Quickly you're raptured up to meet It, and now you're
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship
Pastor Don Parnell – [email protected]
setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise! What a Heavenly Father, Who
would give us these things!
[When the Holy Ghost finds you, YOU are quickly raptured up to meet him! The true Seed doesn’t want to
listen to the devil try to take away their rapture! The Holy Ghost found us and we quickly raptured up to
meet him!]
Now notice, when this great moving power of God comes into a son of God, it quickens him, the
Spirit of Life enters into him. Then what does it do? It seats them in Heavenly places, right now. Not
they "will be." We are now. Now we've already resurrected, the dynamics and the mechanics is
gone to work, quickened us, and we're quickened up into the Presence of God, where His Spirit is.
And now we are seated together in Heavenly places, in Christ Jesus; in Christ Jesus, sitting in
there, that great seat that's already fired up, been raised from the dead. We're a part of it. If you're
a part of the Bride, you are, because the Bride is part of the Groom, you know. So we find out that
it's the same thing, and She'll do just exactly what's predicted for Her to do in this day. She won't be a
Laodicea, not by no means a lukewarm. But She'll be on fire for God, She'll be moving on in the Spirit of
[We are now! Now we’ve ALREADY RESURRECTED. Been raised from the dead! The Seed will come to
that light and believe it. Others will sit right next to you and tell you that you have to wait! Who’s report do
you believe?]
As I was trying to say, the other night, to you, it's when you know that you have the earnest
of your--of your Eternal redemption right now in you, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it's already
quickened you. You are now risen with Him, and we're sitting together in Heavenly places, in
Christ Jesus.
And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with Him. And we raised with Him and His
resurrection. And now we've ascended, by His Spirit, to the Throne of grace, sitting together in
Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Always!
[Brethren, we don’t have to wait on the ascension as many are teaching in the message. We have
ascended now by His Spirit.]
Now the same thing is this. If you are a son of God, and if I am a son of God, or a daughter of God,
we were in God at the beginning. And when Jesus became the fullness of the Word, then we were in
Him, germ form. When He was crucified, we was crucified in His body. When He arose from the
dead, we rose with Him. And now, since we have recognized it, "now we set together with Him, in
Heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
[We are not waiting to raise from the dead and there is no Christian laying in the dirt that is waiting to
raise from the dead. We raise from the dead here. You don’t recognize that after your body goes to the
dust again. You already raised and the Word of the Hour wakes you up! NOW, SINCE WE HAVE
RECOGNIZED IT, no man can convince us otherwise, if we are Seed!]
Sons and daughters was in God at the beginning. Now look. You've got Eternal Life, you say. We
believe it, that we got Eternal Life. Well, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. That's the
only thing that is Eternal, is God. Then if you've got Eternal Life, that Life that's in you always was, and
you were in the loins of God before there even was a world. And when the Word Itself... Jesus
Himself is called the Word, and in St. John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship
Pastor Don Parnell – [email protected]
with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Then you were
in the loins of Jesus, and went to Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And
today we're sitting in Heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit, sons and daughters of God. Die with
Him, raised with Him.
[You were in the loins of God before there was a world and then you were in the loins of Jesus and now
you are sitting in heaven. Good enough for me to believe!]
And you were crucified with Him, and you died with Him on Calvary. You was buried with
Him, on the mountain. And you rose with Him, on Easter morning. And now you're setting
together in Heavenly places, in Him, and now you've got fellowship with Him. See?
And whatever Christ was, I am. What He is, I am. O God! If He is considered a fanatic, so must
I be. If He was a--a Beelzebub, by His works of His Spirit, I am too. Whatever He was, I am.
Whatever He was, you are.
We must be the makers of her immortality, her freedom or her fame, her glory or her shame.
We must be that. We must be the Church, the Bride of Jesus Christ. I lived with Him on the
earth, when He lived. I died with Him when He died. I rose with Him when He rose. I'm assembled
and am seated with Him now in Heavenly places, because I'm part of Him. Wherever He is, there I
[How could you expect any thing else. You will be called heretics, fanatics, crazy, strange, of the devil,
and on and on! Rejoice when they revile you and persecute you!]
But now we come to the head, the capstone. "Grace! Grace!" the capstone cried.
The headstone crying what? "Grace! Grace!" Passed from death and creed, into a living Word
of the living God. God's only provided plan for His age, His sons in the Word age quickened by the
Spirit like a spark that's lit off of something to make it alive; and seated now in heavenly places (in
present tense), already alive and subject to every promise in the Word. Then what does that do?
You being a part of God's gene, a part of the Word, other men a part of God's Word, seated
together, manifest the entire Body of Christ, because there's no leaven among you. (See what He's
talking about, Brother Brown?) No leaven among you, just the Word only, seated in heavenly
places, in the door where He put His Name: Christ Jesus.
[The Headstone passed from death and creed into the living God. His sons in the Word Age! We are
manifesting the entire Body of Christ if we are His! Some don’t want to believe it but I will take Paul’s and
William Branham’s understanding.]
Therefore, you walked with Him, when you were in Him, when He was on earth. You suffered
with Him, and you died with Him. You was buried with Him. And now you are risen with Him, and
manifested attributes of God, setting in Heavenly places; already raised, resurrected to new Life,
and setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, that means so much, now days, Church! That
means so much to us, to see ourself positionally placed in Jesus Christ!
As Christians, as End Time Believers, as citizens of the Kingdom of God we are telling the story of what
God is doing in our lives. Our understanding matches with the present day revelation of Jesus Christ. We
know the Body of Christ is matured and complete as one great transfigured Body. It is not our place to put
these things in the future when we have the Spirit of Moses and Elijah manifested in the Body of Christ
through the two great prophets of Paul & William Branham. Thank God the Wife of Christ has recognized
who she is and understands her authority. The devil is powerless before her! When men come into the
message and speak otherwise, as if the Wife is waiting and has no authority and revelation we see them
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship
Pastor Don Parnell – [email protected]
strip themselves clean of all authority. We do not strip them but rather they show themselves naked. It
takes a special class of people to receive revelation. Thank God every day that you can still do that.
Written and distributed by,
brother don parnell, pastor
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship
1304 Saint Adalbert Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]