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Study Guide Civil War to World War II
Test January 24, 2017
1. The Civil War changed the North’s economy because many factories and
banks prospered from the war.
2. Thomas Jackson was a southern military leader who got his nickname during
the First Battle of Bull Run.
3. One of the most important responsibilities of a citizen is voting.
4. Some people tried to keep freed slaves from voting by using poll taxes and
literacy tests.
5. Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States of America
6. Sharecropping is when African Americans were not able to own land, so they
often farmed on a white land owner’s farm. They would then have to give a
large portion of their crop to the land owner.
7. Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America
during the Civil War.
8. The Freedmen’s Bureau was a government agency that helped people rebuild
after the Civil War.
9. Robert E. Lee was general for the Confederate Army.
10. The 15th Amendment gave voting rights to African Americans.
11. Ulysses S. Grant was the leader of the Union troops.
12. The 14th Amendment states that if you are born in the United States you
become a citizen.
13. The purpose of John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia 1859 was to arm
the slaves against their owners.
14. The purpose of the 13th Amendment was to abolish (end) slavery.
15. The novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe to describe the horrors of
slavery was Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
16. The Bill of Rights states that the government must treat all people
according to the laws outlined in the Constitution. This known as due
17. General Lee surrender to General Grant ending the Civil War at Appomattox
Courthouse, VA in 1865.
18. In April 1861, Confederate troops seized several United States Army
arsenals in the South. The Commander at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
refused to surrender. The result of his refusal was that the Civil War
19. The purpose of General Sherman’s March to the Sea was to destroy
everything in Georgia so that the South would lose hope of winning.
20. The Jim Crow laws of the post-Civil War era were attempts by state and
local governments to restrict the freedoms of African Americans.
21. One major victory for the Union that was considered the turning point of
the Civil War occurred at Gettysburg.
22. The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
One of the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights is freedom of assembly.
23. 11 southern states, led by South Carolina, secede from the U.S. right after
Abraham Lincoln was elected president because the South feared he might
try to end slavery.
24. Wilbur and Orville Wright built an engine-powered airplane. In 1903 Orville
piloted the vehicle 120 feet in 12 seconds. This took place in Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina.
25. In 1898, the United States, under President William McKinley, declared war
on Spain. The result was that the United States took control of Guam,
Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
26. In 1964, the 24th Amendment to the Constitution was added outlawing poll
taxes. Poll taxes discriminated against African Americans by keeping them
from voting.
27. The Harlem Renaissance was African Americans forming a community of
talented artists, musicians, and writers.
28. The purpose of the 12th Amendment to the Constitution was to allow a party
to nominate its own candidates for both President and Vice President.
29. Thomas Edison invented hundreds of devices, including the electric light
bulb, the phonograph, and the movie picture projector.
30. Many freed slaves moved west and became cattle ranchers rather than
staying to sharecrop in the former confederacy. These people were known
as Black Cowboys of Texas.
31. The MAIN reason the Northeast became an industrial center during the late
1800s was that it had good access to waterways.
32. The United States entered World War I when a German submarine sank the
British ship Lusitania killing U.S. citizens in 1917.
33. The Chisholm Trail was important to cowboys. It stretched from Texas to
Kansas, allowing cattle to move from one place to another.
34. Teddy Roosevelt helped improve trade and transportation while he was
president by completing the Panama Canal.
35. The purpose of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution was to allow people
of each state to elect their own senators.
36. Henry Ford was famous for the automobile and assembly line.
37. Consumers purchase goods and services from businesses. Prices of these
goods and services are affected by supply and demand. If the price of an
item is higher at one store than another, the consumer most likely to buy
the item at the store with the lower price.
38. The function of private business is to produce goods and services for the
39. The purpose of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was to give voting
rights to women.
40. Alexander Graham Bell was famous for communication using the telephone.
41. Banks provide services in many areas that deal with an individual’s money. A
savings account will pay interest on money in a savings account.
42. When the Japanese made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, it
caused the United States to join World War II in 1941.
43. The leader of Germany during World War II was Adolf Hitler.
44. Items were rationed by the United States government during World War II
because there was a shortage of supplies available to the military.
45. The MAIN elements of a personal budget are income and expenses.
46. The leader of Japan during World War II was Emperor Hirohito.
47. Rosie the Riveter represented all the women who joined the war effort.
48. World War II ended in August 1945 when Japan surrendered. The result
was Americans celebrated the surrender, which was called VJ Day.
49. Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II.
50. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was created by many capitalist
countries after WWII to help prevent the spread of communism.
51. The Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II was Winston
52. Amendments are changes or additions made to the Constitution. The
purpose of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the
U.S. Constitution was to guarantee equal protection under the law for all
male citizens.
53. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman were the leaders of the United
States during World War II.
54. The U.S. government had a food rationing program during World War II.
This is an example of opportunity cost.
55. The MAIN reason for the United States decision to join the United Nations
was to promote world peace.
56. Benito Mussolini was the leader of Italy during World War II.
Written responses: Make sure you can write a response to the following
57. D-Day was in June 1944, and VE Day was in May 1945. Describe how these
two events were connected.
58. Why did President Harry Truman decide to use the atomic bombs on the
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945?