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A Trip Through The Human Body
To complete this assignment, you will be answer 5 questions in each category of the human body. Use your
notes, textbook, and internet to find the answers. Make sure you number your answers.
SEND YOUR ASSIGNMENT TO [email protected]
DUE DATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2009 BY 11:00PM.
The Skeletal System
1. How many bones does the average human
adult skeleton have?
2. Besides bones, what else makes up the
skeletal system?
3. What are the main functions of the
skeletal system?
4. What is the difference between the axial
and the appendicular skeleton?
5. What other system does the skeletal
system work with?
The Respiratory System
11. What is the main function of the
respiratory system?
12. What is the primary gas that the blood
gets rid of?
13. What other systems or organs does the
respiratory system combine with in order
to function?
14. How many alveoli do the lungs contain?
15. What serves as a structural support for
the whole thoracic arrangement?
The Nervous System
The Reproductive System
6. What are the two types of reproduction?
7. What are the two parts of sexual
8. What part of the male body produces
sperm and where is it located?
9. What part of the female body produces
the egg?
10. Where does the embryo develop?
16. What is the function of the nervous
17. Why is the nervous system considered the
master control unit inside your body?
18. What carries information throughout the
body in the form of electrochemical
signals called impulses?
19. What part of the nervous system has the
responsibility for issuing nerve impulses
and analyzing sensory data? What does it
20. What part of the nervous system has the
responsibility for carrying nerve impulses
to and from the body?
The Muscular System
21. How many muscles does the human body
22. What is the main job of the muscular
23. What are the three different types of
muscle tissues?
24. What is the muscle of the brain?
25. What type of muscle makes up much of
our internal organs.
The Brain
36. What are the three parts of the brain?
37. What part connects to your spinal cord?
38. What is the largest part of the brain?
39. Where does the cerebellum lie?
40. What is the cerebral cortex called?
The Heart
The Excretory and Endocrine
26. What does the word excretion mean?
27. What organs are involved with the
excretory system?
28. What is the endocrine system?
29. Where is the pituitary gland located?
30. What regulates our body activities?
41. How many parts does the human heart
42. What are the parts of the human heart
43. What is the largest artery in the heart?
44. Blood returns to the heart through what?
45. How large is an average human adult
The Digestive System
The Circulatory System
31. What is the circulatory system composed
32. What does the circulatory system
33. What is circulation?
34. What are the main components of the
circulatory system?
35. What does the circulatory system provide
for various organs around the body?
46. How do mechanical and chemical
digestion work together to break down
47. How is chyme produced?
48. Explain why swallowed food does not
usually enter the airway leading to the
49. Describe the functions of hydrochloric
acid, mucus, and pepsin in the stomach.
50. What causes peptic ulcers?