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Unit 6 Lesson 1
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Unit 6 Lesson 1 Notes - Photosynthesis
Fill in the notes as you view the powerpoint. Turn them in to your classroom
teacher when complete.
1. Today we will learn about photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which
plants change the energy they get from the ____________________ into food.
2. There are two different types of organisms… ____________________ and
____________________. Autotrophs like plants make their own food. Heterotrophs
have to consume or eat their food. Can you think of some autotrophs? One
example is an oak tree. Can you think of some heterotrophs?
One example is a house cat.
3. Every living thing needs energy or fuel. ____________________ is
the energy all things use to perform tasks like growing, running, or breathing. ATP
stands for ______________________
_____________________. Pronounce it out loud so
you can remember it better.
4. Everything needs a constant energy source. ____________________ get their energy
from eating other organisms. Anything that eats is a ____________________. We are
heterotrophs. Heterotrophs consume organic molecules to get the ATP they need.
____________________, fungi, and most bacteria are heterotrophs.
____________________ on the other hand make their own organic molecules or food
through a process called photosynthesis. Plants and some bacteria perform
photosynthesis to get their food.
5. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants convert light energy into chemical
energy called ____________________. This energy is stored in the form of sugar. This
sugar is an organic compound called ___________________.
6. When you look inside a plant cell you see many green structures that look like they
contain green disks. These green disks are chloroplasts. Photosynthesis happens
Unit 6 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
here. The chloroplasts absorb ____________________. Chloroplasts take carbon
dioxide from the air and use it to help make sugar and ____________________.
7. When sunlight hits the chloroplasts some of its wavelengths which we see as color
are ____________________ and some are absorbed.
8. The different wavelengths of light come into the chloroplast. RED and BLUE are
absorbed and ____________________ is reflected back out. The pigment
____________________ absorbs every color except green. Chlorophyll reflects green
light and that is why plants appear green to us.
Part 2
9. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that can be described in a chemical
equation. In a chemical equation the reactants are what the reaction starts with
and the products are what the reactants become after the
reaction takes place. Notice the
_____________________________ are on the left side of the
arrow and the _______________________________ are on the
right side of the arrow. Here is the chemical equation for
10. The arrow stands for yield which means to make. So six molecules of
____________________ ____________________ and six molecules of
____________________ and light energy yields 1 molecule of glucose (C6H12O6) plus six
molecules of ___________________.
11. So what does a plant need to make its own food or to grow? A plant takes in
____________________ from the air, ____________________ from the soil, and light
Unit 6 Lesson 1
Name ____________________________________________
energy. A plant releases ____________________ that we need to breathe and
produces ____________________, called glucose.
12. How can a leaf do this? There are tiny holes which are called stoma or stomata on
the ____________________ of the leaf.
13. Carbon dioxide comes from the air into the leaf through the ____________________
holes. The stomata allows the gas ____________________ to leave the leaf and the
stomata allows ____________________ gas to leave the leaf. Water gas is often
referred to as water vapor.
14. The guard cells can open and close the stomata to let ____________________
____________________ in and to let water and oxygen gases out.
15. Let’s Review. Autotrophs such as ____________________ get their energy from sunlight.
For photosynthesis to happen sunlight must enter the leaves where the chloroplasts
are located. Leaves have ____________________ that let carbon dioxide gas in and
let oxygen and water gas out. Water is taken in by the _____________________ and
moves out of the leaf through the stomata.
Photos by Adam Helms