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Personal computers were introduced in
(a) 1940s
(b) 1970s
(c) 1980s
(d) 1990s
forecasting etc. is best handled through
(a) Word processing software
(b) Spread sheet software
(c) DTP software
(d) None of these
CD-ROM is primarily used for
(a) Connection
(b) Storage
(c) Computation
(d) None of these
CPU stands for
(a) Central Processing Unit
(b) Closed Processing Unit
(c) Compact Processing Unit
(d) None of these
Pentium Pro is also called as
(a) P3
(b) P4
(c) P5
(d) P6
6  86 chips are developed by
(a) AMD
(b) Pentium
(c) Cyrix
(d) IBM
Devices used to communicate with the
CPU are
(a) Memory
(b) Control system
(c) Input/output devices
(d) None of these
Floppy discs are in sizes
(a) 3 12 inches
(b) 5 14 inches
(c) 4 14 inches
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Which of these is the fastest in reading
(a) CD-ROM
(b) Hard disk
(c) Floppy
(d) All have same
10. DDR stands for
(a) Double Data Rate
(b) Disc Data Rate
(c) Desktop Data Rate
(d) None of these
11. _________allows on I/O device like a
display monitor or scanner to
communicate with CPU
(a) Input board
(b) Output board
(c) Expansion board
(d) None of these
12. Places where you dock the external
devices to plug them into the circuit
board are the
(a) Jacks
(b) Segments
(c) Ports
(d) Plugs
13. Set of circuitry designed to carry data
and instructions back and fourth
between various devices on the board
itself is called
(a) Bus
(b) Jacks
(c) Ports
(d) Drives
14. In S. M. C. R. model, M stands for
(a) Messenger
(b) Member
(c) Message
(d) None of these
15. Electrostatic photography is the other
name for
(a) Diazo printing
(b) Lithography
(c) Xerography
(d) Reflex copying
16. Processes in which the images are
reduced considerably and requires
magnification devices for viewing and
reading are called
(a) microfilm
(b) minifilm
(c) microform
(d) none of these
17. COM stands for
(a) Computer Operated Microfilm
(b) Computer Output Microfilm
(c) Computer Operated Media
(d) None of these
18. Which size of microfilm reel is most
(a) 16 mm
(b) 70 mm
(c) 105 mm
(d) 8 mm
19. Reprographic methods include
(a) Photographic copying
(b) Micro recording
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above
20. Copying something from disk to
memory is called
(a) Retrieving of data
(b) Opening a file
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
21. A transparent DBMS
(a) cannot hide sensitive information
from user
(b) keeps its logical structure hidden
from user
(c) keeps its physical structure hidden
from user
(d) None of the above
22. Find the odd one out
(a) Bank
(b) Hospital
(c) DBMS
(d) University
23. The retrieve operation is a part of
(a) DML
(b) DDL
(c) PL/I
(d) Host language
24. Which of the following is not known to
(a) Stored files
(b) Physical records
(c) Stored fields
(d) Structure of stored records
25. In hierarchical approach, how many
dependents can a root have
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Zero
(d) Any number
26. DDL stands for
(a) Data Double Language
(b) Data Database Language
(c) Data Definition Language
(d) None of these
27. ______ executes low level instructions
generated by DML compiler
(a) Query evaluation engine
(b) Inference evaluation engine
(c) Embedded evaluation engine
(d) None of these
28. _______provides fast access to data
items that hold particular values
(a) Engine
(b) Marks
(c) Indices
(d) None of these
29. Combination of DDL and DML stands
(a) DTL
(b) DSL
(c) DXL
(d) None of these
30. __________converts DML statements
embedded in an application program to
normal form procedure calls in most
(a) DML interpreter
(b) DML compiler
(c) Query engine
(d) Embedded DML precompiler
31. Named collection of related information
that is recorded in a secondary storage
is the
(a) Record
(b) Field
(c) File
(d) None of these
32. The symbolic _______is the only
information kept in human readable form
(a) Name of file
(b) Type of file
(c) Location of file
(d) Size of file
33. When the user cannot see the inside of
the object but can detect the object by
calling the program part of the object, it
is called as
(a) Inheritance
(b) Hierarchy
(c) Encapsulation
(d) None of these
34. A top to bottom relationship among the
items in a database is established by
(a) Hierarchical schema
(b) Network schema
(c) Relational schema
(d) All of the above
35. How can a record be inserted in a
relational data base
(a) Addition of a table
(b) Addition of tuple in a table
(c) Addition of attribute in a table
(d) None of these
36. The database administration function
(a) Application programming
(b) Computer operations management
(c) Database access planning
(d) All of the above
37. Main idea behind computer files is that
it is convenient to
(a) Arrange them
(b) Store information together
(c) Create them
(d) Access them
38. A data dictionary is a special file that
(a) Names of all fields in all files
(b) The data types of all fields in all files
(c) Widths of all fields in all files
(d) None of the above
39. Batch processing is appropriate if
(a) A large computer system is available
(b) Only a small computer system is
(c) Only a few transactions are involved
(d) All of the above
40. Set of files are stored in
(a) record
(b) field
(c) cabinet
(d) directory
41. ODBC stand for
(a) Open Database Connectivity
(b) Open Database Communication
(c) Open Database Cooperation
(d) None of these
42. Functions of DBA includes
(a) Routine maintenance
(b) Storage structure and access
method definition
(c) Schema and physical organization
(d) All of the above
43. BNC stand for ______ connector
(a) Bayonil Connect
(b) Bayonet connector
(c) Bayone Neill Concelman
(d) None of these
44. Token ring protocol was developed by
(a) IEEE
(b) IBM
(c) ANSI
(d) None of these
45. Token Ring can operate at speed of
(a) 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps
(b) 4 Mbps to 16 Mbps
(c) 10 Mbps to 50 Mbps
(d) None of these
46. Ethernet used the access method of
(a) No collision
(c) Limited Contention
(d) None of these
47. Data on a star network passes through
a _______ before continuing to the
(a) Hub
(b) Bridge
(c) Router
(d) None of the above
48. Which layer is the interface to the
outside world
(a) Network
(b) Transport
(c) Session
(d) Application
49. Which layer handles synchronization
(a) Network
(b) Physical
(c) Session
(d) Application
50. IEEE 802.3 belongs to
(a) Datalink
(b) Physical
(c) Session
(d) Network
51. ISDN is defined at
(a) Transport
(b) Network
(c) Datalink
(d) Physical
52. CRC stands for
(a) Control Redundancy Code
(b) Control Redundancy Cipher
(c) Cyclic Redundancy Code
(d) None of these
53. CRC develops the
(a) Bits
(b) Checksum
(c) Signals
(d) None of these
54. HTTP stands for
(a) Hyper Text Transport Protocol
(b) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol
(c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(d) None of these
55. INILIBNET stands for
(a) Information Library Network
(b) Industrial Library Network
(c) International Library Network
(d) None of these
56. All the followings are examples of input
devices except
(a) COM
(b) CRT
(c) Optical scanners
(d) Video- recognition devices
57. What is the control units function in the
(a) To decode program instructions
(b) T transfer date to primary storage
(c) To perform logical operations
(d) To store program instructions
58. What of the following terms is related to
a monitor
(a) Screen
(b) Monochrome monitor
(c) RGB monitor
(d) Video display
59. Which of the following best describes a
computer based information system
(a) A system in which a computer is
used to turn data in to information
(b) Inputting data
(c) Processing data
(d) Performing complex mathematical
60. Which of the following perform
modulation and demodulation
(a) Fiber optic
(b) Satellite
(c) Coaxial cable
(d) Modem
61. Which of the following in not a
transmission medium
(a) Telephone lines
(b) Coaxial cable
(c) Modem
(d) Microwave system
62. Which of the following type of channels
moves data relatively slow
(a) Wide band channel
(b) Voice band channel
(c) Narrow band channel
(d) Broad band channel
63. Which of the following communications
lines is best suited to interactive
(a) Narrowband channels
(b) Simplex lines
(c) Full duplex lines
(d) Mixed hand channels
64. A hand is always equivalent to
(a) A byte
(b) A bit
(c) 100 bits
(d) None of the above
65. The third generation of computers
covers to period
(a) 1959-1965
(b) 1965-1971
(c) 1971-1981
(d) 1991-Now
66. The BCD code for the character W is
compressed of
(a) A,4 and 1 bits
(b) A,4 and 2 bits
(c) A and 5 bits
(d) A and 6 bits
67. Desk top publishing programs
(a) Let you create pictures slides or designs
to display on screen or to print
(b) Help you manage our money
(c) Enable you to combine text,
pictures, graphics, tables, lines,
boxes and other designs elements
(d) Let you use your computer to compose
and print-letters, papers, reports and
other types of documents
68. All computer programs are known as
(a) Application program
(b) Browsers
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
69. Which of the following contains
instructions that tell the computer what
colors, characters and images to
display on your screen
(a) Installed program
(b) Multiple program
(c) Integrated program
(d) Word processing program
70. The number of programs that you can
run at once is limited only by the
amount of
(a) Memory
(b) CPU
(c) Program
(d) None of the above