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Kingdom Fungi
1. General Fungi Structure
a. hyphae  tube-shaped mass of cytoplasm with many nuclei. *some have
cross-walls that form cells , some don’t
b. Mycellium  mat of filaments (hyphae) * most mycelium is in the soil or
tissues of host
2. General Fungi Reproduction
a. thick walled spores formed by mitosis or meiosis.
b. Most use mitosis with spores located at the ends of specialized hyphae.
c. Classification of various fungi is based on the way they produce spores
during sexual reproduction.
Zygote fungi
 hyphae from two different organisms fuse and form a zygote
 zygote  thick walled spore : Zygospore (resistant to harsh conditions)
 can also form stolons  spread along surface
 rhizhoids  anchor fungus to food source
Ex: bread molds
Nutrition includes:
- most saprophytes (absorb foodm from dead tissues of other organisms)
- some parasitic (absorb food from living host)
Club Fungi
 grow club-shaped structures called basidia in which sexual spores are formed
Ex: typical mushroom, shelf fungi, usuts, smuts, puffballs
Nutrition – saprophytic and parasitic
Sac Fungi
 grow sac like structures called Ascus in which sexual spores are formed.
Ex: Yeasts, cup fungi, Powdery mildew.
 Dual organisms – mutualisms = fungus and blue green bacteria or green alga.
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