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Unit 1: Introduction to Anatomy
1) Describe the anatomical position.
2) Distinguish between the science of anatomy and the science of physiology.
3) Define homeostasis.
4) Distinguish between superficial and deep.
5) Distinguish between the following reference terms:
a. anterior vs. posterior
b. superior vs. inferior
c. proximal vs. distal
6) Identify each numbered structure by labeling the following figures:
Figure 1.1: Planes of the Body
Figure 1.2: Human Body Orientation & Direction
Distinguish between the following movement terms:
a. extension vs flexion
b. cicumduction vs rotation
c. abduction vs adduction
4) Name the body cavity that contains each of the following organs:
Spinal cord
Urinary bladder
Unit 2: Skin/The Integumentary System
1) List 5 functions of the SKIN.
2) List the four types of tissue and examples from each.
3) What is the difference between a LIGAMENT and a TENDON? What is a similarity in regards to healing (what
causes this similarity?)?
4) List the three layers of skin.
5) List the 5 epidermal layers (in order).
6) What do fibroblast cells produce and in which layer of skin are they found?
7) What is the difference between a sebaceous gland and a sudoriferous gland?
8) Explain what happens to epidermal cells as they undergo KERATINIZATION.
9) What is a blister?
10) List the types of burns and a brief explanation of each.
11) Why are 3rd degree and critical burns life threatening (2 reasons)?
Unit 3: The Skeletal System
1) Differentiate between the axial and appendicular skeletons.
2) List four functions of the human skeletal system.
3) Sketch a typical long bone and label the diaphysis, epiphyses, periosteum, endosteum, epiphyseal plate,
medullary cavity, spongy bone, compact bone, articular cartilage
4) Distinguish between osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts.
5) Which cells release calcitonin and why?
Which cells release parathyroid hormone and why?
6) Where are RBC, WBC, and platelets made?
What causes RBC’s to be made?
7) List the types of synovial joints with an example of each.
**You need to know the names of bones and where they are located.
Unit 4: The Muscular System
1) Distinguish between skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. Include where in the body each type of muscle is
2) What is the significance of acetylcholine and acetylcholinesterase?
3) Summarize the steps of the sliding filament model of contraction. Include the roles of: actin, myosin,
troponin, tropomyosin, acetylcholine, calcium ions, sarcoplasmic reticulum, transverse tubules,
4) Draw and label a sarcomere.
5) List three functions of the muscular system.
6) List the muscles involved in:
a. chewing:
b. winking:
c. puckering lips as if to whistle:
d. bend the head toward the chest (if both of same named muscle contract simultaneously; turn head to look
out if only 1 of them contracts):
e. moving the abdominal wall in a sit up:
moving the abdominal wall by rotating to one side:
g. extending forearm:
h. flexing forearm:
extending lower leg:
flexing lower leg:
k. breathing:
abducting the whole arm:
7) What is a motor unit?
8) What occurs in tetanus?
9) What is tonus? Provide one example.
10) Match the movements in column I with the description in column II.
1. rotation
a. turning palm upward
2. supination
b. decreasing angle between parts
3. extension
c. moving part forward
4. eversion
d. moving part around an axis
5. protraction
e. turning sole of foot to face laterally
6. flexion
f. increasing angle between parts
7. pronation
g. lowering a part
8. abduction
h. turning palm downward
9. depression
i. moving part away from midline
UNIT 5: The Nervous System
1) List and briefly describe the three general functions of the nervous system.
2) Distinguish between the following pairs (or groups) of terms:
a. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
b. dendrite and synapse
c. central and peripheral nervous system (CNS vs PNS)
d. somatosensory cortex and motor cortex
e. sensory neuron, interneuron, and motor neuron
3) List the events during an ACTION POTENTIAL. Include the events that occur when that action potential reaches
a synapse and is passed to another neuron.
4) How does 1 action potential cause the next action potential farther down the axon in a myelinated neuron?
5) What causes an increase in pain between a slight pinch vs. a hard pinch?
6) What is the function of the neurotransmitter ACh in a motor neuron?
7) What is the function of dopamine in the brain?
8) List the parts of the brain with a brief function of each.
9) List the parts of the cerebrum with a brief function of each.
10) List the parts of a reflex arc.
UNIT 6: Blood / The Circulatory System
1) List the major components of blood. Briefly describe their function and differentiate between the cellular
components and the liquid components.
2) Distinguish between a THROMBUS and an EMBOLUS.
3) The victim of a car accident is brought in to the emergency room where it is determined that she will need
several units of blood. Her blood type is A-positive. List four blood types that would be safe to give to this
patient. If she receives the “wrong” blood, what will happen?
4) Trace a red blood cell’s pathway from the superior vena cava to the aorta. Include all valves, chambers,
organs, and vessels passed through.
5) Why does the left ventricle have thicker, more muscular walls than the right ventricle?
6) Summarize the steps of the CARDIAC CYCLE.
7) Distinguish between the SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT and the PULMONARY CIRCUIT.
8) What do the numbers in your blood pressure tell you (ex: if your blood pressure is 122/68, what do the 122
and 68 mean?)
9) What are the characteristic “heart sounds”?
What causes this sound?
UNIT 7: The Respiratory System
1) Trace the path of oxygen (O2) from the moment it enters the nose until it diffuses into a muscle cell in the foot.
2) Explain a normal inspiration (inhalation) and a normal expiration (exhalation) using what you know about
pressure changes in the chest cavity. Include the role of muscles (diaphragm, intercostals) and the pleural
3) Summarize the gas exchanges that occur in the:
a) alveolar sacs  blood vessels:
b) blood vessels  body cells:
4) What is the function of cilia in the trachea and bronchi?
5) How does an increase in the amount of CO2 affect your breathing rate and why?
Unit 8: The Digestive System
1) List the:
a. parts of the alimentary canal:
b. accessory organs of the digestive system:
2) Describe the digestive functions of saliva (both chemical and other).
3) List the function of the gallbladder.
Where is the gallbladder located?
4) How does mechanical digestion assist chemical digestion?
5) What is the difference between pepsin and pepsinogen?
6) What is the function of following structures on the digestion of a cheeseburger (on a bun) with lettuce and
tomato that you ate for lunch:
a. mouth
b. pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. cardiac sphincter
e. stomach
pyloric sphincter
g. small intestine (there is more than 1 function here)
h. pancreas
k. large intestine
7) Where is the appendix located (specifically)? Does it have a Digestive System function? What is its Lymphatic
System function?
8) Complete the table below:
Digestion of…
Where occur in body (list start & stop)?
Enzymes involved
Nucleic acid
9) Complete the chart below:
Enzyme / *substance
Where is it made? (list all locations)
What digested products results from this
chemical reaction?
10) What are gallstones?
11) What is heartburn?
12) What are hemorrhoids?
Unit 9: The Excretory System
1) What is the functional unit of the excretory system?
2) Briefly describe what happens in each of the 4 excretory system processes:
a. filtration:
b. reabsorption:
c. secretion:
d. excretion:
3) Draw and label a nephron. Afterwards, add what is filtered, reabsorbed, secreted, and excreted into your
4) In urine, what solute is in the highest concentration?
5) What makes up the largest percentage of urine overall?
UNIT 10: The Lymphatic System & The Immune System
1) What are the function of lymph nodes?
2) List and describe the physical and chemical components of the NONSPECIFIC DEFENSES.
3) Distinguish between an ANTIGEN and an ANTIBODY.
4) Fill in the chart below to compare T cells to B cells: Where do they originate? Where do they mature? What are
the different types of each one and what is the general function of each type?
Lymphocyte Cell
General function
5) Distinguish between:
a. primary and secondary immune response:
b. active and passive immunity (naturally acquired and artificially acquired for each):
c. an antigen and an allergen:
6) What is a vaccine and what is the purpose of getting vaccinated (what is being created that you want)?
7) Which type of illnesses can be treated with antibiotics and which cannot?
8) What is meant by “autoimmunity”? List 2 examples of autoimmune disorders.
9) In any organ transplant procedure, what is the greatest concern or risk?
What 2 things are done to reduce the risk of this happening?
UNIT 11: The Reproductive System
1) List the general functions of the male and the female reproductive systems.
2) Describe the composition of semen and where each of the components comes from.
3) List and briefly describe the three phases of the OVARIAN CYCLE and the MENSTRUAL CYCLE.
4) Draw and label a concept map of the hormones involved in the
male reproductive system.
 don’t forget to include connecting terms/phrases linking
your information together
5) Draw and label a concept map of the hormones involved in the female reproductive system.
**Be familiar with the various methods of contraception & the general symptoms of STDs.
**Know diagrams from EACH unit.