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Concept/Application Questions
Chapter 11 – Matter
1. Distinguish between an atom and an element.
2. Distinguish between the phases of matter according to the following criteria: movement of the particles; shape
and volume.
3. Distinguish between condensation and evaporation.
4. Consider the following phase changes. Indicate if energy is released or absorbed during the process.
Phase Change
1. Melting (Solid to liquid)
Energy Absorbed or Lost
2. Freezing (Liquid to solid)
3. Condensation (gas to liquid)
5. Distinguish between an element and a compound.
6. Distinguish between a physical and chemical property. Give examples of each.
7. Give the names and characteristics of each group in the periodic table below.
Characteristics (metals, nonmetals, gases, reactivity,
representative elements, other)
Number 1
Number 2
Numbers 3-10
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15
Number 16
Number 17
Number 18
8. Metals are found on the ________ side of the periodic table and nonmetals on the ________ side of the periodic
9. A cotton ball is dipped in alcohol and wiped across a tabletop. Explain what happens to the alcohol molecules
deposited on the tabletop.
10. Red-colored Kool-aid crystals are added to a glass of water. The crystals sink to the bottom. Later the entire
solution turns red. No one stirred liquid in the glass. Explain what happened.
11. What is the difference in a physical and chemical change? Give examples of each.
12. List the (4) signs that indicates a chemical reaction has taken place.