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Study Guide Test 1
Physiology of Exercise
PEMES 3153
Chapter 1. Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle (Interactive Physiology – Muscular – all
modules; Nervous I: Membrane Potential, Action Potential)
1. Know the basic function of muscle and how muscle contributes to movement.
2. Know the function of and be able to define the role of the following in the contractile process: actin,
myosin, troponin, myofibril, tropomyosin, myofilament, sarcomere, fasciculus, perimysium, endomysium,
epimysium, transverse tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, muscle fiber, plasmalemma, sarcolemma, action
3. Be able to identify all the elements in #2 on a diagram similar to Fig. 1.2, 1.3 and 1.5.
4. Know the sequence of events (excitation-constraction coupling) that start with an action potential and
impulse conduction down the motorneuron and end with muscle tension development (sliding filament
theory). Know the specific roles of calcium, troponin, tropomyosin, adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase),
and ATP. (Fig. 1.9 and In Review, P. 37)
5. Understand the concept of depolarization and re-polarization of membranes and how action potentials are
propagated (see p. 71-73 of text and Nervous I (membrane potential and action potential modules)
6. Know the basic characteristics of type I, type II a, and type II x muscle fibers in humans (Table 1.1 p. 40)
and the average distribution of fiber types in athletes and non-athletes.
7. Know what a motor unit is and how motor units function to produce variable force during muscle
contraction (Fig. 1.6 and also see p. 87 under Motor Response). Know specifically how many motor
neurons are in a motor unit and the typical number of muscle fibers in a motor unit in the gross muscles
used for movement)
8. Be able to define and give an example of the following types of muscle contraction: concentric, eccentric,
isometric or static
9. Understand the following: Principle of orderly recruitment, size principle, rate coding, twitch, summation,
tetanus, relationship of fiber length to contractile force, and the relationship of speed of contraction to
contractile force.
Chapter 2: Fuel for Exercising Muscle: Metabolism and Hormonal Control
1. Understand the central role/function of ATP in providing energy for muscular contraction.
2. Understand the three ways (ATP-PCr, Glycolysis, Oxidation) ATP can be regenerated from ADP, ie.
Where does the energy come from that allows ATP to be resynthesized?
3. Understand the role of phosphocreatine (PCr) in providing energy for muscular contraction.
4. Know how much ATP and PCr are typically stored in muscle on a time duration basis (Fig. 2.6).
5. Understand the concept of free energy released when ATP splits and what this free energy is used for.
6. Understand the role of the mitochondria in producing energy for muscular contraction ie. What happens in
the mitochondria? What metabolic pathways are in the mitochondria?)
7. Know the end products of carbohydrate and fat digestion and absorption. Understand the role of insulin in
glucose metabolism (Chapter 4, p. 103).
8. Be able to explain the role of carbohydrates and fats in energy production for muscular contraction. Be able
to follow a molecule of glucose or a fatty acid through the energy systems relative to the amount of ATP
resynthesized from each.
9. Understand the role of NAD and FAD (electron carriers) in the energy systems.
10. Understand the role of glycolytic and oxidative enzymes in the energy systems.
11. Understand the flow of glucose through the energy systems to eventually produce ATP (Fig. 2.8).
Physiology of Exercise Study Guide
Page 2
12. Understand the specific role of oxygen in oxidative phosphorylation, ie. Where is oxygen specifically used
in the process of resynthesizing ATP?
13. Know the two major sites of glycogen storage and approximately how much is stored at each site (Table
14. Know approximate amounts of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat stored in humans (Table 2.1).
15. Know and understand the role of protein in energy production for muscular activity.
16. Know the relationship between use of fuel substrate (carbohydrates and fats) and exercise intensity.
17. Understand how and why lactic acid is produced. Understand why lactate accumulation causes a decrease in
performance of high intensity exercise
18. Understand the interaction of the energy systems and specifically how the systems differ in the maximal rate
of ATP generation (power of the system) and the maximal available energy from the system (capacity of the
system) (Fig. 2.13)
Chapter 5. Energy Expenditure and Fatigue
1. Understand the difference in direct and indirect calorimetry
2. Understand the concept of basal (BMR) and resting (RMR) metabolic rate and the difference between them.
3. Know the absolute (ml.min-1) and relative ( units for VO2 and be able to convert between
4. Understand the relationship of exercise intensity and VO2 from rest to max (Fig. 5.4). Understand how
VO2max is determined and the criteria for determining if VO2max has been reached.
5. Know how genetics, age, gender and training level affect VO2max.
6. Know the typical response of VO2 to varying degrees of exercise intensity and duration (Fig. 5.3).
7. Know what the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is. Know the relationship between RER and substrate
utilization. Know the effect of anaerobic exercise on the RMR and why it has the effect..
8. Know the caloric equivalent of 1 liter of oxygen consumed.
9. Be able to explain/diagram the oxygen deficit/excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) curve.
Know the fate of the excess post-exercise O2 consumption (EPOC), ie. What is it used for?
10. Understand the concept of the lactate threshold.
11. Know how VO2max, economy of effort, and the lactate threshold determine aerobic performance.
12. Understand how each of the following can cause fatigue: PCr depletion, glycogen depletion, low blood
glucose, metabolic by-products including lactate, heat and muscle temperature, neuromuscular dysfunction,
and CNS dysfunction.
13. Understand the concept of selected glycogen depletion in muscle fibers.