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Name ___________________________________
Period __________
AP World History
Text work
Chapter 17, pages 383-394
1. The voyages of exploration, and the empires built by European conquerors and missionaries
resulted in a ______________________________________________ in world affairs and a
____________________________________________ between world societies and civilizations.
2. What two factors cause a significant increase in contact between civilizations during the postclassical period?
3. Between _________________ and ____________________, various western European nations
gained unprecedented mastery of the world’s oceans.
4. Prior to the 15th century, what two events spurred European interest in global trade?
5. Explain how eastern trade goods found their way to European markets.
6. Europeans entered into this era of growing contacts with the wider world with several
disadvantages. They ______________________________________________ of the wider
world. Many Europeans continued to believe that the ________________________________.
Europe feared the growing strength of the _________________________________. Europe
lacked the _________________________ for Asian goods. And European ships could not
7. The _______________________________ were the first European people to explore the
Atlantic Ocean and Americas. However, they quickly lost interest; because they encountered
8. List the five technological improvements, of the 15th century, that aided European exploration.
9. By the 15th century, the West began to forge a military advantage over all other civilizations of
the world, an advantage it would retain into the _________________________________.
10. What three motivations drew Portugal’s rulers to global exploration?
11. Portugal’s prince, ___________________________________, organized a series of expeditions
along the African coast and also outward to islands such as the Azores.
12. What three things did Portuguese sailors bring back from Africa?
13. __________________________________ rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1498 C.E. and
eventually sailed to India.
14. Portuguese expeditions set up trading forts on the along the cost of Africa and India. Such
trading colonies were ________________________________________ in east Africa, and
_______________________________ in India. They also gained control of the islands of
______________________________________, which was the center of spice production; and,
gained some missionary success in __________________________.
15. In 1492, the Italian navigator _________________________________, operating in the name of
Spain, set sail for a western route to India.
16. ___________________________________________ gave the New World its name.
17. ___________________________________________ set sail westward in 1519. It was on the
basis of this voyage, the first trip around the world, that Spain claimed the ________________
________________________________, which it held until 1898.
18. Portugal emerged from this first round of exploration with coastal holdings in parts of
______________________________ and in the Indian port of _____________________, a lease
on the Chinese port of _____________________________________, short-lived interest in trade
with ____________________________, and a claim on ______________________________.
19. Spain emerged from this first round of exploration with control of the ________________
__________________________, various _______________________________________
______________________________________________, and the bulk of South and central
__________________________________, as well as _______________________________,
and the _____________________________________________ of North America.
20. Later in the 16th century, the lead in exploration shifted to the nations of ___________
_______________________, _________________________________________, and
21. What two reasons caused this shift in exploration leadership?
22. The British won a historic sea battle in 1588 C.E., when it routed a massive
23. ____________________________________________ in 1534 C.E., were the first northern
Europeans to cross the Atlantic, reaching Canada, which they claimed.
24. ________________________________________ hoped to discover a northwest passage to
spice-rich India, but ended up exploring the Hudson Bay.
25. The __________________________________, after winning their independence from Spain,
quickly became a major competitor with Portugal in Southeast Asia.
26. The only area of Africa colonized by Europeans by to the mid-17th century was
________________________________ of Africa by the ________________________________
mainly to provide a relay station for its ships bound for the East Indies.
27. In order to facilitate colonization, settlement, and exploration, the British, French, and Dutch, all
charted great ________________________________. These companies were given government
_____________________________ of trade in the region designated, they were not rigorously
_________________________ ______________________, and they were allowed to raise
__________________ and ________________________________________ on their own.
28. The _________________________________ effectively ruled the island of Taiwan off the
coast of China. And the ______________________________ ____________________
_____________________ played a similar role in India.
29. List the three major consequences brought by Europe’s maritime dominance.
30. It is estimated that _________% to 80% of Native American populations died from smallpox and
measles during the first 150 years of European contact.
31. China adopted ______________________ and _____________________ which were two crops
that originated from the Americas.
32. In some cases new productive crops from the Americas, along with local agricultural
improvements, trigged _______________________________ _______________________
________________________________________ in the “old world.”
33. Western Europe’s dominates of oceanic shipping led to increased ____________
____________________________________, and European ability to ________
34. Who did the Spanish defeat at the battle of Lepanto?
35. Explain the significance of this Spanish victory.
36. Western Europe did not conquer inland territory of Africa and Asia. Explain the dominant trade
technique in these areas.
37. Where direct control was not feasible, European influence led to the formation of special
Western enclaves in existing cities like; ______________________________ in the Ottoman
Empire, _____________________ and __________________________ in Russia, and
_____________________________ in Japan.
38. Spain briefly dominated global trade; but, it lacked a good __________________
_________________________ and could not support a ____________________
39. Define the doctrine of mercantilism.
40. Beyond western Europe lay the areas that played a dependent role in this new world economy.
These areas produced _________________________________: like precious metals, and cash
crops, and exchanged them for manufactured goods.
41. Parts of sub-Saharan Africa entered the new world economy mainly as suppliers of
42. Because dependent economies relied on cheap production of unprocessed goods, there was a
tendency to build a system of _____________________________ that would cost little.
43. Why didn’t Europeans utilize Native Americans for force labor?
44. Define the term mestizos.
45. Explain why East Asia (China) remained outside this new world economy.
46. Explain why world trade was a sideline in the Indian economy.
47. Explain why Russia also lay outside the world economic orbit until the 18th century.
48. Other than the slave-trading regions, ________________________ remained untouched by
world trading patterns.
49. What were the two British intentions for passing tariffs against the import of cotton cloth made
in India?
50. What was the primary export product of Eastern Europe to Western Europe?