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The Middle School
Dear Parents,
These are the content standard skills we will focus on for the month of December in
Eighth grade. Please, work with your child by reviewing class work as well as homework.
Together, we can and will make a difference in your child’s life. Thank you for your
Social Studies
In social studies, 8 grade will learn :
Turning Point of the War: Saratoga
Ending Point of the War: Yorktown
Political End of the War: Treaty of Paris 1783
Evaluate the power and authority of the government on individuals.
Analyze the concept of citizenship and explain how the concept has changed from
colonial times…
Describe the opportunity cost of economic decisions by individuals, businesses, and
government in the U.S….(Scarcity, Valley Forge, Boycotts, Homespun)
Analyze the political effects of the American Revolution on American society and
culture. (Manumission of Slaves, Republican Motherhood)
Describe how unresolved social, economic, and political issues impacted disenfranchised
groups. (Daughters of Liberty, Cult of Domesticity)
 Unit 6: Graphing Linear Equations
o Linearity
o Slope
o Graph linear equations
Unit 7: Formulas
o Circles
o Volumes
o Areas of composite figures
Unit 3: Wave Interactions
o Transfer of energy
o Properties of waves
o Relationship between properties
Science Project 2
Trip to Science Center on the 6th (2:30 – 5:00 PM)
English Language Arts / French Language Arts / Chinese Language Arts
Prefixes , suffixes, roots
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple meaning words
Functional Documents/Recipes, Posters/flyers
Verbs, Adjectives, Punctuation
Sentences: Simple, Complex, Combining
Text Structures: Problem/Solution, Similarities/Differences, Main Idea/Details
Explain contributions to meaning in the text
Context Clues
Exploring informational text from a scientific perspective
Writing and editing skills
Multiple meaning words
Poetic Language
Ballads and Narrative poetry
Text Structure/Problem/Solution, Similarities/Differences Main Idea/Details
Approved by: _______________________________________________