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APUSH Chapter 29
The Cold War
Essential Terms
Origins of the Cold War – (Differing
views of international relations (look
at Atlantic Charter, Casablanca
Conference, Yalta Conference)
Potsdam Conference
Containment Policy
George Kennan
Truman Doctrine
George Marshall
Marshall Plan
Selective Service System
National Security Act of 1947
Central Intelligence Agency
Soviet explosion of atomic bomb
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI
Bill of Rights)
John L. Lewis
United Mine Workers
Fair Deal
Fair Employment Practices
Taft-Hartley Bill (1947)
Closed Shop
Right-to-work laws
Union shops
“Cooling off period” (in relation to
Thomas Dewey
1948 Election
Nuclear weapons/power in popular
Korean War
Defense perimeter
Douglas MacArthur
38th parallel
Removal of General MacArthur
Office of Defense Mobilization
House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC)
Hollywood Ten
Alger Hiss
McCarran Internal Security Act
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Joseph McCarthy
1952 Presidential Election
Adlai Stevenson
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Multiple Choice Questions
1. During the Cold War, which of the following was one of the main tenets of the
American foreign policy approach towards the spread of communism recommended
by George Kennan and first implemented by President Truman in 1947?
a. contain the spread of communism as one would a contagion to prevent a
domino effect of affected nations
b. discover and eliminate internal communist spies in the State Department
c. match any Soviet buildup in its nuclear arsenal with equal or superior
American systems
d. develop the Strategic Defense Initiative, a "Star Wars" type of missile defense
e. use the Voice of America and other propaganda weapons to counter
communism's claims
2. The Truman Doctrine was developed in the Cold War period following World War II
in an attempt to prevent communist expansion in
a. the Korean peninsula
Southeast Asia
Eastern Europe
Latin America
Greece and Turkey
3. Alger Hiss
a. was accused of being a communist and stealing state secrets in the 1930s and
was convicted of lying under oath
b. charged that Whittaker Chambers had given him State Department
documents to give to the Soviets
c. was exposed as a communist by Senator Joseph McCarthy
d. strongly supported Richard Nixon's California Senate campaign
e. testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee during the
Hollywood Ten hearing
4. Which of the following statements about the World War II Potsdam Conference is
not accurate
a. Prime Minister Winston Churchill left the meeting following his party's
defeat in an election in Great Britain
b. the Allied leaders decided to defeat Germany first, then focus on Japan
c. it was decided that Nazi leaders would be tried as war criminals
d. Pres. Truman officially informed Soviet Premier Stalin of the existence of the
atomic bomb
e. all of the statements are accurate
5. Which of the following were justifications made for the dropping of the atomic
bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945?
I. A land invasion of Japan would cause huge casualties, as many as one million
American soldiers.
II. The bomb provided an opportunity to demonstrate U.S. capabilities in the
postwar world to the Soviet Union.
III. Other cities, such as Tokyo and Dresden, had been bombed extensively, so
Hiroshima represented an extension of wartime practices.
IV. Pres. Roosevelt had authorized billions of dollars in financing the Manhattan
Project without consulting Congress. Successfully dropping the bomb might be the
only acceptable defense once the secret was revealed.
a. I, II, and III only
b. I and III only
c. I, II and IV only
d. II and III only
e. all of the statements were justifications made for the dropping of the
Hiroshima bomb
6. All but which of the following statements about Joseph McCarthy are true?
a. he led a campaign to expose communists in the American government
b. his methods of intimidation and ridicule during committee hearings gave him
tremendous influence
c. he was the chair of the House Un-American Activities Committee
d. he was formally censured by the Senate following the Army-McCarthy
e. he continually changed the number of communists he claimed to have
discovered and refused to identify his sources
7. Following World War II, British, French, Soviet, and American officials convened the
Nuremberg Tribunal in 1945. Which of the following was not a charge applied to
German defendants at Nuremberg?
a. crimes against peace
b. war crimes
c. genocide
d. conspiracy to wage aggressive war
e. crimes against humanity