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Michael Diaz
Charlie Brewer
Jonathan Markl
Renewed Imperial Rivalry North America
 Thomas Jefferson was against Federalist candidate Charles Cotesworth Pickney in
the election of 1804 162 electoral votes to 14.
 1801 Jefferson announced a foreign policy of “peace, commerce, and honest
friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”
 Jefferson had a neutral foreign policy which was difficult to pursue with the
Napoleonic Wars in 1803
 The United States tried to keep trade with both sides of the Napoleonic War
(France and Britain)
 British began seizing American ships trading with the French
 British sailors began to sign up on American ships to a point in which a quarter of
the 100,000 seamen on American ships were British.
 About 6,000 Americans were forced to impressments into the British navy from
1803 to 1812.
 The Embargo Act was passed by Congress in 1807 prohibiting American ships
from leaving for any foreign port.
 The act was an economic disaster for America.
 Jefferson despondently ended his second term, acknowledging the failure of what
he called “peaceable coercion.’
 John Randolph declared the Embargo Act was attempting “to care corns by eating
off the tocks.
 In March 1805, Congress admitted failure, and the Embargo Act was repealed.
 Several acts were passed during the next two years. Such as the Non-Intercourse
Act of 1805 and Macon’s Bill Number 2 in 1810.
 “5 civilized tribes”- Cherokee, Chickasaws, Choctaws, and the Seminoles
 The Indian Intercourse Act of 1790 said the United States could not simply seize
Indian land.
 The Northwest Territory chose the path of armed resistance.
 The Shawnees was a semi nomadic hunting and farming tribe in Ohio valley.
 Between 1801 and 1809 William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana territory,
concluded fifteen treaties with Delaware’s, Potawatomis, Miami’s, and other
 Pan Indian military resistance movement calling for the political and cultural
unification of Indian tribes in the late 18th early 19th centuries.
 The Treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809, in which United States gained three million
acres of Delaware and Potawatomis lad, led to active resistance.
 In November 1811, Harrison marched to the Pan-Indian village of Tippecanoe
with 1,000 soldiers.
 American westward expansion put relentless pressure on the Indian notions in the
trans-application South and West.
Harrison claimed victory, but actually the Indians made an alliance with Britain
because the Indians were killing settlements of British
Indian threat increased greatly for western settlers because of this alliance