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210700.68 «Infocommunication technologies and communication systems»
Degree program «Information networks and telecommunications»
Qualification — Master of Science
Standard study duration — 2 years
Course of study — full-time
Mission of main curriculum (MC)
The mission of main curriculum is training of professionals of high qualification in the
field of infocommunications which shall have common cultural and professional skills
and are ready to service and operation, compute and design, experimental and research,
and management activities in the field of science and technology, which include the set of
technologies and methods dedicated for conditions for distance data transfer, data
processing and storing, including but not limited to – technological systems and technical
means providing reliable and quality transmission, reception, processing, and storing of
various signs, signals, written text, images, voice, and sounds by means of wire, radio,
and optical communication systems.
Goals of main curriculum (MC)
Training of social and personal qualities: determination, self-discipline,
ambitiousness, responsibility, civic consciousness, communications skills, tolerance,
aiming for perfection of common cultural skills, self-education, further lifelong training.
Professional training based on deep theoretical education and practical education
including project-oriented studies, which allow to successfully perform scientific and
research and project activities in the field of modern infocommunication systems and
Workload of main master curriculum 120 credits.
Field of professional practice
The field of professional practice and activities of masters includes set of technologies,
resources, approaches, and methods of human activities driven by creating conditions for
data transfer over a distance by means of wire, radio, and optical communication
systems, data processing and storing.
Objects of professional practice
Objects of professional practice of masters according to this degree program are areas of
science and engineering which include set of technologies, resources, approaches, and
methods of human activities driven by creating conditions for data transfer over a
distance, data processing and storing, including but not limited to – technological systems
and tools providing reliable and quality transmission, reception, processing and storing of
various signs, signals, written text, images, voice, and sounds by means of wire, radio,
and optical communication systems such as:
communication networks and switching systems;
signaling networks and synchronization networks;
multichannel communication systems;
telecommunication systems of optical band;
systems and devices of radio communications;
systems and devices of satellite and radio link communications;
systems and devices of mobile communications;
intelligent networks and communication systems;
centralized data processing systems in infocommunication networks;
systems and devices of data transfer;
information security in telecommunication systems.
Types of professional activities
Master of Science under 210700.68 «Infocommunication technologies and
telecommunications» is being trained to perform the following professional activities:
 design and engineering;
 scientific and research;
 project-based;
 management.
Tasks of professional activities
Master of Science under 210700.68 «Infocommunication technologies and
telecommunications» shall be trained to solve professional tasks according to profile of
the master degree program and types of professional activities:
Design&Engineering activities:
 preparation of technical specifications for project design solutions;
 patent research study to provide patent clearance of new project solutions and
patentability and definition of technical level of designed communication
networks, systems, devices, tools, and services;
 design and modernization of separate devices and modules of communication
 draft preparation for concept of operation and structure of designed networks,
systems, devices, tools, and services with justification of used technical solutions;
 design of draft, technical, and development projects of communication networks,
systems, devices, tools, and services by means of computer-aided design facilities,
best known design practices of competitive products;
 carrying out of projects engineering design, technical and economic and costeffectiveness analysis of efficiency of designed communication networks,
systems, devices, tools, and services;
 evaluation of project innovational potential;
 formulation of methodology and standard documentation, technical
documentation, as well as suggestions and plans of development and
implementation of projects and programs;
 innovation risk assessment of projects commercialization.
Scientific and research activities:
 development of work schedules and programs of scientific research and
technological development projects, the choice of methods and means of the
problem solving, the preparation of the individual tasks for the performers;
 mining, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical data
on the research topic, the choice of methods and means of problem solving;
 development of methods and organization of the experiments and measurements
and analysis of their results;
 preparation of scientific and technical reports, surveys, and papers on the
performed research results;
 development of physical and mathematical models of the processes, phenomena
and objects under the investigation related to the professional field, the creation of
computer programs using a standard, customized, and self-engineered computeraided design and research tools;
 registration and protection of intellectual property;
 management of the results of research activities and the commercialization of
intellectual property.
Project-based activities:
 formulation of project objectives, criteria and indicators of objectives fulfillment,
scope definition, exposure of priority goals, the development of business plans;
 technological process design with the use of automated computer-aided design
 formulation of methodology and standard documentation, technical
documentation, as well as suggestions and plans of development and
implementation of projects and programs, cost-effectiveness analysis of developed
projects and programs;
 development of specifications for the design and manufacture of non-standard
equipment and technological tools and fixtures;
 assurance of manufacturability of products and manufacturing processes; costeffectiveness analysis of technological processes;
 innovation and technological risk assessment for the implementation of new
 study of the causes of violations and failures in servicing of telecommunications
equipment and the delivery of services to users and developing proposals for their
prevention and elimination;
 implementation and operation of information systems;
 design and implementation of specific technical and software and mathematical
methods of information security in telecommunication systems;
 selection of environmental safety systems to ensure safe operation of
telecommunications equipment.
Management activities:
 workgroup activity management, decision-making under the conditions of range
of views, definition of the work schedule and workflow;
 search for sustainable solutions in the framework of developing the productive
capacity based on modern information and communication technologies to meet
the requirements of quality, reliability, and cost, as well as deadlines, life safety
and environmental sustainability;
 prevention of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, the prevention of
environmental safety violations;
 preparation of applications for an invention, industrial designs, utility models,
algorithms and programs, reports and management documentation, writing of
business letters;
 work activity management to ensure that international legal protection given to the
technical solutions, as well as the preparation of applications to government
regulatory authority of infocommunications industry in order to improve technical
regulation mechanisms;
 cost evaluation of intellectual activity results;
 work activity management in the department to improve, modernize, unify
business processes, their components and the development of draft standards and
 management of professional training of departments staff in the field of innovation
 adaptation of modern versions of quality management systems to the specific
conditions of production on the basis of international standards;
 preparation of reviews on the draft standards, rationalization proposals and
 work activity management for the supervision in the manufacture, installation,
setup, testing, and startup of facilities, equipment, and communication and
information tools;
 support of a integrated information environment of planning and management of
the enterprise at all stages of the life cycle of rendered services and ongoing
business processes;
 marketing and business plans preparation of production and sales of advanced,
promising and competitive products;
 marketing activities and the business plans preparation of technical support and
implementation of advanced, promising and competitive services;
 management of development programs of new services rendering technologies;
 management of professional training of departments staff in the field of innovation
activities, technology, information and communication processes and services;
 development of work plans and programs of the organization of innovation
activities in communications companies;
 staff work management for complete solutions of innovative problems – from the
idea to bring the services to the users.