* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name: Period: Engineering an Empire: China Answer the following questions while we watch the documentary “Engineering an Empire: China.” 1. Which kingdom rose to power ending the Warring States Period? 2. Which two military advances did the Qin have over the other kingdoms? 3. What did Li Bing create? 4. How did Li Bing move the mountain that was in his way? 5. Who built the Great Wall of China? 6. How long is the Great Wall of China? 7. Why was it built? 8. What can archaeologists learn about the Qin army from the terracotta warriors? 9. Describe Shi Huangdi’s tomb. 10. Which dynasty did Liu Bang found? 11. How did soldiers along the Great Wall communicate between the watchtowers? 12. Which dynasty would reunite China centuries after the collapse of the Han? 13. Why did Yang Di build the Grand Canal? 14. How many workers did it take to build the Grand Canal? How long did it take? 15. How did the Grand Canal affect China? 16. Who was Zheng He? Why was he important in Chinese history? 17. How many ships were in the Ming armada? 18. How did they construct this many ships? 19. Describe the flagship of the of the Ming fleet? 20. How did the Ming alter the Great Wall of China?