* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
HONORS CHEMISTRY 9 SYLLABUS Centennial High School 2015-2016 Course #: 5353 Course Name: Honors Chemistry 9 Semester 1 Semester 2 Teacher Name: Elizabeth Genskow Room Number: R215 Phone #: 763-792 -5190 E-Mail: [email protected] Prerequisite: Algebra 2 or concurrent enrollment Credit Earned: 1 Course Description: This honors course has been developed to challenge the needs of highly motivated and capable students in the subject area of science. Successful students will be those who are motivated, responsible, and diligent in completing homework. Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes in matter. This course is an introduction into basic principles of chemistry. Some of the topics that will be covered are: measurements and calculations made in chemistry, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical formulas, chemical equations and reactions, the mole, and organic chemistry. Course Objective: Students in this course will: Synthesize and analyze scientific experiments. Apply the Kinetic Theory of Matter to describe the various states of matter. Analyze the arrangement of the periodic table and describe how it can be used to predict properties of elements. Analyze evidence for atomic theory and describe current atomic model. Justify the Law of conservation of Mass as it relates to balanced chemical equations. Course Expectations: Chemistry, like all learning, is a “hands-on” activity. You cannot learn well if you are not engaged. The teacher’s responsibility is to set up the expectations about what knowledge constitutes “chemistry” and to provide activities and feedback to enable you to gain the knowledge and skills as well as gauge your progress. Your responsibility is to be actively involved in your learning. You should also communicate to me how well the class is going for you – then I can modify as necessary to help you succeed. Attendance: (Three unexcused tardies are equivalent to one unexcused absence) contributions will be missed if you are absent. When an unavoidable absence occurs, it is up to you to find out what you missed and you are responsible to find the time to make up all missed work, including labs. Centennial has a building attendance policy that we will follow (i.e. one incremental grade reduction for two unexcused absences). You are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings. If you arrive after the bell rings, you will be marked tardy. All tardies that are not excused with a pass from another staff member will be unexcused. If you have any questions about an assignment or other attendance questions please see me. Behavior: Your behavior sets the tone for all of us. My expectations are that you will be a respectful young adult. You will be held responsible for behavior that does not meet this expectation. Consequences that will follow are those that are outlined in the student handbook. 1. A verbal or written reminder 2. Student conference 3. Parent contact 4. Restriction of privileges 5. Detention 6. Removal from class Materials Needed: Each student will need to be equipped with a calculator, a notebook, a folder, and a writing utensil (pencils and pens). Lab: Safety, cleanliness, and correct use of lab equipment are expected (see lab safety form). All lab stations (including sinks) must be clean before you leave the room. After each class the next class will examine your job of cleaning up. If the next class deems the lab area unclean the ENTIRE CLASS will loose 25% of the total lab score. You must wear goggles and closed toed shoes to participate in any lab activity that involves potentially harmful chemicals and/or glassware. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. Failure to bring required materials will result in not participating in the lab and activity. Lab may be made up on the student’s own time before or after school or during advisory. A one-day notice of upcoming lab will be given and will be a part of the student’s homework. Technology: The use of personal electronics is affecting everyone involved with a learning experience. If a student is told to stop sending communications, that student must cease the activity immediately. All extraneous devices are not to be used during class unless authorized for a class-related purpose. In particular, cell phones are to be turned off and are not to be used during a class. The use of any electronic devices during examinations is strictly prohibited Cell phones/camera phones are to be turned off and not used during any testing or examination period. During the testing session cell phones/camera phones are to be stored in a case, book bag, knapsack, or purse, and may not be placed on the table, desktop, or individual’s lap. Centennial Schools reserves the right to restrict student use of district owned technologies and personally owned devices on school property. Consequences and retuning of the device are located on page 22 of your student calendar. 1st offense – device taken, parent pick up 2nd offense – device taken, 1 day of ISS, parent pickup 3rd offense – device taken, 1 day of ISS, parent pickup 4th offense – device taken, 3 days of ISS, parent pickup Severe violations are subject to discipline including suspension, criminal charges, etc Grading: There are many components to your grade. Your grade will be weighted by 50% tests/quizzes, 30% labs, and 20% participation/homework quizzes. and quizzes. There are NO RETAKES on any participation quiz, lab, and/or test Schoology Code: K244N – 6SQH5 Homework: Homework is a very important part of the course and in order to fully master the topics it is essential that you work carefully on every assignment and try your best to complete every problem. The homework policy will closely mimic a college chemistry course. The homework given will be recommended. It will not be collected for grading. We WILL go over the answers to the recommended homework each day. Participation/homework quizzes: Approximately every two weeks we will have a quiz based on our current discussions and the recommended homework. These quizzes will be individual and students may use any resource (except electronic devices) at their disposal. The majority of quiz content will come from the recommended homework. Those individuals who actively participate in class and complete the recommended homework should do quite well on these quizzes. Labs: All students must have a designated lab notebook. Each lab write up must include a title, date, page number, purpose, procedure, data, analysis, and conclusion. More specific information will be handed out separately. Notebooks will be collected and graded at various announced times. Tests/quizzes: Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit. Each test will be 50 questions worth 2 points each and will be completed on scantron. Restroom breaks and/or any additional breaks will not be allowed during a test or quiz. The test/quiz must be finished and handed in before the usage of a break. An example of an announced quiz would be able to write the name and formula of the first 36 elements. Quizzes in this category are different from the participation/homework quizzes. They are closed book. Make-up work: In the result of an absence, students can access schoology for a copy of the recommended homework. In the back of the room is a calendar of availability. Students needing to make up a test/quiz, lab, and/or participation/recommended homework quiz must sign up on the calendar with the student name and activity to be completed. Only one activity may be completed at a selected time. Students must makeup work on their own time. I will NOT hunt you down to make up work. Late Work and Extra Credit: I will accept late work for a 50% grade reduction. Extra credit will be offered periodically to the entire class. No individual extra credit will be given. Misc: I am looking forward to this semester. Hopefully you can share my enthusiasm for exploring how chemistry is related to the rest of your world. In class we will discuss other procedures and routines that will have to happen for the class to work. In the classroom, learning is the responsibility of the student as well as the teacher. Everyone in the classroom will be expected to treat everyone else respectfully. Active and enthusiastic participation is the best way to approach this class. To do well you need to complete assignments, give full attention to class activities, participate in discussions, learn from the labs, get help when you do not understand, and persevere. We all learn best by being actively involved. GRADING A = 100 – 93 A- = 92 – 90 B+ = 89 – 87 B = 86 – 83 B- = 82 – 80 C+ = 79 – 77 C = 76 – 73 (Exemplary work – 90%-100% mastery of subject goals) (Proficient/thorough work – 80%-89% mastery of subject goals) C- = 72 – 70 D+ = 69 – 67 D = 66 – 63 (Mediocre work – 60%-69% mastery of subject goals) D- = 62 – 60 NC = 59 – 0 (Unacceptable work – less than 50% mastery of subject goals) (Acceptable work – 70%-79% mastery of subject goals) I have read and understand the expectations, objectives, responsibilities and grading for this class. Student Name : ___________________________ Student Signature: ____________________________ Print Name Parent Signature: __________________________ Date:_______________________________________