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CURWOOD: Just ahead: the story of a tribe who, some say, was
hidden from civilization for thousands of years. First, this
Environmental Health Note from Diane Toomey.
TOOMEY: Despite efforts to curb West Nile, this year the virus
has spread to all but six states. So far, about 18-hundred people
have become infected, usually with mild symptoms such as low
grade fever and headache. But the disease has been fatal in a few,
mostly elderly patients.
Now, researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases say they are making progress in developing a vaccine
against the West Nile Virus. To create it, scientists removed the
outer proteins of a dengue virus and replaced them with the
corresponding proteins from West Nile. They figured the resulting
hybrid virus would be crippled to the point where it can't cause
disease, but would trigger a strong immune response.
The vaccine was tested in a dozen rhesus monkeys. Even though
the virus had only a weak ability to replicate itself in the monkey's
blood, researchers found that all twelve animals developed high
levels of antibodies. And when exposed to the West Nile virus,
none of the monkeys became ill. Researchers plan to begin human
trials of the vaccine by the end of year.
And that’s this week’s Environmental Health Note. I’m Diane
CURWOOD: And you're listening to Living on Earth.
[MUSIC: Radiohead “Meeting in the Aisle” Airbag Hog (1998)
EMI Records LTD.]
dengue: an acute infectious disease caused by an arbovirus,
transmitted by aedes mosquitoes, and characterized by headache,
severe joint pain, and a rash -- called also breakbone fever,
dengue fever 登革熱 ( 頭部、肌肉、關節部劇痛的傳染性熱帶
arbovirus any of various RNA viruses (as the causative agents
of encephalitis, yellow fever, and dengue) transmitted chiefly by
arthropods【生】 蟲媒病毒 ( 如黃熱病毒、腦炎病毒等 )
encephalitis (n): inflammation of the brain 腦炎
cripple (n) 1 a sometimes offensive : a lame or partly disabled
person or animal b : one that is disabled or deficient in a specified
manner <a social cripple> 2 : something flawed or imperfect
(adj) being lame, flawed, or imperfect (vt) 1 : to deprive of the use
of a limb and especially a leg
2 : to deprive of capability for service or of strength, efficiency, or
wholeness synonym see MAIM, WEAKEN
rhesus monkey : 'rE-s&s- : Etymology: New Latin Rhesus, genus of
monkeys, from Latin, a mythical king of Thrace, from Greek RhEsos
: a pale brown Asian macaque (Macaca mulatta) often used in
medical research
Scientists develop vaccines for humans by modifying the
protein of the virus. But, sometimes, the modified protein of
the virus may still cause problems to humans to some extent.
If scientists want to try a removed outer layer of SARS virus
protein on you to see if you can develop immune response,
will you try it? On what condition, will you try it?
Successful on rats? Successful on rhesus monkey?
The West Nile virus was said to be transmitted by
mosquitoes. Describe how mosquitoes do that. I don’t think
you can kill all the mosquitoes in Taiwan, how do you
prevent the spread of the virus? You can use dengue fever
for example.
How do you think of your immune system in defending
yourself against flu? Are you the strong type or the weak
type? Do you think the immune system of your body is
related to the amount of exercise? The more the better? Or
the more regular the better?
What do you do if you find your roommate is coughing
badly? It may be a virus or that he/she just has an allergy.
Would ask your roommate to see a doctor or have check?
What would you do if your roommate does not want to do
anything and you’re afraid that you might get infected?
How about you : if you have a serious cold, would you still
go to class?