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MthEd 377 Lesson Plan
Cover Sheet
Name: Jefferson Hall
Date: 9/7/2005
Section Title: Fractions and Mixed Numbers (2.2)
Big Mathematical Idea:
Non-whole numbers can be expressed by breaking areas down into parts with the same
area. Shape are not important as long as the area is the same. The number of equal parts
that it would take to make the whole is the denominator. The number of equal parts it
takes to make the number you are representing is the numerator.
Why is this topic important?
Fractions are the simplest method of representing non-whole numbers. It is important to
understand the basic concept of a fraction before you can learn how to perform arithmetic
on fractions.
How does this lesson fit in to the overall unit? (i.e., How does this lesson build on the
previous lessons and how do subsequent lessons build on it?)
This entire module teaches how to perform arithmetic on fractions. It fits right after
module 1 which focused on arithmetic for whole numbers. The first section in the module
taught about basic shapes to prepare for this section which represents fractions with
shapes. The concept of a fractions, as taught in this lesson, is the basic method of
representing non-whole numbers used in the remainder of the module. In essence, this
lesson introduces the concept that the module is all about.
Grading rubric (for Keith’s use)
5 The Big Mathematical Idea addresses core mathematical concepts and is clearly
5 Description of the importance of the topic is well thought out and relevant
5 There is a clear, insightful discussion of how this lesson fits in to the
mathematical content of the overall unit
5 Lesson sequence is well thought out and detailed
5 Students' thinking is anticipated with forethought and detail
5 Reactions to students' thinking is mathematically oriented, insightful and
10 3-5 reflection paragraphs
demonstrate thoughtful
reflection and are clearly
10 Met with Dr. Leatham and made
appropriate revisions based on this
30 3-5 page reflection paper
demonstrates thoughtful reflection
and is clearly articulated
Lesson Sequence: Learning
activities, tasks and key
questions (what you will do
and say, what you will ask
the students to do)
1. Draw a circle on the
board divided into five
equal parts and ask how
many parts its divided
2. Use this example to
explain what a
denominator is.
3. Shade two of the wedges
in the picture and ask
how many 1/5 parts are
4. Use this example to
explain what a
numerator is.
5. Ask for 2 volunteers to
divide a geoboard into 2
equivalent halves and
show the 2 example
halves from the teacher
1. Divide students into four
equal groups and give
two groups form A of
the worksheet and the
other groups form B of
the worksheet.
2. Have students use one
geoboard per group and
agree on the solutions to
the given problems and
then draw them on their
Anticipated Student
Thinking and
Your response to
student responses
and thinking
things to
Launching the Lesson
1. Students should (2.) If this
understand the
numerator and
arises, explain
that it will be
2. Students may
dealt with in
not understand
later lessons.
that the parts
(4.) Explain that
need to be
the area is
equivalent to
add them
the part and
3. Students should
that the shape
understand that
is not
the first teacher
example is half
the geoboard
since the parts
are the same.
4. Students may
have trouble
with the second
example since
the parts aren’t
the same.
Orchestrating the Task
1. Again, students (1.) On their
may have
boards, give
trouble. With
making shapes
examples of
with parts that
two different
are different
shapes with
the same area
2. Students may
to illustrate
disagree about
the concept.
how to do it.
(2.) Encourage
3. Students may
them to work
have trouble
together and
the last problem
where the
students to be
creative in
their solutions
and to try to
get a solution
that the other
group will not.
Lesson Sequence: Learning
activities, tasks and key
questions (what you will do
and say, what you will ask
the students to do)
Anticipated Student
Thinking and
numerator is
greater than the
1. For each problem:
a. Have a person from
each group (different
person each time) draw
their solution on the
b. Have them explain why
their solution is correct.
c. After each round of
solutions, open the
class to discuss what
they do and don’t
2. After the last problem
ask if anybody had
trouble with the fraction
larger than the whole.
3. Ask if there were any
other problems that the
class encountered.
Your response to
student responses
and thinking
questions to
get them back
on task.
(3.) Explain that
fractions can
represent nonwhole
greater than
the whole.
Facilitating the Discussion
1. Students should Concerns with
have been able
numbers greater
to discover the
than the whole
basic principles should be
of the fraction
discussed and the
through the
principles should
be explained.
2. Students will
Any other
probably have a concerns should
little trouble
be dealt with as
with numbers
students ask
greater than the questions.
things to
Lesson Sequence: Learning
activities, tasks and key
questions (what you will do
and say, what you will ask
the students to do)
1. Ask for students to
explain what they
understand about fractions
as a way of expressing nonwhole numbers.
Anticipated Student
Thinking and
Debriefing the Lesson
By this time
students should
have a fairly solid
understanding of
the basic fraction.
Your response to
student responses
and thinking
Where necessary,
ask leading
questions to help
correct students
things to