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Name _____________
7th Grade Literature
Terms-Themes 1
THEME-is the main idea of a written work usually expressed as a general statement.
STATED THEME- is expressed directly.
IMPLIED THEME- is gradually revealed as the piece unfolds.
VISUAL ELEMENTS- is the collection of details that writers use to help readers
visualize scenes.
COMPARE- tells things that are similar.
CONTRAST- tells things that are different.
SETTING- is the time and place in which the events of a short story, novel, novella, or
play occur. It often helps create the atmosphere or mood of the story.
TITLE- is the name of a literary work.
FIRST-PERSON POINT OF VIEW- the story is told by one of the characters, referred to
as I. The reader generally sees everything through that character’s eyes.
THIRD-PERSON POINT OF VIEW- the story is told by the narrator who stands outside
the story. The narrator uses he or she when referring to characters in the story.
POINT OF VIEW- is the relationship of the narrator or storyteller to the story.
IRONY- is a form of expression in which the intended meaning of the words used is the
opposite of their literal meaning.
VERBAL IRONY- occurs when a person says one thing and means another.
SITUATIONAL IRONY- occurs when the outcome of a situation is the opposite of what
was expected.
PURPOSE – is the author intention or goal in writing a particular work. It may be to
inform, entertain, persuade the reader, or express an idea.
MEMOIR- is a biographical or autobiographical narrative emphasizing the narrator’s
personal experience during a period or at an event.
CONFLICT- is the struggle between opposing forces in a story or drama.
EXTERNAL CONFLICT- exists when a character struggles against an outside force such
as nature, society, fate, or another person.
INTERNAL CONFLICT- exists within a character’s mind.
CHARACTER- is a person or creature in a literary work.
DYNAMIC CHARACTER- is one who changes during the story.
STATIC CHARACTER- is one who remains the same throughout the story.
ETYMOLOGY- is the study of word origins.