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Part 3
Interactive scenario…Spot the mistake….
The picture would illustrate a patient in bed clearly signalling “No!” The nurse would be making a number of
communication errors. Eg. Looking away and sitting facing away from the patient and talking to someone else,
whilst holding a spoon full of food up in the general direction of the patient or looking at her watch, or wearing an
i pod.
Narrator: Roll you cursor over the communication mistakes. What is the nurse doing wrong? What can
she change to make her communication with her patient more respectful?
As the curser rolls over the 4 areas of poor communication the cartoon alters, eg, the nurse looks at the patient
and smiles together with spoken information from the Narrator.
Narrator: If the nurse was looking at the patient she would have been in a better position to understand
that the patient was in fact attempting to communicate. How much more this would respect and empower
the patient in this case?
Narrator: How does it feel if you are communicating with someone who keeps looking at their watch? It
would probably make you feel rushed and unimportant. How much better to spend the small amount of
time you may have to spend with a patient feel like their care is your complete focus of concern? That
they are important and that what they think feel and say matters. They are partners in their care and need
to feel involved.
Narrator: What message would it give if you wore an I pod whilst helping someone eat their dinner?
Eating is an intimate and personal to us all. If we need to help someone eat we must understand that it is
an intimate and perhaps humiliating experience for them and we should as nurses do all we can to help
patient feel at ease at these times…we cant possibly do that whilst wearing headphones! How much better
to offer our full attention and reassurance whilst helping people eat?