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ANPS 019 Beneyto-Santonja 10/22/12
Thoracic and Abdominal Wall Muscles
 Intercostal muscles
o External intercostal m.
o Inner intercostal m.
o Innermost intercostal m.
 Abdominal muscles
o External oblique
o Internal oblique
o Transversus abdominus
 Rectus abdominis m. (sixpack)- flexion
Anterior Thigh and Hip Muscles (overview)
 Superficial
o Lliacus
o Psoas major
o Sartorius
o Quadricep m.
 Rectus femoris m.
 Vastus lateralis m.
 Vastus medialis m.
 Deep
o Adductor m. group
 Pectineus m.
 Adductor brevis m.
 Adductor longus m.
 Adductor magnus m.
 Gracilis m.
Lateral Thigh and Hip Muscles (overview)
 Gluteus maxmius m.
 Tensor fascia latae m.
 Illiotibial tract
 Biceps femoris m.
Posterior Thing  Hamstring and Hip Muscles (overview)
 Superficial
o Gluteus maximus m.
o Gracilic m.
o Illiotibial tract
 Deep
o Gluteus maximus m. (cut)
o Gluteus medius and minimus m. (deep)
o Semitendinosus m.
o Semimembranosus m.
o Biceps femoris m. long and short head (behind)
Hip Flexor Muscle (action)
 Anterior view
o Psoas major m.
o Illiacus m.
 Flexes thigh at the hip joint
Knee Extensor Muscle (actions)
Quadriceps femoris
o Rectus femoris m.
o Vastus lateralis m.
o Vastus intermedius m.
o Vastus medialis m.
 Hip Flexors:
o Rectus femoris m.
o Sartorius m.
 Knee Flexors
o Sartorius m.
 Lateral (external) thigh rotator
o Sartorius m.
 Anterior Compartment - Anterior view
o Sartorius m.
o Rectus femoris
o V. lateralis
o V. intermed
o V. medialis
o Quadriceps tendon
o Patellar tendon
Thigh Adductor Muscle (Actions)
 Adductor magnus m.
 Adductor longus m.
 Adductor brevis m.
 Pectineus m.
 Gracilis m.
 Adductor of thigh at the hip joint
Lateral Thigh and Hip Muscle (Actions)
 Tensor fascia latae m.
 Illiotibial tract
 Tensor fascia latae m. – abducts the thigh at the hip; locks the knee (through IT tract)
Posterior Thigh Muscles (Actions)
 Gluteus maximus m.  extends thigh at hip joint; laterally rotates thigh at hip joint
 Gluteus medius m. + gluteus minimus m. (deep)  abducts thigh at hip joint medially
rotates thigh
 Hamstring muscles  Semitendinous m; semimembranosus m.; biceps femoris m.
o Extension of thigh at the hip joint flexion at knee joint
Anterior Leg Muscles (Actions)
 Anterior compartment – 3 muscles
o Extensor digitorum longus m.
o Tibialis anterior m.
o Extensor hallucis longus m.
o Dorsiflexion, inversion, toe extension
Lateral Leg Muscles (Actions)
 Lateral compartment – 2 muscles
o Fibularis longus m.
o Fibularis brevis m.
 Eversion and plantarflexion of the foot
Posterior Leg Muscles (Actions)
Posterior compartment – 2 muscles
o Gastrocnemius m. (two heads)
o Soleus m. (deep)
o Plantarflexion of food (gastrocnemius, also knee flexion)
o Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
Deep Posterior Leg Muscle (Actions)
 Posterior compartment (deep muscle group)  three muscles
o Flexor digitorum longus m.
o Tibailis posterior m.
o Flexor hallucis longus m.
o Plantarflexion, inversion, toe flexion
Innervation of lower extremity
 Femoral N. (ant. Thigh)
 Common fibular nerve (anterior/lateral compartments)
 Obturator N. (med. thigh; adductor m.)
 Tibial N. (posterior compartment)
 Sciatic N. (posterior thigh)
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