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Unit 10 Wheel My Way
Share your opinions and experiences of the following subjects
with your friends.
1. What is a broken or fractured bone?
2. How is it treated?
3. Did you have a broken bone before? What type of fractures
have you experienced?
Bone fractures commonly occur at traffic accidents and / or
sports injuries among young groups. Other causes are falls, low
bone density and osteoporosis, which cause weakening of the
bones among menopause women and old people.
When the broken bone punctures out of the skin, it is called
an open or compound fracture. It is more urgent than any other
type of fracture because the patient wouldn’t be able to
control the blood loss at the same time. Comminuted fracture
is a complicated damage to close to nerves, blood vessels
muscles and joints. When everyone confronts the above problem,
he or she should call 119 for an ambulance.
The common symptoms of a fracture are intense pain, bruising,
swelling, bleeding, numbness, tingling, limited mobility or
inability to move a limb and/ or an out-of-place or misshapen
limb or joint. The patient who suffers from any fracture should
get medical care in a clinical setting; he or she might need
to wear a cast or splint to fix the limb for several weeks. Some
of them need surgery to put in plates, pins, wires or screws
to keep the bone in place.
Compression fractures of the back in the elderly cause their
bones so weak and cannot withstand a force or trauma applied
to them. Some of them need to wear the brace before getting out
of bed to keep the spine more stabilized and reduce the severe
back pain during the walk.
Many hip fractures are common occurrences affecting older and
post-menopausal women caused by a fall or other injuries. Total
hip replacement (THR) is the most effective way to repair a hip
neck fracture. After the surgery, the physical therapist will
teach a patient how to use a cane, a walker or crutches when
he or she is walking, or use a wheel chair in the rehabilitation
center. Also the occupational therapist can recommend devices
like raised toilet seats, and activities like putting a pillow
between the legs for four to six weeks. He can help train the
patient to manage the usual daily activities independently at
Please select the best answer for each question.
1. Which of the followings is not the symptoms of the fracture?
Intense pain, bruise.
Swelling and bleeding,
Limited mobility or inability to move a limb
Headaches and dizziness
2. How long will it probably take to recover from the fracture?
One week.
Half year.
Several weeks.
Several months.
1. injury KK [ˋɪndʒərɪ] DJ [ˋindʒəri] n./ (對人, 動物的)
傷害; (對健康的)損害
2. compound KK [ˋkɑmpaʊnd] DJ [ˋkɔmpaund] n./a./ 混合物;
化合物;複合物/合成的, 複合的, 混合的
3. density KK [ˋdɛnsətɪ] DJ [ˋdensiti] n./密集(度), 稠密(度
4.comminuted KK [ˋkɑmə͵njut] DJ [ˋkɔminju:t] Vt./ 研成粉
5. bruising KK [ˋbruzɪŋ] DJ [ˋbru:ziŋ] n./a./ 挫傷/十分激
烈的, 殊死的
6. numbness KK [ˋnʌmnɪs] DJ [ˋnʌmnis] n./ 無感覺, 麻木; 驚
7. brace KK [bres] DJ [breis] n./ Vt./ 支柱; 支撐物, (牙齒)
矯正器; 【醫】支架/支撐; 加固
8. cane KK [ken] DJ [kein] n./ 手杖, 柺杖
9.crutch KK [krʌtʃ] DJ [krʌtʃ] n./ 丁形柺杖, (支在腋下的)撐
10.walker KK [ˋwɔkɚ] DJ [ˋwɔ:kə]n./ 步行者; 散步者, 學步
車; 助行器
1. osteoporosis KK [͵ɑstɪopəˋrosɪs] DJ [͵ɔstiəupəˋrəusis]
n./ 骨質疏鬆
2. menopause KK [ˋmɛnə͵pɔz] DJ [ˋmenə͵pɔ:z] n./ 更年期; 絕
3. fracture KK [ˋfræktʃɚ] DJ [ˋfræktʃə]n./Vt. 破裂; 斷裂;
折斷; 骨折/使破裂; 使斷裂; 使折斷; 使骨折
4. misshapen KK [mɪsˋʃepən] DJ [misˋʃeipən] a./ 殘廢的; 畸
5. cast KK [kæst] DJ [kɑ:st] Vt./n./ 投, 擲, 拋, 扔, 撒/固
6. splint KK [splɪnt] DJ [splint] n./Vt./ 薄木條; 藤條, 夾
7. physical KK [ˋfɪzɪk!] DJ [ˋfizikəl]a./n./ 身體的, 肉體
8. therapist KK [ˋθɛrəpɪst] DJ [ˋθerəpist]n./ 治療學家;
9.physical therapist 物理治療師
10. rehabilitation KK [͵rihə͵bɪləˋteʃən] DJ
[͵ri:hə͵biliˋteiʃən]n./ (病殘人的)康復, 更新; (罪犯的)改過
11. occupational therapist 職能治療師
suffer from 因(疾病)而痛或不舒服
My father suffers from high blood pressure for ten years.
Comparative Forms
Adding “more” in front of the adjective to form a comparative
Ex. It is more urgent than any other type of fracture.
If the adjective is only one-syllabled, you add “-er” to
the end of the adjective to form the comparative form.
Ex: short -> shorter; big-> bigger.
In groups, discuss the following questions.
1. How do you prepare a patient for MRI?
2. Please make comparisons between the traditional surgery and
the endoscopy.
A word or phrase is missing in each of the question. Please select a best
answer to complete the sentence.
1. A spine x-ray shows at least one compressed vertebra that is shorter
_______the other vertebrae.
(A) than
(B) less
(C) below
(D) above
2. Medicines for osteoporosis can help prevent future fractures.
_________, they cannot reverse damage that has already occurred.
(A) Therefore
(B) However
(C) Moreover
(D) Finally
A word or phrase is missing in each text or sentence listed below. Please
select the best answer to complete the text or sentence.
1. For compression fractures caused by tumors, the outcome _______ the
type of tumor involved.
(A) higher than
(B) less than
(C) depends on
(D) focuses on
2. A brace should be fixed for 6-10 weeks if the fracture is ________ a
sport injury
(A) due to
(B) focus on
(C) depends on
(D) caused by
Please restructure following sentences to form a correct expression.
1. the break down Compression fractures of are the vertebrae in the spine.
(Compression fractures are the break down of the vertebrae in the spine.)
2. back braces of more fractures These may further and increase the risk
weaken the bones. (These back braces may further weaken the bones
and increase the risk of more fractures.)
Molly Johnson, a 84-year-old woman, has suffered from the left
hip fracture in her bathroom last night. Her husband told the
EMT that she was taking a shower, she suddenly felt dizzy and
fell down on the ground. He found her left thigh was bruised,
swollen, and she was unable to move her leg, so he called 110
immediately. The ambulance and the EMT arrived and sent her to
the Emergency Room at the East Asia Hospital.
Nurse: Hi, I am your duty nurse, Betty Lee. How are you feeling
so far?
Patient: My left leg has a terrible pain. I can’t lift my left
Nurse: Alright. Which part of your leg is the most painful?
Patient: I feel the dull pain on the thigh and inguinal region
of my left leg.
Nurse: I need to check the appearance of your left leg. Also,
I put the ice bag on your left thigh to reduce the pain and
Patient: I see. Thank you so much.
Nurse: Please let me take your blood pressure.
Patient: Sure.
Nurse: Your blood pressure is 100/60 mmHg. How was your blood
Patient: Around 160/100 mmHg.
Nurse: What medications are you taking to treat it?
Patient: Half of a tablet of Tenormin for oral intake every
morning and night. This morning I missed a dose, so I took double
doses after dinner.
Nurse: I see. I will recheck your blood pressure later. Now
we will send you to take X-rays and CT to ensure the damage to
the bone and adjacent tissues.
Patient: Alright.
One hour later~
Nurse: Hello, Mrs. Johnson. After Doctor Simon studied the
result of CT, he arranged a total hip replacement surgery for
you at 9 a.m. tomorrow. You have NPO after midnight. It means
that you do not eat or drink anything after twelve o’clock.
Patient: I see. Doctor Simon has explained the whole operation
and potential risks to my husband already. Now I will try my
best to take it easy.
Nurse: I will inject an intravenous drip on your right forearm.
It can also be the blood transfusion way during surgery.
Patient: Thank you very much.
1. Why was Mrs. Molly Johnson sent to the ER this morning?
A cold.
Hip fracture.
Heart transplantation.
2. Which of the followings is not Mrs. Johnson’s problem?
The increase in the bleed amount.
Wound healing after surgery
Cardiovascular system problems.
Rehabilitation plan and walker training program
1.thigh KK [θaɪ] DJ [θai] n./ 股, 大腿
2. inguinal KK [ˋɪŋgwɪn!] DJ [ˋiŋgwinəl] a./ 鼠蹊部(附近)
3. tablet KK [ˋtæblɪt] DJ [ˋtæblit] n. 便箋簿, 拍紙簿,小
片, 小塊, 藥片
4. oral intake 口服/由口攝取
1. dizzy KK [ˋdɪzɪ] DJ [ˋdizi] a./ 頭暈目眩的
2. prominent KK [ˋprɑmənənt] DJ [ˋprɔminənt] a./ 卓越的;
重要的; 著名的
3. dose KK [dos] DJ [dəus] n./ (藥物等的)n./一劑, 一服, (輻
4. adjacent KK [əˋdʒesənt] DJ [əˋdʒeisnt] a./ 毗連的, 鄰
5. replacement KK [rɪˋplesmənt] DJ [riˋpleismənt]n./ 代替,
取代; 更換; 接替
6. intravenous KK [͵ɪntrəˋvinəs] DJ [ˋintrəˋvi:nəs] a./ 靜
7.blood transfusion 輸血
take one’s blood pressure 量血壓
Please let me take your blood pressure. 請讓我量你的血壓。
Passive Forms
The passive sentence pattern is as follows:
S + be + p.p. (past participle)
Ex. Her left thigh was bruised. 她左大腿瘀傷。
17. Useful Expressions
1. Why are you sitting on a wheel chair?
Do you need to sit on a wheel chair?
18. Role Plays
Lily smith, a 58-year-old woman, has suffered from right
femoral neck fracture in her bathroom last night. Her husband
told the EMT that she just finished her gardening work, and then
suddenly she felt dizzy. She fell down on the ground. He found
her right thigh was in intense pain, swollen and she was unable
to move her leg. Therefore, he called 110 immediately. The
ambulance and the EMT arrived and sent her to the Emergency Room
at the Preston Hospital.
1. Which mobility aids have you used with patient?
(A) walker
(B) crutches
(C) walking frame
(D) wheelchair
Dialogue (Script)
Jenny: Sam, What’s wrong with your right leg ?
Sam: I fell down from the roof to the ground and broke my leg
Jenny: I can see you wear a long cast on your right leg. Do you
still feel the pain?
Sam: A little bit. I have to take painkillers three times a day.
Jenny: Are there any restrictions to what you can eat?
Sam: No. In addition to taking in enough dairy products, I need
to be aware of preventing the loss of calcium from the bones.
Jenny: What kind of exercise can you do on the bed?
Sam: I have to lift my right leg 10 times as a circle. I have
to perform three circles to help strengthen the leg’s muscles.
Jenny: How long do you need to sit on the wheelchair?
Sam: I need to sit on the wheelchair for 6 weeks for bone
Jenny: Good luck. I hope the strength of your bone and muscles
return in a short period of time.
Sam: Thanks.
Jenny: Please take good care of yourself.
Sam: I will.
Are following statements true?
1. Sam is wearing a long cast on his left leg.
(A) True
(B) False
2. Sam should take in more dairy products in order to prevent the loss of
calcium from the bone. .
(A) True
(B) False
Sam needs to sit on the wheelchair for eight weeks.
(A) True
(B) False
Match following questions and responses.
1. What’s wrong with you?
A. Yes, but I can tolerate it.
2. Do you still feel pain?
B. I had a car accident.
3. What kind of exercise can you do?
C. The one that can improve strength
and endurance levels