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From Jan 2007
Theme on Treatment Of Post MI: OPTIONS:
E-Valve replacement
H- Pacemaker replacement
I- Naproxen
22. Myocardial infarction but no chest pain.
23. Myocardial infarction with heart block.
24. Myocardial infarction with murmur.
25. A pt. with chest pain, ECG showed T wave depression in L III, aVF & L II has pain & nausea for
2 hrs & it subsidies completely. Now he presents in the A & E after one hour. The Next Step?
26. A pt. develops chest pain, which subsides. He has an ejection systolic murmur, BP 110 /60mmHg, low volume pulse. The Next step?
27. A pt. recovering from MI, collapses & O/E has a pulse of 36 / min. The Next step?
28. A pt. develops pyrexia & pleural effusion one week after inferior Myocardial infarction. The Next
My answers (not sure - please correct and explain).
22. C
23. B
24. E
25. F
26. E
27. A
28. I
Jan 2007 PlabI
Theme on terminal care: with SVC Obs
2. Pateint with intractable hiccups
3.pateint with fugatinating breat ca
4.pateint with unable to cough up secretions.
5.A pateint of ca breat with pathological fracture
a) dexacmetasone tab
b) bisphosphates.
c) haloperidol
d) metronidozole get
e) hyoscine
Theme on x-ray features of diff. diseases:
6. a person with htn, different bp in both arms and chest pain
7. a ptateint with diverticulosis long standing,came with abdominal pain incearing , bowel sounds
not heard.
8. A person undergoes espohageal dilataion
and the presents with pain in chest but abdomen was soft.
9.a person with post MI
a) normal cxr
b) gas under diaphgram
c) widening mediastinum
d) free medisatinal gas
Theme on cells of origin
Options A. Adipocyte
B. Neuroglial cells
C. Plasma cells
D. Megakaryoblast
E. Skeletal muscle
F. Lymphocytes
G. Erythroblast
H. Monocytes
I. Schwann cells
J. Neutrophil precursors
K. Astrocytes
10. Lipoma
11. Glioblastoma multiforme
12. Myeloma
13. AML
14. Rhabdomyosarcoma
Theme on Psychiatry
15) A young girl complaints of sudden onset visual loss after witnesing an RTA the last day.
1.conversion disorder
2.somatization disorder.
16) A man thinks he has rash due to HIV...has been tested thrice...not convincd.
THEME on feeding
17) A pt with signs of liver failure
18) A pt with parkinsonism having dysphagia
1-Total parentral nutrition
3-gluten free diet
4--low protein diet +antibiotics
5--nasogastric feeding
Theme Mechanism of Disease
A. Infection
B. Allergy
C. Genetic
D. Immune process
E. Chloride channel defect
F. Alpha-1 antitrypsin def.
19. Asthma
20. Cystic fibrosis
21. Bronchiolitis
Theme on Treatment Of Post MI
E-Valve replacement
H- Pacemaker replacement
I- Naproxen
22. Myocardial infarction but no chest pain
23. Myocardial infarction with Heart block
24. Myocardial infarction with murmur
25. A pt. with chest pain, ECG showed T wave depression in L III, aVF & L II has pain & nausea for
2 hrs & it subsidies completely. Now he presents in the A & E after one hour. What do you give
26. A pt. develops chest pain, which subsides. He has an ejection systolic murmur, BP 110 /60mmHg, low volume pulse. The Next step.
27. A pt. recovering from MI, collapses & O/E has a pulse of 36 / min. Next step.
28. A pt. develops pyrexia & pleural effusion one week after inferior Myocardial infarction.
Theme on diagnosis of Upper GI diseases
A. Barrett's esophagus
B. Achalasia cardia
C. Plummer Vinson syndrome
D. Scleroderma
E. Hiatus Hernia
F. Peptic ulcer
G. Parkinsonism
29. Transformation of squamous epithelium to columnar epithelium
30. A 50-year-old female presents with pallor and fatigue, blood smear shows microcytic and
hypochromasia. She has post cricoid webs and has difficulty in swallowing.
31. A boy with dysphagia, an organ protrusion into the thoracic cavity
32. A layer of submucosal hyaloid fibrosis
33. Absent Aurbex myenteric pluxes in lower part of oesophagus
34. A patient presents with pain in epigastrium, weight loss and on examination left supra clavicular
lymph nods.
Gastric Ca
Theme on GYN Management
A- Cervical smear
B- Cervical biopsy
C- Laporoscopy
D- Per speculum exam
E- Colposcopy
Lady with diagnosed CIN-1. CA cervix 6 months back now comes for follow up
Lady with CIN-2 diagnosed 6 month back now comes for follow up
Post menopausal women with bleeding & dyspareunia
Pre menopausal women with ectropion & bleeding
39-A 60 year old man with sudden onset calf pain on upper medial swelling...he can
dorsiflex and planter flex his foot easily.
a) Ruptured popliteal cyst
b) Gout
c) Psudogout
d) other options which I don’t remember
40- A patient with oral ulcer and onantion there are white striae on it.
lichen planus
aphthous ulcer
41- 63 years old man with 20 years h/o smoking just retiered from minery profesion, now present
with s/s of bladder cancer and on biopsy its transitional call carcinoma
a) smoking
b) minery
44- themes on unconsciousness in elderly...not very difficult...but very tricky!!!
Theme on Diagnosis of cervical cancer
A.Abdominal x-ray
B.Cervical brush smear
C.Cervical spatula smear
D.Colposcopy and biopsy
E.Cone biopsy
G.Examination under Anaesthesia
H.Intravenous (IV) urogram
I.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
J.Outpatient hysteroscopy
L.Transvaginal ultrasound scan
45. A 54 year old woman is referred with irregular vaginal bleeding. Vaginal examination has proved
impossible as she has never had a sexual relationship. She has diabetes and a body mass index
(BMI) of 34 kg/m2
46. A 62 year old woman reports episodes of post menopausal bleeding and discharge. Two years
ago, she had a negative smear but there is an obvious ulcer on her cervix.
47. A 44 year old healthy woman is referred with intermenstrual bleeding and discharge. At the age
of 32 she was successfully treated for carcinoma in situ. She has had regular follow-up with no
recurrence. A recent smear was negative.
48. A 38 year old woman had a severely dyskaryotic cervical smear but visually and colposcopically
her cervix appears normal. The repeat smear shows the same result.
49.A 58 year old woman has a carcinoma of the cervix confined to the ectocervix. The uterus is
mobile, no masses are palpable and her chest is clear.
50. A 26 year old woman has been promoted at work to a job that requires regular public speaking.
she is worried and anxious about it and feels she will faint.
single MOST USEFUL intervention
d.psychoanallytic psychotherapy
Theme on reasons for heamaturia.
51.Old man on warfarin latest standard I.N.R about 1 or 2 presented with painless haematuria some
mention of somkinf history also Diagnosis?
52. Old man on warfarin, I.N.R markedly deranged about 5 prsents with painless haematuria
53. Old man with history of renal colic and raised serum urate Diagnois?
54. Young child with recurrent heamaturia, think some some mention of throat
Infection Diagnosis?
a .warfarin overdose
b. transitional cell CA
c. Acute glomerulonephritis
c. oxaliosis
d. renal stones
Theme on basis of diseases
55. Childhood asthma
56. Bronchiolitis
57. Emphysema in person who has had neonatal jaundice
58. Cystic fibrosis
a. infection
b. allergy
c. alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency
d. Chlorine ion excess or something?
Theme on lumps in neck
59. multiple discharging sinuses ,associated with night sweats, diagnosis?
60. A person with symmetrical unilateral swelling behind angle of jaw, mumps had been ruled out
61. A supraclavicular swelling( very much suggesting virschow’s node)in old man with weight loss
and abdominal pain ,diagnosis?
62. A supra clavicular lump with ipsilateral associated pleural effusion in aship yard
63. A lump in midline between sternocleadomastoids invading the muscles ,moves with
a. thyriod ca
b. gastric ca
b. pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland
c. mesothelioma
d. tuberculous adenitis
theme on electrolyte imbalance
64. A girl presented with vomiting drowsy some other symptoms????
Na decrease by 2 points
K by one point or so
Glucose 5 mmol
65. A girl presented dehydrated, rapid breathing glycosuria
Na and K increased
Glucose 30mmol
66. A child with sever gastroenteritis
Na and k both decreased
67. An old man on thiazides,
K was decreased
68. A girl presented with multiple fractures and trauma after Rta is hypotensive???? forget rest
a. 5% Dextrose water
b. Insulin with normal saline
c. Potassium supplements with normal saline
d. Oral potassium supplements
e. Plasma expanders
Theme on I.V access
69. 2 year old undergoes repeated attempts of IV cannulaization? Next step?
70. A 12 year old require resuscitation , hypotensive, failed IV cannulation.
a. Interroseous line.
b. Cvp line
c. Endotracheal intubation
71. A girl with recurrent UTI, her urine is negative for culture and she is diagnosed as bilateral
vasicoluretheral reflux? What would be management?
a. Prophylactic antiobiotics
b. reassurance
c. surgery to correct
72. A man after prostatectomy, requires D.V.T prophylaxsis, what would be the range on I.N.R to
be maintained?
a. INR 1
b. INR 2-3
c. INR 3-4
d. INR 4-5
73. A young woman having H.I.V, patchy bilateral lung shadows, what treatment to give?
a. Cotrimoxazole
Theme on nerve injury
74. A patient on crutches...having difficulty in dorsiflexion and loss of sensation over index and
middle finger...most likely nerve injured.
a) Median Nerve
b) Radial Nerve
c) Ulnar Nerve
Theme on Trauma Organ
a) urethra
b) bladder
c) spleen
d) pancreas
e) kidney
f) diaphragm
g) aorta
h) liver
74. A person who met with a accident and is in A & E with pain in RUQ and hypotension.
73) A person after an accident when NGT was tried, not successful. And X rays were take on which
tube coiled in side chest.
Theme on burns...slightly twisted repeat theme....
74. A child with 10% scald.
75. A child with dehydration with low BP
a) Intubation
b) I/V fluids
75. A child having diarrhoea for 24 hrs. drowsy ,sunken eyes. and capillary refill decreased.
a. bolus 20ml/kg.
b. rehydrate over 24 hr.
c. oral fluid.
Theme on investigation of breast lump (little bit twisted)
D. Mammography.
E. Stereotactic Biopsy.
F. Stereotactic Fine needle biopsy.
G. Excisional biopsy.
H. Lumpectomy.
pt. With fibrocystic disease with symptoms related with menses.
pt. With breast lump but has morbid fear of needles.
pt with no obvious palpable lump but with axillary lymph nodes.
pt with retraction of nipple.
80. A child with orbital tumor, as understood from the history, or proptosis, what is the best
investigation to be done
a) CT Scan
A patient presenting with sudden onset of pain swelling in lid, proptosis and they were asking
immediate management?
a. iv morphine
b. morphine pus antibiotics
c. morphine plus emergency referral to opthamology team
d. morphine plus referral to opd opthamology.
82. A person present with pain in eye associated with backache i think
theme on dyspepsia investigations:
83. A patient 61 yrs old come with dyspepsia, weight loss and abdominal pain, what investigation
will u do?
85. A person who has under gone fundoplication and endoscopy was normal what to do now?
86. A person 38 yrs old been self treating with antacids but nothing better, which test would u do?
87. A patient with Rh. Arthritis on NSAIDs, already taking PPI but still have dyspepsia, what
investigation would you do?
88. A patient with barrat’s esophagus, what investigation would you like to do now?
b.ambulatory oesophageal ph monitoring
c.oesophageal manometry
d.test for h pylori
c gastrin levels
theme on dementia: (repeated theme)
89. A women who had history of low mood ,sleep disturbance and presented this time with agitation
and irritibilaty
90. A lady aged 61yrs years who was depressed and to doctors questions was answering "i dont
91. A person who is being asked for his age and he replied 80, but after that whatever question was
asked about his life, etc. he replied same 80.
options included:
a. dspression with psychotic symptoms
b. shizo effective
c. major depression
d. pseudo dementia
92) A man who is HIV positive and has been seperated from other patients alone in a room. A
doctor needs to see him.
a) put on the apron and mask, wash hands and open door then wear gloves.
b)wash hands, wear gloves, wear mask and apron then open the door.
c)wear mask and apron, open door, wash hands and wear gloves
d)open door, wear gloves, then apron then mask and gloves.
pH-7.25 and Pco2 also reduced.
a)metabolic acidosis
b)metabolic alkalosis
d)resp acidosis
e)resp alkalosis.
SBA on epistaxis
94. A young boy presents with acute nose bleed and is brought to the A and E, he is stable and
a) pinch the bridge of the nose
b) reassure
c) cotton in the nose
d) pinch the soft part of the nose
e) ice packs.
95. A patient with hydronephrosis due to stones....asking for
96. A two year old kid who had a bead in his ear which was found out by otoscopy and he was
A) remove under GA
B) reassure
C) syringing
D) suction
97. A woman after delivery becomes very fearful and sleepless and avoids going out. Avoids eating
something like that
1postpartum psychoses
2.postpartum blues
3.postpartum depression
4.acute stress reaction
[snip]. A lady presents with Floating stools n Lethargy diagnosis
3Endomysial Antibodies
4stool examination
99. A young man presents with sudden onset of chest pain n breathlessness. There is reduced air
entry on 1 side n trachea is deviated to the step in management
a chest drain on rt side
b chest drain on lt side
c chest xray
d needle thoracocentesis on rt side
e needle thoracocentesis on lt side
100. A girl who was breast fed and became sick, probably jaundice, what should next be done
continue breast feeding
discontinue it
101. A person suffering from some pneumonia like s/s
and was allergic to pencillin.
102. A young girl who was suffering from itchy and scally rash on the extenser surfaces of her
limbs, her aunt was also suffering from some skin problem.
103. An old lady who is in a old house with other mates and had some rash on her back, and she is
not in the condition to give you history. What next should be done?
a) check her hands (Scabies)
104. A lady who said that she is being controlled by some outside force who tells her to do every
thought insetion
thought broadcasting
acute anxiety
105. A person with epigastric pain radiating to back and on ct enhanced lesion in abdomen.
106.A lady who did not improve after cholestectomy and her O2 level was droping despite high ICU
107. A patient in recovery unit after laprotomy, 10days back, now presents with pain in right
shoulder and right epigastric pain, not improving with antibiotics, having high fever.
108. A patient with verisella zoster infection, now presenting with supper added infection, with black
lesions in the vesicular area.
109. A patient with chronic pancreatits now presents with pain in epigastric region radiating to back,
on CT abdomen fluid around tail of pancrease found(psedopancreatic cyst).
a) laparotomy and excision of dead tissue
b) percutaneous drainage
C) exision of dead tissue
110. A young boy who swallowed some grams(sorry dont remember the dose)paracetamol and he
was stable when after 4 hours his blood conc. showed the upper limit of paracetamol. how u will
n-acetyl cystiene
theme regarding ECG changes
111. A patient with chest pain for 1 hour with st elevation on ECG in I, II, III, v1, v2
112. A person with ecg changes in v1 to v3.
a) anterior MI
b) Inferior MI
c) Others
113. An old man who was a chronic case of COPD and had pneumonia in every winter and came for
advice for the coming winter
flu vaccine
ipratropium nebuliser
salbutamol inhaler
114. A young guy having purulent discharge, itching in the eyes with congested cunjectiva.
a) topical antibiotic
b) topical antibiotic and steriods
c) steriods
d) I/V antibiotic
Theme on management of weight loss
B. NG tube feeding
C. Total Parenteral nutrition
D. Oral sips
E. Gluten free diet
F. Low protein diet with salt restriction
G. Low protein diet with antibiotics
H. High caloric diet
I. Lactose free diet
115. A 5-year-old girl comes with a history of abdominal pain, steatorrhoea, vomiting, poor growth
and apthus ulcers. Jejunal Biopsy shows villous atrophy
116. A 70-year-old heavy alcoholic presents with hepatic encephalopathy, he has jaundice and
117. A 60-year-old patient with long standing Parkinson's disease presents with intractable
118. A 68-year-old male patient suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. After 5 days he is offered food, but
is found to be still aspirating fluids.
119. A 74-year-old patient who underwent resection of the colon and ileostomy for carcinoma is
now in the ITU as he develops septicemia. He has not been eating anything since the past 2 weeks
120. A person with peroral rash, vesicular and in groups, yellow secretions, crust formation.....
cluster impitigo
vericela or shingles
but there was no option of Herpes Sipmlex
121. 19 years old boy lives in hostel, presents with cough, on examination lymphadenopathy found
and on chest X ray bilateral consolidations
mycoplasma pneumoniae
122. 12 years old boy, present with testicular pain without h/o trauma, he is afebrile, severe lower
abdominal pain, painful when touch but o/e Rt teties slightly higher than Lt. one. and there was no
abdominal tenderness on examination.
testicular torsion
Theme on chioce of antibiotic treatment
123. Trichomonas veginella
124. Diplococci
125. Pencilline resistant case
Theme on non-accidental injuries
same from previous papers
126.(retinal hge. on fundoscopy --- do skull xray)
127.(brusis on body diff. sizes and shpes)
128. there was a question in which patient with s/s of live disease and liver biopsy shows
plemorphic neoclei and alph 1 antitrypsin secreting cells.
Secondary CA
hepatocellular carcinoma
hepatits C or B
Theme on Breast Cancer investigations repeat one.
129. An old lady with family h/o anemia with MCV 120.....
investigations (sorry I don't remeber options)
Theme on burns, its been discused erlier but there was another Q. in that theme.
130. multiple ulcers in the stomach after burn
131. Pt with multiple ulsers in stomach and duodenum, and was being treated with various
dyspeptic drugs.
132. Nerve supply of lateral lower half of leg and dorsiflexion of ankle joint
133. Pt. with abnormal insertion of uteter in urinary bladder.
I could not get the answer if anybody know it please let me know.
134. Pt. with palpitations, agitation and atrial fibrilations....S/S of hyperthyriodism, Treatment ?
carbimazole and propanalol (written together)
135. A shipyard Pt with unilateral plural effusion...........mesothelioma
136. Pt. with anemia, thyriod...........Pernacious anemia......invetigation......antibodies against
intrinsic factor.
137. Increase serum Ca+ ......renal caculi.....
138. Backache, bone marrow findings.........
Theme on bleeding disorders
139. von Willibrand disease
140. prifollicular patichiae/bleeding.........Vit. C deficency
Theme on vertigo
141. Cerebellar
142. vestibulobassilar ischemia
143. post cerebral artery
Theme on alcohol abuse and withdrawl treatment
144. pt wants to alcohol treatment, has been taken all medical treatments and already joined
alcohol withdrawl groups, now came to you but not want anything with unpleasant reactions.
theme on midline neck swellings
145. A patient presents with swelling in front of neck, on protusion of neck it moves.
146. A patient presents with swelling at the angle of mouth, unilateral, no h/o mumps, slow
growing, become prominent while chewing food.
147. A patient present with swelling on upper and anterior triangle, which is fast growing.
148. A patient present with hard anterior midline swelling.
149. A pulsatile swelling on upper end of sternoclidomastiod muscle.
a) parotid gland adenoma
b) thyroglossal cyst
c) cystic hygroma
d) parapharangeal carcinoma
e) thyroid nodule/ca
f) carotid cyst/swelling
150. Child brought with 8 hr Hx of sorethroat, saliva dribbling, what to do next?
a- Call anesthetist
b- Give penicillin
C- do a mouth examination
151. The steps to be followed before entering the room of an immunocompromised patient, who is
wear mask, enter the room,wash hands and wear the gloves
there was a ques on terminal care: with SVC Obs
ans.dexacmetasone tab
2. Pateint with intractable hiccups
ans. haloperidol
3.pateint with fugatinating breat ca
ans metronidozole get
4.pateint with unable to cough up secretions.
ans. hyoscine
5.A pateint of ca breat with pathological fracture
ans: bisphosphates.
There was a ques on xray features of diff. diseases:
1. a person with htn, different bp in both arms and chest pain
ans. widening mediastinum(i considered aortic dissection)
2. a ptateint with diverticulosis long standing,came with abdominal pain incearing , blowe sounds
not heard.
ans. i chose gas under diaphgram
(dx bowel perforation)
3. A person undergoes espohageal dilataion
and the presents with pain in chest but abdomen was soft.
ans free medisatinal gas
(dx rupture of esophagus)
4.a person with post MI
ans I chose normal cxr ???? not sure
regarding cells of origin
glioblastoma( adipocytes)
myeloma (plasma cells)
CML (neutrophil precursor)
rhabdomyo (skeletal muscles)
hey blue mars could u plz tell me answer for
CML as other option was lymphphocyte precursor
but i went vid neutrophil precursor
hamstring was it not Aml i think it was not cml
and i chose neutrophil precursor
this was also a repeated theme
young girl complaints of sudden onset visual loss after witnesing an RTA the last day.
1.conversion disorder
2.somatization disorder.
some other choices. please add.
man thinks he has rash due to hiv...has been tested thrice...not convincd.
some other choices
then repeat on
meningitis prognosis..
repeat on Gynae from march 2005...tough one it was.
quite a few on pneumonia .
and yes there was the one on calf pain which i had posted the other day.
but altered.
it said 60 year old man with sudden onset calf pain on upper medial swelling...he can
dorsiflex and planter flex his foot easily.
same choices as before...i think and one of ruptured popletel cyst
What really surprises me –several questions at the end were just purely Descriptive
Psychopathology. They were difficult and asked not in correct manner, misleading.
there was one on oral ulcer...which i markes as lichen planus after erasing aphthous ulcer because
it mentioned white straie...!! think i managed it right.
and one on bladder cancer...smoking or minery. i marked minery....think i got that wrong.
lots of themes on unconsciousness in elderly...not very difficult...but very tricky!!!
Diagnosis of cervical cancer
A.Abdominal x-ray
B.Cervical brush smear
C.Cervical spatula smear
D.Colposcopy and biopsy
E.Cone biopsy
G.Examination under Anaesthesia
H.Intravenous (IV) urogram
I.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
J.Outpatient hysteroscopy
L.Transvaginal ultrasound scan
Choose the single most likely investigation to confirm diagnosis from the above list of options for
each of the patients described below:
1.A 54 year old woman is referred with irregular vaginal bleeding. Vaginal examination has proved
impossible as she has never had a sexual relationship. She has diabetes and a body mass index
(BMI) of 34 kg/m2
2.A 62 year old woman reports episodes of post menopausal bleeding and discharge. Two years
ago, she had a negative smear but there is an obvious ulcer on her cervix.
3.A 44 year old healthy woman is referred with intermenstrual bleeding and discharge. At the age of
32 she was successfully treated for carcinoma in situ. She has had regular follow-up with no
recurrence. A recent smear was negative.
4.A 38 year old woman had a severely dyskaryotic cervical smear but visually and colposcopically
her cervix appears normal. The repeat smear shows the same result.
5.A 58 year old woman has a carcinoma of the cervix confined to the ectocervix. The uterus is
mobile, no masses are palpable and her chest is clear.
a 26 year old woman has been promoted at work to a job that requires regular public speaking. she
is worried and anxious about it and feels she will faint.
single MOST USEFUL intervention
4.psychoanallytic psychotherapy
Theme on reasons for heamaturia.
1.Old man on warfarin latest standard I.N.R about 1 or 2 presented with painless haematuria some
mention of somkinf history also Diagnosis?
2. Old man on warfarin, I.N.R markedly deranged about 5 prsents with painless haematuria
3. Old man with history of renal colic and raised serum urate Diagnois?
4. Young child with recurrent heamaturia, think some some mention of throat
Infection Diagnosis?
a .warfarin overdose
b. transitional cell CA
c. Acute glomerulonephritis
d. renal stones
Theme on basis of diseases
1. Childhood asthma
2. Bronchiolitis
3. Emphysema in person who has had neonatal jaundice
4. Cystic fibrosis
a. infection
b. allergy
c. alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency
d. Chlorine ion excess or something????
Theme on lumps in neck
1. multiple discharging sinuses ,associated with night sweats ,diagnosis?
2. A person with symmetrical unilateral swelling behind angle of jaw, mumps had been ruled out
3. A supraclavicular swelling( very much suggesting virschow’s node)in old man with weight loss
and abdominal pain ,diagnosis?
4. A supra clavicular lump with ipsilateral associated pleural effusion in aship yard worker,diagnosis?
5. A lump in midline between sternocleadomastoids invading the muscles ,moves with
a.thyriod ca
b.gastric ca
b.pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland
u left one option... tuberculous adenitis
A theme on electrolyte imbalance
1. A girl presented with vomiting drowsy some other symptoms????
Na decrease by 2 points
K by one point or so
Glucose 5 mmol
2 .A girl presented dehydrated, rapid breathing glycosuria
Na and K increased
Glucose 30mmol
3.A child with sever gastroenteritis
Na and k both decreased
4.An old man on thiazides,
K was decreased
5.a girl presented with multiple fractures and trauma after Rta is hypotensive???? forget rest
a. 5% Dextrose water
b. Insulin with normal saline
c. Potassium supplements with normal saline
d. Oral potassium supplements
e. Plasma expanders
Theme on I.V access
1. 2 year old undergoes repeated attempts of IV cannulaization? Next step?
2. A 12 year old require resuscitation ,hypotensive??? Forgetting exact
Rest stems I forgettin can please hamstring or chewingum add???
a. Interroseous line.
b. Cvp line
c. Endotracheal intubation
Q. girl with recurrent UTI, diagnosed as blateral vsesicoluretheral reflux? What would be
a. antiobiotics
b. reaasurence
c. surgery to correct
Q. A man after prostatectomy, requires D.V.T prophylaxsis, what would be the range on I.N.r to be
a. INR 1
b. INR 2-3
c. INR 3-4
d. INR 4-5
Q.A young woman having H.I.V, patchy bilateral lung shadows, what treatment to give??
there was theme on nerve injury. patient on crutches...having difficulty in dorsiflexion and loss of
sensation over index and middle finger...most likely n injured.
then one on most likely organ injured....a repeat theme...we had discussed on forum.
then about burns...slightly twisted repeat theme....
1.child with 10% scald
2.child with dehydration with low BP
god i cant remember..
lease add.
then one repeat SBA. child having diarrhoea for 24 hrs. drowsy,sunken eyes. and i think capillary
refill decreased.
1.bolus 20ml/kg.
2.rehydrate over 24 hr.
3.oral fluid.
theme on breast cancer investigations ...with minor alterations.
Theme on I.V access
1. 2 year old undergoes repeated attempts of IV cannulaization? Next step?
2. A 12 year old require resuscitation ,hypotensive,repeated attempts of IV cannulaization? Next
a. Interroseous line.
b. Cvp line
c. Endotracheal intubation
d cut down
e oral fluids
there was one sba regarding pain in eye with lid swelling and proptosis...something like that could
not recalling???mars55 do u remember that?
yes i remember that one hamstring.
It was about patient presenting with sudden onset of pain swelling in lid, prptosis and they were
askin immediate managemnt?
a.iv morphine
b. morphine lpus antibiotics
c. morphine plus emergency referral to opthamology team
d. morphine plus referral to opd opthamology.
hope im rite??
Also remeber one Sba
A person present with pain in eye associated with backache i think
There was again a theme on dyspepsia investigations:
1. A patient 61 yrs old come with dyspepsia, weight loss and abdominal apin i think what
investigation will u try?
2. A person who has under gone fundoplication i think somethin like that and endoscopy was normal
what to do now?
3. A person 38 yrs old been self treating with antacids but no awail so now which test would u do?
b.ambulatory oesophageal ph monitoring
c.oesophageal manometry
d.test for h pylori
c gastrin levels
theme on dementia:
(repeated theme)
1. a women who had history of low mood ,sleep disturbance and presented this time with agitation
and irritibilaty
2. A lady aged 61yrs years who was depressed and to doctors questions was answering "i dont
a few other stems at moment i cant recall
options included:
a. dspression with psychotic symptoms
b. shizo effective
c. major depression
d. pseudo dementia
Guys the last question was interesting number 200.
1)A man who is HIV positive and has been seperated from other patients alone in a room.A doctor
needs to see him.
a)put on the apron and mask,wash hands and open door then wear gloves.
b)wash hands,wear gloves,wear mask and apron then open the door.
c)wear mask and apron,open door,wash hands and wear gloves
d)open door,wear gloves,then apron then mask and gloves.
something like this.
something else abt pH-7.25 and Pco2 also reduced.
a)metabolic acidosis
b)metabolic alkalosis
d)resp acidosis
e)resp alkalosis.
lots on depression and thyroid disorders.
theme epistaxis
A young boy presents with acute nose bleed and is brought to the A and E,he is stable and talking.
a)pinch the bridge of teh nose
c)cotton in the nose
d)pinch the soft part of the nose
e)ice packs.
one ques was on hydronephrosis with stones....asking for management
Also there was a question on a two year old kid who had a bead in his ear which was found out by
otoscopy and he was irritated
A)remove under GA
woman after pregnanacy becomes very fearful and sleepless and avoids going out.avoids eating
sumthing like that
1postpartum psychoses
2.postpartum blues
4.acute stress reaction
A lady presents with Floating stools n Lethargy diagnosis
3Endomysial Antibodies
4stool examination nt sure???
Ayoung man presents with sudden onset of chest pain n breathlessness.there is reduced airentry on
1 side n trachea is deviated to the step in management
a chest drain on rt side
b chest drain on lt side
c chest xray
d needle thoracocentesis on rt side
e needle thoracocentesis on lt side
chewingum wrote:
something else abt pH-7.25 and Pco2 also reduced.
a)metabolic acidosis
b)metabolic alkalosis
d)resp acidosis
e)resp alkalosis.
cant remember the whole thing.
for this que what i can add is
pco2was 4
co2 =20
base value -15
rest the options were same
for this one as i remember the lady was reluctant to breastfeed her infant
and the third option was postpartum depression not only depresion. am i write hamstring?
cirrhotic nodules whereby liver cells drop alpha 1 antitrypsin.....can any recall later on wat exactly it
a girl who was breast fed and became sick sorry dont remember exactly, what should next be done
continue breast feeding
discontinue it
anothe theme was
a person suffering from some pneumonia like s/s
and was allergic to pencillin
a young girl who was suffering from itchy rash on the flexures of body, her aunt was also suffering
from some skin problem(sorry dont exactly remember the theme)
another theme was about an old lady who was in a old house with other mates and had some rash
on her back what next should be done
check her hands
sorry dont remember other options
an old man who was giving answer of every question as i dont know
major depressive illness
paranoid psychosis
acute anxiety
a old lady used to answer of 80 for every question asked from her
a lady who said that she is being controlled by some outside force who tells her to do every thing
thought insetion
thought broadcasting
acute anxiety
one of them was about the ct enhanced lesion in abdomen
one was about a lady who did not improve after cholestectomy and her O2 level was droping
despite high ICU care
percutaneous drainage
which organs were damaged during
when a car hit the front side passanger from the side
a lady hit her head on wind screen and c/o pain epigstrium
an N/G was passed in a ill pt and was found in the chest on x-ray
a young boy who swallowed some grams(sorry dont remember the dose)paracetamol and he was
stable when after 4 hours his blood conc showed the upper limit of paracetamol how u ll manage
n-acetyl cystiene
some questions which were repeat
absecne of aurbachs plexues is
change of squamous cells into columnar
barrats esophagus
one theme was regarding ECG changes bit confusing
pt with ecg changes in II,III v1,v2
person with ecg changes in v1 to v3
(may b some thing mixed up sorry)
but some thing like that
an old guy who was a ch case of COPD and had pneumonia in every winter and came for advice for
the coming winter
flu vaccine
ipratropium nebuliser
salbutamol inhaler
a young guy having purulent discharge, itching in the eyes
topical antibiotic
I/V antibiotic
topical and I/V antibiotic
ques.Parkinson's disease patient with intractable dysphagia
options, PEG
enteral feeding and Ng tube
Q. A person with peroral rash, vesicular and in groups, yellow secretions, crust formation.....
cluster impitigo
vericela or shingles
but there was no option of Herpes Sipmlex
Q. 19 years old boy lives in hostel, presents with cough, on examination lymphadenopathy found
and on chest X ray bilateral consolidations
mycoplasma pneumoniae
Q. 12 years old boy, present with testicular pain without h/o trauma, severe lower abdominal pain,
painful when touch but o/e Rt teties slightly higher than Lt. one. and there was no abdominal
tenderness on examination.
testicular torsion
Theme on chioce of antibiotic treatment
Q1. Trichomonas veginella
Q2. Diplococci
Q3. Pencilline resistant case
Theme on non-accidental injuries
same from previous papers
(retinal hge. on fundoscopy --- do skull xray)
(brusis on body diff. sizes and shpes)
Q. there was a question in which patient with s/s of live disease and liver biopsy shows plemorphic
neoclei and alph 1 antitrypsin secreting cells.
Secondary CA
hepatits C or B
Theme on Breast Cancer investigations repeat one.
Q. An old lady with family h/o anemia with MCV 120.....
investigations (sorry I don't remeber options)
Theme on burns, its been discused erlier but there was another Q. in that theme.
Q. multiple ulcers in the stomach after burn
Q.Pt with multiple ulsers in stomach and duodenum, and was being treated with various dyspeptic
Q. Nerve supply of lateral lower half of leg and dorsiflexion of ankle joint
Q. Pt. with abnormal insertion of uteter in urinary bladder.
I could not get the answer if anybody know it please let me know.
Q. Pt. with palpitations, agitation and atrial fibrilations....S/S of hyperthyriodism, Treatment ?
carbimazole and propanalol (written together)
Q. A shipyard Pt with unilateral plural effusion...........mesothelioma
Q. Pt. with anemia, thyriod...........Pernacious anemia......invetigation......antibodies against intrinsic
Q. Increase serum Ca+ ......renal caculi.....
Q. Backache, bone marrow findings.........
Theme on bleeding disorders
Q. von Willibrand disease
Q. prifollicular patichiae/bleeding.........Vit. C deficency
Theme on vertigo
Q. Cerebellar
Q. vestibulobassilar ischemia
Q. post cerebral artery
Theme on alcohol abuse and withdrawl treatment
Q. pt wants to alcohol treatment, has been taken all medical treatments and already joined alcohol
withdrawl groups, now came to you but not want anything with unpleasant reactions.
. Child brought with 8 hr Hx of sorethroat, saliva dribbling, what to do next?
a- Call anesthetist
b- Give penicillin
C- do a mouth examination
4 days after delivery, lady is feeling low , not feeling like feeding her baby: postpartum depression.
alpha-1 antitrypsin tumor marker of - i guess its hepatocellular carcinoma . other option was
which cell proliferates in AML?
the steps to be followed before entering the room of an immunocompromised patient, who is
wear mask, enter the room,wash hands and wear the gloves.