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Unit 4 (Chapters 23 – 27)
Chapter 23 The Emergence of Industrial Society in the West, 1750-1914
1) Which of the following statements concerning the political philosophy of the Enlightenment is most
A) Enlightenment philosophes were creatures of the monarchs who were their patrons and supported the
powers of the kings.
B) Although the Enlightenment philosophers were generally opposed to the authority of the Church, they
argued that only monarchy could insure stability for the masses.
C) Enlightenment thinkers challenged regimes that did not grant full religious freedom or that insisted on
aristocratic privilege.
D) Enlightenment intellectuals were the firmest supporters of the Church left in European culture.
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
2) Protoindustrialization refers to
A) the strictly agricultural economy that preceded the Industrial Revolution.
B) the development of the rural factory system.
C) the employment of laborers who worked at home but in a capitalist system dependent on urban
D) the development of systems of transportation and communication necessary for full industrialization.
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
3) Which of the following was NOT a cause of the American Revolution?
A) Britain's attempts to impose new taxes and trade controls after 1763
B) a desire to overthrow the older colonial leadership
C) the British invasion of the Mississippi River Valley
D) restriction on free movement into the frontier areas
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
4) Which of the following was NOT a cause of the French Revolution?
A) Enlightenment thinkers urging the need to limit the powers of the Catholic Church and the aristocracy
B) the Church seeking greater power over the royal government
C) the middle class demand for greater political representation
D) the peasant desire for freedom from manorialism
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
5) On July 14 in the first year of the French Revolution, the storming of what political prison provided a
revolutionary symbol?
A) Tuileries
B) Place des Vosges
C) Montparnasse
D) Bastille
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Factual
6) The radical phase of the French Revolution led to all of the following EXCEPT the
A) execution of the king.
B) introduction of the metric system of weights and measures.
C) extension of the revolution to warfare in the Low Countries, Italy, and Germany.
D) full-scale attack on private property.
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
7) Which of the following statements concerning the impact of the French Revolution on the rest of Europe is
NOT accurate?
A) The French Revolution spread key revolutionary legislation throughout much of western Europe.
B) The revolution encouraged popular nationalism outside of France.
C) The French Revolution and its subsequent empire created a general consensus after the defeat of
France for a more liberal Europe.
D) The idea of equality under the law and attacks on privilege whether aristocratic, guild, or
ecclesiastical spread throughout Europe.
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
8) Which of the following statements concerning the peace conference at Vienna following the fall of France is
most accurate?
A) The allies intended to punish France severely in order to make certain that no further revolution was
B) Territorial adjustments reached at Vienna kept Europe fairly stable for almost half a century.
C) Successful restoration of conservative monarchies and promotion of internal peace was achieved for a
D) Poland emerged as one of the winners in the territorial realignments that followed the wars.
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Conceptual
9) Which of the following nations became independent for the first time as a result of a revolution in 1830?
A) Germany
B) France
C) Italy
D) Belgium
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Factual
10) What piece of legislation gave the vote to many members of the middle class in Great Britain?
A) the Reform Bill of 1832
B) the Great Charter of 1848
C) the Franchise Act of 1811
D) the Corn Laws
Topic: Forces of Change
Skill: Factual
11) After industrialization a demographic transition occurred to a new system that promoted stable population
levels through
A) government-sponsored family planning.
B) legal sanctions against illegitimate births.
C) low birth and death rates
D) increased mortality due to industrial accidents and environmental pollution.
Topic: The Consolidation of the Industrial Order
Skill: Conceptual
12) As industrialization spread peasants in Europe improved their conditions by all of the following means
A) forming unions.
B) organizing cooperatives.
C) specializing in new cash crops
D) seeking education and new technical skills.
Topic: The Consolidation of the Industrial Order
Skill: Conceptual
13) Who was responsible for managing the unification of Italy?
A) Benito Mussolini
B) Count Camillo di Cavour
C) Georgio Gaspari
D) Giovanni Villani
Topic: The Consolidation of the Industrial Order
Skill: Factual
14) What German conservative was responsible for the unification of Germany in 1871?
A) Otto von Bismarck
B) the Elector of Hanover
C) King Joseph II
D) Klemens von Metternich
Topic: The Consolidation of the Industrial Order
Skill: Factual
15) Which of the following statements could NOT be attributed to the political philosophy of Karl Marx?
A) Earlier socialist theories based on utopian schemes were silly and unrealistic.
B) In the aftermath of the victory of the proletariat, the state would emerge permanently as a powerful
C) History was shaped by the available means of production and who controlled them.
D) Revolution of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie was inevitable.
Topic: The Consolidation of the Industrial Order
Skill: Conceptual
16) Socialist movements that proposed the possibility of gradual and peaceful change rather than revolution were
A) Bolsheviks.
B) revisionist.
C) Falangists.
D) Boulangists.
Topic: The Consolidation of the Industrial Order
Skill: Factual
17) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between science and the arts in
the later nineteenth century?
A) Science and art continued to follow the lines of classical and rational traditionalism.
B) Science and art of the nineteenth century were freed from the traditions of classical rationalism and
embarked on a radical shift that favored the emotional.
C) Science continued the Western trend of traditional rationalism, but art adopted the more emotional and
impressionistic theories of Romanticism.
D) There were few scientific advances after the early stages of industrialization and little if any innovation
in the field of art.
Topic: Cultural Transformations
Skill: Conceptual
18) American exceptionalism suggests that the United States
A) developed on its own terms with only incidental contact with Europe.
B) depended exclusively for its cultural development on Europe.
C) had no cultural relationship of any kind with Europe.
D) achieved its cultural foundations from Native Americans.
Topic: Western Settler Societies
Skill: Conceptual
19) Britain's Australian colonies originated in 1788 as
A) mining expeditions.
B) plantation and ranching settlements.
C) penal settlements.
D) fortified trading ports.
Topic: Western Settler Societies
Skill: Factual
20) Balkan nationalism initially exacerbated deteriorating relationships between what two powers with interests in
the region?
A) Britain and France
B) Germany and Italy
C) Russia and Austria-Hungary
D) France and Russia
Topic: Diplomatic Tensions and World War I
Skill: Factual
Chapter 24 Industrialization and Imperialism: The Making of the European Global Order
21) Which of the following was NOT an aspect of European expansion in the pre-industrial era?
A) the search for precious metals
B) the seizure of land for plantation production of commercial crops
C) the purchase of luxury products such as silks and spices
D) the establishment of European colonies in the interior of Africa
Topic: Introduction
Skill: Conceptual
22) Which of the following statements concerning the management of colonial enterprises by the Dutch and
British East India Companies is most accurate?
A) The Directors of the companies were little interested in the acquisition of colonial territories.
B) The Directors of the companies made precise plans for the expansion of company administrative
control over the governments of indigenous peoples.
C) The companies were granted monopolies by governments with the clear expectation that they would
conquer new territories for their respective nations.
D) The companies were mere figureheads for the active and direct intervention of European nations in the
affairs of Asian peoples.
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Conceptual
23) How were eighteenth century land empires in Asia accumulated?
A) by direct government intervention
B) by the policy of the directors of the Dutch and British East India Companies
C) by the initiative of overseas agents of the Dutch and British East India Companies acting in the
absence of instructions from the company directors
D) no eighteenth century territorial acquisitions were made
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Conceptual
24) In which of the following ways was the British experience in India different than that of the Dutch in Java?
A) the lack of involvement of the British East India Company
B) the absence of intervention in local squabbles and succession disputes in India
C) the failure to use indigenous peoples in recruited armies
D) the existence of a global imperial rivalry with the French
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Conceptual
25) The territories controlled by the British East India Company expanded concurrently with the collapse of the
A) Safavid dominions.
B) Mughal Empire.
C) Mauryan territories.
D) Raj.
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Factual
26) All of the following were reasons why India became the pivot of the great British empire EXCEPT
A) the size of the Indian land army.
B) the utility of Indian ports in maintaining British sea power.
C) the residence of more white settlers than any other British colony.
D) the existence of raw materials useful to the British industries.
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Conceptual
27) Who was responsible for the sweeping reforms in India in the 1790s?
A) Robert Clive
B) Richard Arkwright
C) Lord Cornwallis
D) General John Burgoyne
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Factual
28) Which of the following countries granted citizenship to educated inhabitants of their colonies?
A) Britain
B) Germany
C) Holland
D) France
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Conceptual
29) Which of the following was NOT a motive for expansion in the late nineteenth century?
A) the pressure of public opinion
B) the use of colonies as pressure valves to release the pressures of unemployed workers and surplus
C) the absence of influence of political leaders in the European countries
D) the need to ensure a supply of raw materials
Topic: Industrial Rivalries and the Partition of the World
Skill: Conceptual
30) The jingoistic press and the extension of the vote to the lower middle and working classes
A) made public opinion a major factor in foreign policy.
B) left the planning of imperial expansion to the European aristocracy.
C) made imperial expansion impossible to achieve.
D) led to demands for massive programs of emigration from European countries.
Topic: Industrial Rivalries and the Partition of the World
Skill: Conceptual
31) Which of the following descriptions most accurately defines the term "tropical dependencies"?
A) imperial possessions in which the numbers of European settlers and indigenous peoples were
approximately equal
B) colonies in which small numbers of Europeans ruled large numbers of non-Western peoples
C) colonies with substantial majorities of white, European immigrants
D) colonies that were largely unpopulated prior to the coming of the Europeans
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Conceptual
32) How did the establishment of educational systems in Africa differ from those of Java and India?
A) they depended more on state assistance than on religious missionaries
B) they depended more on religious missionaries than on state support
C) educational systems in Africa were run almost exclusively by indigenous peoples
D) there was more higher education promoted in Africa
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Conceptual
33) Which of the following economic sectors did NOT increase as a result of European economic exploitation of
their colonies?
A) mining
B) cocoa
C) palm oil
D) food crops
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Factual
34) Which of the following statements concerning the internal economies of the European colonies is most
A) The introduction of European technology such as railways and telegraphs were intended to improve
the internal economies of the colonies.
B) Slowly, the industrial system of the West including factories and the production of manufactured goods
was introduced into Africa and Asia.
C) By 1914, Asian and African colonies had won economic independence from the European colonizers.
D) Colonial economies were steadily reduced to dependence on the European-dominated global market.
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Conceptual
35) Which of the following is NOT a similarity between South Africa and Australia?
A) both were settled at approximately the same time
B) settlers found a temperate climate in both colonies in which they could grow crops and raise livestock
familiar to Europeans
C) settlers encountered a disease environment in both colonies in which they could survive
D) after slow starts, both Australian and Boer colonists began to move into the interior of their respective
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Conceptual
36) What event set the Boer colony in South Africa on a different path than the White Dominions of Canada and
A) the arrival of the Bantu into those regions settled by the Boers in the 1790s
B) uprising among the Khoikhoi in 1802
C) the annexation of the colony by the British in 1815
D) the German invasion of southern Africa in 1902
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Conceptual
37) Hawaii was effectively opened to the West through the voyages of
A) Magellan.
B) Captain James Cook.
C) Henry Hudson.
D) Admiral Farragut.
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Factual
Chapter 25 The Consolidation of Latin America, 1830-1920
38) In what way was Latin America different than the other regions that remained outside the direct control of
Western imperialism?
A) Latin America had no economic relationship with the West.
B) During the century of imperialism, Latin America cast off previous colonial controls through revolution.
C) Unlike the others, Latin America had no previous political relationship to the West.
D) The ideals of the Enlightenment had little or no impact on Latin America.
Topic: Introduction
Skill: Conceptual
39) Which of the following events was rejected by creole elites as a model of revolution because of excessive
A) the American Revolution
B) the French Revolution
C) the independence movement in Portugal
D) the Napoleonic Wars
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Conceptual
40) The leader of the slave independence movement on the island of St. Domingue was
A) Bernardino Rivadavia.
B) Father Miguel de Hidalgo.
C) Simon Boli´var.
D) Toussaint L'Overture.
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Factual
41) What was the impact of the Haitian independence movement on Latin America?
A) it served as a model for national independence movements throughout South and Central America
B) it demonstrated the power of creole elites in leading revolutionary movements
C) it led immediately to a general abolition of slavery throughout Latin America
D) Creole elites viewed it with horror as an example of general social upheaval
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Conceptual
42) The ruse by which Latin American creoles set up governments theoretically loyal to the Spanish royal family
but actually independent was referred to as
A) "the mask of Ferdinand."
B) "Goya's execution."
C) "the Spanish Labyrinth."
D) "the road to independence."
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Factual
43) Simon Boli´var was responsible for the independence movement in
A) Argentina.
B) Mexico.
C) northern South America.
D) Guatemala.
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Factual
44) The person responsible for the independence movements in Argentina and Chile was
A) Manuel de Rosas.
B) Bernardino Rivadavia.
C) Simon Boli´var.
D) Jose de San Marti´n.
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Factual
45) In what way was the experience of the Napoleonic wars different for Portugal than for Spain?
A) Portugal was allied with the French emperor.
B) The French attempted to invade Portugal, but failed.
C) The entire royal family fled from the French to Brazil and established their capital there.
D) Following the defeat of the Portuguese, the French took over the colonial administration of Brazil.
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Conceptual
46) How was Brazilian independence achieved?
A) through a rebellion led by the creole elite
B) through a slave rebellion on the model of Haiti
C) because the French freed the colony unilaterally
D) Pedro, the prince regent of Brazil, declared independence
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Conceptual
47) In what way was the government of independent Brazil different than those of the other newly created Latin
American nations?
A) Brazil was a monarchy rather than a republic
B) it was the only government that immediately abolished slavery
C) it was ruled by the popular majority of former slaves and people of mixed race
D) it was the only republican form of government established in Latin America
Topic: From Colonies to Nations
Skill: Conceptual
48) Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies and who sometimes
seized the national government were called
A) Rurales.
B) caudillos.
C) guano.
D) fazendas.
Topic: New Political and Economic Realities
Skill: Factual
49) Which of the following characteristics is most accurately associated with the "centralist" theory of government
in Latin America?
A) fiscal and commercial policies set by regional governments
B) recognition of the political rights of Indians and mestizos
C) democracy
D) strong national governments with broad powers
Topic: New Political and Economic Realities
Skill: Conceptual
50) In what way were both Liberal and Conservative parties in Latin America similar?
A) their distrust for Roman Catholicism
B) their acceptance of federalist political theory
C) their endorsement of centralist political theory
D) the social origins of their leadership
Topic: New Political and Economic Realities
Skill: Conceptual
51) The United States expressed its attitude toward Latin American independence in 1823 with the issuance of the
A) Articles of Confederation.
B) Southwest Ordinance.
C) Canning Treaty.
D) Monroe Doctrine.
Topic: Latin American Economies and World Markets
Skill: Factual
52) Which of the following factors did NOT account for the economic stagnation in Latin America from 1820 to
A) the slow recovery of the mining sector after wars of independence
B) the lack of a transportation network and port facilities
C) the lack of capital for investment in industry
D) the: D
Topic: Latin American Economies and World Markets
Skill: Conceptual
53) Which of the following descriptions of the politicians who led Liberal governments in post-1860 Latin America
is NOT accurate?
A) they represented a new generation of politicians who had matured after independence
B) they favored expansion of the franchise to Indians and mestizos who represented the "ancient"
aspects of Latin American civilization
C) their inspiration was England, France, and the United States
D) they were firm believers in progress, education, and free competition within a secular society
Topic: Latin American Economies and World Markets
Skill: Conceptual
54) "Manifest Destiny" referred to
A) the inevitability of a democratic republic in Mexico.
B) the economic dominance of Britain in Latin America.
C) the imposition of French government in Mexico during the reign of Napoleon III.
D) the belief that the United States was destined to rule the North American continent from coast to coast.
Topic: Latin American Economies and World Markets
Skill: Factual
55) What was the new export crop in Brazil that made up over 40 percent of Brazil's exports by 1840?
A) tea
B) sugar
C) cotton
D) coffee
Topic: Latin American Economies and World Markets
Skill: Factual
56) Which of the following statements concerning the status of women in post-independence Latin America is
most accurate?
A) Following independence, women gained little ground and there was virtually no change in the attitudes
toward women's proper role in society.
B) Because of their participation in the independence movement, women were rewarded in
post-revolutionary Latin America with voting rights and access to political office.
C) Because women in general failed to support the revolutionary movements, they were not included in
the massive reforms that followed independence.
D) The status of women actually declined after independence, as they were cut off from areas such as
public education that had been available to them in colonial Latin America.
Topic: Societies in Search of Themselves
Skill: Conceptual
57) Which of the following beliefs is NOT associated with the concept of "modernization" or "westernization"?
A) Development was a matter of increasing per capita production in any society.
B) The more industrialized and urbanized any society became, the more social change and improvement
were possible as traditional patterns and attitudes were abandoned.
C) Change would take place through radical or revolutionary transitions rather than gradually.
D) As the process occurred, there would be a natural movement toward more democratic forms of
government and popular participation.
Topic: Societies in Search of Themselves
Skill: Conceptual
58) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the economy of Latin America in the period from
1880 to 1920?
A) The collapse of worldwide demand for raw materials led to a stagnation and then a contraction of
economies throughout Latin America.
B) Latin America experienced a spurt of economic growth fueled by the increasing demand for raw
materials, foodstuffs, and tropical crops.
C) Although the demand in industrialized countries for raw materials fell off, the slump in exports was
more than overcome by a dramatic surge in industrial production and export.
D) The period was marked by increasing government control of all facets of production and increasing
tariffs placed on commercial exports.
Topic: The Great Boom, 1880 - 1920
Skill: Conceptual
Chapter 26 Civilizations in Crisis: The Ottoman Empire, The Islamic Heartlands, and Qing China
59) Which of the following was NOT a weakness associated with the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth century?
A) weak rulers
B) competition within factions of the elite
C) conversion of much of the population to Christianity
D) deteriorating conditions for artisans as a result of competition with the West
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Conceptual
60) By the 1870s, the Ottoman Empire
A) had recovered most of their territorial losses to European powers.
B) had ceased to rule any portion of Asia Minor.
C) had been driven from virtually all of the Balkans.
D) had driven the Russian armies back to the steppes.
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Conceptual
61) What European nation supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent other European powers from
gaining access to the Mediterranean?
A) Britain
B) France
C) Russia
D) Austria-Hungary
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Factual
62) What Ottoman Sultan successfully eliminated the Janissary corps as a military and political influence?
A) Selim III
B) Mahmud II
C) Abdul Hamid
D) Selim II
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Factual
63) Which of the following statements concerning the improvement of women's status as a result of the Tanzimat
reforms is most accurate?
A) The inclusion of reforms for women was not even considered in Ottoman society during the period of
the Tanzimat reforms.
B) Despite widespread discussion of the practices of seclusion, polygamy, and veiling, few improvements
in women's social status were won in the nineteenth century.
C) While not all women benefitted, elite women were freed from the restrictive aspects of Muslim society
during the period of the Tanzimat reforms.
D) Muslim restrictions against the social equality of women were swept away as part of the Tanzimat
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Conceptual
64) Which of the following reforms resulted from the coup in the Ottoman Empire of 1908?
A) the Sultanate was abolished
B) the constitution of 1876 was restored
C) the Janissaries were removed as a political and military force
D) restrictions against women in Muslim society were removed
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Conceptual
65) What nation's invasion of Egypt in 1798 signaled the beginning of European penetration of the Islamic
A) France
B) Britain
C) Russia
D) Austria-Hungary
Topic: Western Intrusions and the Crisis in the Arab Islamic Heartlands
Skill: Factual
66) Which of the following reforms was NOT introduced in Egypt after 1801?
A) the restoration of the Mamluk armies
B) the introduction of Western-style military conscription
C) the hiring of French military advisors
D) the importation of Western arms
Topic: Western Intrusions and the Crisis in the Arab Islamic Heartlands
Skill: Conceptual
67) What prevented Muhammad Ali from overthrowing the Ottoman Empire?
A) his failure to develop a modern army
B) the lack of a navy
C) his defeat by the Ottomans at Omdurman
D) the opposition of European powers
Topic: Western Intrusions and the Crisis in the Arab Islamic Heartlands
Skill: Conceptual
68) European financiers lent money to the profligate successors of Muhammad Ali because they desired access
to Egypt's cheap cotton and, by the 1850s, a share in the
A) Orient Express.
B) Cairo Railway.
C) Suez Canal.
D) Panama Canal.
Topic: Western Intrusions and the Crisis in the Arab Islamic Heartlands
Skill: Factual
69) The dynastic name taken by the Manchu dynasty was
A) Song.
B) Tang.
C) Qing.
D) Chou.
Topic: The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China
Skill: Factual
70) What accounts for the general failure of Manchu attempts at reform?
A) resistance on the part of the peasantry
B) enormous population growth and the disappearance of open lands
C) Buddhist resistance
D) loss of territory to nomads from the Asian steppes
Topic: The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China
Skill: Conceptual
71) All of the following signs of dynastic decline were apparent in the Qing regime by the beginning of the
nineteenth century EXCEPT
A) corruption of the examination system.
B) diversion of revenue from state projects to private fortunes.
C) failure of foreign commerce.
D) food shortages, mass migrations, and banditry.
Topic: The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China
Skill: Conceptual
72) What was the impact of the British opium trade on China?
A) Its use was restricted to the peasantry of northern China, where production of food rapidly decreased.
B) The government was quickly able to halt the importation of opium, so that it did not have the disastrous
impact on the Chinese population that was expected.
C) Within years China's favorable balance of trade was reversed and silver began to flow out of the
D) Due to the addiction of the imperial court, the British were welcomed as a valuable trade partner of
Topic: The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China
Skill: Conceptual
73) What was the outcome of the Opium War?
A) Despite technological advantages, the British forces were overwhelmed by the Chinese numerical
superiority and were unable to penetrate China's isolation.
B) The British soon swept the seas of opposition, but were prevented from entering China by opposition
from other European powers who feared Britain's overthrow of the Manchus.
C) The British victory was so overwhelming that the Manchu dynasty was overthrown by 1850 and
replaced by a republic.
D) British victory in the Opium War allowed European powers to force China to open trade and diplomatic
Topic: The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China
Skill: Conceptual
74) What was the political and social position of the Manchu rulers at the end of the nineteenth century?
A) The Manchu rulers stubbornly resisted the far reaching reforms that were the only hope of saving the
regime and Chinese civilization.
B) The last decades of the dynasty were dominated by Cixi, a woman who proposed radical reforms of
the social order.
C) The Chinese scholar-gentry and the provincial elite allied with the emperors to introduce significant
reform of landholding practices and regional administration.
D) The dynasty wholeheartedly embraced the ongoing Westernization of the Chinese government and
Topic: The Last Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the Qing Empire in China
Skill: Conceptual
Chapter 27 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West
75) Of the following regions, which defied the common pattern of growing Western domination in the nineteenth
A) Russia and Japan
B) the Ottoman Empire
C) Latin America
D) West Africa
Topic: Introduction
Skill: Conceptual
76) Which of the following represents a significant difference between Russia and Japan?
A) Only Japan had a significant aristocracy prior to industrialization.
B) Only Russia participated in territorial expansion by 1914.
C) Russia engaged in selective borrowing from Western models by 1700.
D) Only Japan underwent significant political revolution prior to 1914.
Topic: Introduction
Skill: Conceptual
77) Which of the following statements concerning Russian territorial expansion is most accurate?
A) Russia's loss of Poland in the revolt of 1830 stimulated other attempts at territorial expansion.
B) Russia actively opposed nationalist movements in the Balkans in keeping with their conservative
C) Western powers actively aided Russia's pursuit of territories in the Ottoman Empire.
D) No massive acquisitions marked the early nineteenth century, but Russia continued to be an
aggressive competitor for territorial expansion.
Topic: Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Skill: Conceptual
78) Which of the following statements best describes the Russian economy at the beginning of the nineteenth
A) Russia had achieved economic autonomy in the eighteenth century, although most of eastern Europe
remained largely agricultural.
B) The Russian economy was geographically oriented to the Ottoman Empireπa feature of the Mongol
domination of Russia until the fifteenth century.
C) Russia's economic dynamism and innovation rivaled the West.
D) In return for low-cost grain exports, Russia and other East European areas imported Western luxury
goods for the great aristocrats to display as badges of respectability.
Topic: Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Skill: Conceptual
79) Which of the following was NOT a consideration in the reform of serfdom?
A) it was the purpose of the tsar to sweep away the tightly knit peasant communities on which serfdom
B) the development of a vigorous and mobile labor force
C) a desire to meet Western humanitarian standards
D) periodic peasant uprisings focused on lack of freedom, undue obligations, and lack of land
Topic: Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Skill: Conceptual
80) Which of the following statements concerning the emancipation of the serfs in Russia is most accurate?
A) The emancipation of the serfs destroyed the Russian aristocracy.
B) Emancipation of the serfs loosened the grip of the tsarist state.
C) In addition to personal freedom, the serfs were granted parcels of land subject to redemption
D) Following emancipation, peasants were free to move about Russia as they pleased leading to massive
movements of agricultural labor.
Topic: Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Skill: Conceptual
81) Which of the following was present during the Russian program of industrialization?
A) attitudinal change among workers similar to the West
B) a large middle class
C) rich natural resources
D) small, but efficient, factories
Topic: Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Skill: Conceptual
82) All of the following were part of the rising tide of unrest in Russia during the second half of the nineteenth
century EXCEPT
A) the Orthodox Church.
B) ethnic minorities.
C) peasants.
D) the intelligentsia.
Topic: Protest and Revolution in Russia
Skill: Conceptual
83) Which of the following did NOT contribute to working-class radicalism in late nineteenth century Russia?
A) the absence of legal political outlets
B) severe conditions of early industrialization
C) rural unrest and adoption of peasant grievances
D) absence of unions
Topic: Protest and Revolution in Russia
Skill: Conceptual
84) Which of the following statements concerning the Tokugawa Shogunate in the nineteenth century is most
A) The Shogunate bureaucracy had been opened to talented commonersπa reform that improved the
standing of the government with the masses of the Japanese people.
B) By the nineteenth century, the Tokugawa were able to dispense with the feudal organization of earlier
C) Increasingly the Shogunate depended on its long-standing alliances with Western powers to maintain
its dominance.
D) The Shogunate continued to combine a central bureaucracy with semi-feudal alliances with regional
daimyos and the samurai.
Topic: Japan: Transformation Without Revolution
Skill: Conceptual
85) What was the primary difference between the reformed Japanese government and reformed Russian
institutions by 1914?
A) Japan retained an emperor at the head of government.
B) Japan created a national parliament.
C) Japan's government was elected by a broad majority of the population.
D) Japan's government had incorporated business leaders into its governing structure.
Topic: Japan: Transformation Without Revolution
Skill: Conceptual
86) Which of the following statements concerning Japanese industrialization prior to World War I is correct?
A) Japan's workforce was among the highest paid in the world.
B) Abundant natural resources made Japan virtually self-sufficient as an industrialized nation.
C) By 1914, Japan had reached the level of industrialization found in the West.
D) Japan needed: D
Topic: Japan: Transformation Without Revolution
Skill: Conceptual
Essay Questions
1) In what ways was the British conquest of India similar to the Dutch colonization of Java? In what ways was it
Topic: The Shift to Land Empires in Asia
Skill: Conceptual
2) In what ways did the colonizers of the late nineteenth century control the indigenous peoples and increase
economic exploitation?
Topic: Patterns of Dominance: Continuity and Change
Skill: Conceptual
3) In what ways were the Latin American economies of the nineteenth century dependent on the industrialized
nations of Europe and North America?
Topic: Latin American Economies and World Markets
Skill: Conceptual
4) What are the explanations offered for the relative "underdevelopment" of Latin America? Which explanation
seems to be the most sufficient explanation?
Topic: Societies in Search of Themselves
Skill: Conceptual
5) How did the emergence of the industrialized West affect the pattern for the decline of civilizations?
Topic: Introduction
Skill: Conceptual
6) Compare and contrast the conditions leading to the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire in 1908 and the Qing
dynasty in 1912.
Topic: From Empire to Nation
Skill: Conceptual
7) Compare and contrast the political reforms undertaken in Japan and Russia prior to and during
Topic: Russia's Reforms and Industrial Advance
Skill: Conceptual