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NAME: ________________________________________________ PERIOD: ________
1. Three adjacent nucleotide bases are called a ___________________________. These determine
which amino acid is put in a polypeptide.
2. What organelle makes proteins? _______________________________________________________.
3. Genes in the nucleus are transcribed into ____________________________. It has one different base
than DNA, _________________________ instead of __________________________.
4. Match the following:
______ mRNA
A. join together to make ribosomes
______ tRNA
B. carries the genetic info outside the nucleus
______ rRNA
C. carries amino acids to the ribosome
5. What part of a tRNA matches to the codon? ____________________________________________.
6. All of your body cells have the same genes, but each cell only uses some of them. This is called
7. Because of expression different cell types form. This is called _______________________________.
8. _________________________________________________________ can affect gene expression.