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a. There are 2 cell divisions:
i. ______________ and ____________
b. Products:
i. Gametes- Cells used for _______________ that contain
______________ the number of chromosomes
ii. Resultant cells are not ___________ _______________
Meiosis I – All events are the same with a few exceptions.
a. Prophase Ii. _____________chromosomes pair up
ii. Sometimes, chromosomes can “_________” part of
themselves. This is known as ______________
b. Metaphase I- The process is basically the same except
____________ chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
i. Law of Independent Assortment- Paired chromosomes
can line up in _________ order. This leads to a lot of
___________ ____________
c. Anaphase I- _____________ _____________ separate and
move towards the poles.
d. Telophase I- ___________ are at the poles and the
__________ __________ reappears briefly.
i. Chromosome count:
Meiosis II
a. Prophase II: __________ ___________ does not occur.
Also, there is no ___________.
b. Metaphase II – Chromsomes line up __________ _________
c. Anaphase II - ___________, not chromosomes, are pulled
towards the poles
d. Telophase II are similar to Mitosis.
i. Chromosome count: