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The federal court system was born with the Senate Judiciary Act of 1789. The act
split the country into 13 judicial districts and created a corresponding network of
courts and the office of U.S. attorney general. It also more clearly defined the
Supreme Court as having one chief justice and five associate justices.
According to the terms of the Constitutional Convention, justices are nominated by
the president and confirmed by the Senate. A justice serves on the court for life and
can only be removed through impeachment on extreme grounds such as treason,
bribery or other so-called high crimes. Only one justice has ever been removed by
impeachment in the court's history to date.
President George Washington
nominated Chief Justice John
Jay and the five other original
high court justices after
signing the Judiciary Act into
law. The first Supreme Court
session assembled on Feb. 2,
1790 in New York City. Due
to travel difficulties -- and
perhaps some doubt about the
court's initial importance -only three of the six justices
were present for the court's
opening session and official
business had to wait for a
fourth justice to arrive.
_______ Supreme
Court Judges
__________ Circuit Courts
There are _________________ District Courts
Which branch of Government created the Judiciary Act?________________
Who nominates Justices?________________________
Who was the first Supreme Court Chief Justice _________________________________
Where was the first Supreme Court Held __________________