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Chapter 8 – Sec 3 The Medieval Church
Directions: complete the following by writing either the correct word, number, true or
false or letter and word, then copy the answers on a separate piece of paper. Save this
handout for class as a note-taking sheet and hand in the separate piece of paper with
the correct heading.
1. ___ During the early Middle Ages, what was the Church’s most important
A. Converting the people of western Europe to Judaism
B. Preserving the writings of the Ancient Greeks
C. Converting the people of western Europe to Christianity
D. Delivering social services to the peasants
2. ___ Augustine was sent to convert the Anglo-Saxons in
A. 795
B. 597
C. 1597
D. 33
3. ___ From Britain, the missionaries brought Christianity to which tribes?
A. Indian
B. Italian
C. Iraqi
D. Germanic
4. TRUE or FALSE? Some women risked their lives to spread their belief in Christianity.
5. ___ Who was responsible for persuading Clovis, king of the Franks, to accept
A. the Pope
B. the King of England
C. his wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
D. his wife, Clothilde of the Franks
6. ___ Who was the only contact between the Church and the serfs?
A. the Pope
B. monks
C. the parish priest
D. the nuns
7. ___ the sacred rites of the Church
A. secular
B. sacraments
C. salvation
D. simony
8. ___ everlasting life with God
A. secular
B. sacrament
C. salvation
D. simony
9. ___ What was the social center of Medieval life for much of the peasantry?
A. the manor
B. the Prancing Pony
C. the village Church
D. the cathedral
10. ___ Who ran the schools in the late Middle Ages?
A. the lord
B. a knight
C. a serf
D. the priest
11. ___ remains of martyrs or other holy figures
A. relics
B. sacrament
C. simony
D. excommunication
12. ___ a tax paid to support the Church and its parishes and equal to one tenth of a
person’s income
A. title
B. tithe
C. anti-Semitism
D. secular
13. ___ How many views of women did the Church have?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
14. TRUE or FALSE? According to the Medieval Church, men and women were equal.
15. TRUE or FALSE? The Medieval Church set a minimum age for marriage.
16. TRUE or FALSE? The Church court could fine men who seriously injured their
17. TRUE or FALSE? The Church court punished women more harshly than men for
the same offense.
18. Men///women who lived in monasteries and devoted their lives to spiritual goals
were called monks///nuns and men///women who lived in convents and
devoted their lives to spiritual goals were called monks///nuns.
19. In the 5th///6th century, a monk named Benedict organized a set of rules to
regulate secular///monastic life.
20.___ Monks and nuns took all of the following vows EXCEPT
A. poverty
B. obedience to the abbot or abbess
C. chastity
D. obedience to the king
21. Circle all of the basic services monks and nuns provided.
A. They helped the sick.
B. They ignored the poor.
C. They set up schools for children.
D. They gave food to travelers.
E. They refused lodging to travelers.
F. They became missionaries.
G. They copied ancient scrolls.
H. They refused to teach Greek and Latin.
22. ___ In the early Middle Ages, strong minded women could find a freedom of sorts by
joining a
A. monastery
B. fraternity
C. man in marriage
D. convent
23. TRUE or FALSE? Throughout the Middle Ages, the Church looked well upon
women becoming educated and speaking about religion.
24. ___ worldly
A. sacrament
B. secular
C. simony
D. tithe
25. During the Middle Ages, the Church became less///more powerful and became
more///less involved in worldly affairs.
26. ___ authority over all secular rulers
A. anti-Semitism
C. divine right
27. The
B. excommunication
D. papal supremacy
king///pope claimed papal supremacy.
28. The king///pope ruled over an army of churchmen and held enormous amounts of
land in central Italy///England.
29. Christians believed that all///some///most people were sinners///good and that
all///some///many were doomed to go to Heaven///eternal suffering.
30. ___ In order to avoid Hell, Christians had to believe in God and
A. participate in government
B. participate in education
C. participate in the sacraments
D. participate in marriage
31. ___ What did the Church administer that gave it almost absolute power?
A. freedom
B. sacraments
C. power
D. education
32. ___ body of laws developed by the Church which applied to religious teachings, the
clergy, marriage and morals
A. civil law
B. criminal law
C. common laws
D. cannon law
33. Excommunication was more///less of a threat than interdiction.
34. Excommunication meant one///some///many
person///people were prevented
from receiving most sacraments and a Christian burial.
35. The threat of excommunication///interdiction made the pope more powerful than
36. The monarchy///the Church tried to use its authority to end feudal warfare in the
10th///11th///12th century.
37. Priests during the early Middle Ages were///were not permitted to marry.
38. As the wealth and power of the Church grew, discipline strengthened///weakened.
39. ___ In the early 900s, the Abbot of Cluny said that who could not longer interfere
in monastery affairs.
A. monarchs
B. nobles
C. popes
D. clergy
40. ___ In the early 11th century, the pope outlawed ____.
A. sacraments B. excommunication
C. interdiction
D. marriage of priests
41. ___ An example of ____ is when Lord Henry purchased a position in the Church
hierarchy for his third son.
A. simony
B. sins
C. sacraments
42. TRUE or FALSE? According to Pope Gregory, the actions of Lord Henry from
question 42 led to an undue secular influence in religious affairs.
43. ___ According to Pope Gregory, who should choose church officials?
A. kings
B. the Church
C. nobles
D. serfs
44. ___ Monks who did not live in isolated monasteries but traveled around preaching to
the poor
A. abbots
B. nuns
C. monks
D. friars
45. ___ Which one was NOT one of the religious orders created in an effort to reform
the Church?
A. Dominicans
B. Franciscans
C. Beguines
D. Urak-hai
46. TRUE or FALSE? Jews only lived in Palestine during the Middle Ages.
47. IN the late 1000s, Christian persecution of the Muslims///Jews///Hindus increased
because Church leaders///monarchs claimed the Muslims///Jews///Hindus
were responsible for the death of Mohammad///Jesus///Siddhartha.
48. ___ prejudice against Jews
A. anti-Christian
B. anti-Judaism
C. anti-Semitism
D. anti-Christ
49. In good///bad times prejudice against the Jews worsened which led to the
migration of the Jews to eastern///western Europe.