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Ordination of Mr. ____________________________________
Australia Christian Fellowship is a congregation of the Cultural Diversity Network International. This
congregation exists to praise our God and King, to promote the edification of God’s people, and to proclaim
the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to this community and beyond—even to the ends of the earth!
We stand on the solid and historic foundation of the Apostles teachings and seek to preach passionately the
timeless truths of Scripture, worship in a simple and Biblical manner, serve Christ’s church and our community,
and engage in faithful pastoral care of God’s people.
Today we celebrate God’s gift of faithful leadership for His people. In the leaders of the church we see the
love of Jesus for His people. As Lord of the church Jesus appoints leaders, by His Holy Spirit He equips them,
and by His Word they grow in discipleship. By Christ’s humbleness leaders serve others in selfless love, and
by prayer they growing grace. Jesus taught us the spirit of true leadership was in serving others.
Within the calling of all believers to serve Christ, the church also acknowledges certain people to special
ministries according the gifts of grace God has given. Mr. ____________________ was adopted as God’s
child and united with Christ through the Holy Spirit. God has blessed him with gifts that have enriched the
ministry of this congregation. For many years he has faithfully served the Lord in many capacities.
In God’s calling, affirmed through the voice of the church, he is being ordained to the office of Pastor. Cultural
Diversity Network International ordains persons to serve as Pastors to carry their responsibilities within their
Now, upon the call of this congregation and its leadership team, I present Mr. _____________ to you for
ordination as Pastor in charge in Australia Christian Fellowship and within Cultural Diversity Network.
The Vow of Ordination: call Mr. __________________ to come to steps/front.
And now, that this present Congregation of Christ Jesus here assembled may also understand your mind(s)
and will(s) in these eternal things, we charge you to answer plainly the questions which we in the Name of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - shall ask you at this time:
1. Do you, in your heart, believe that you are truly called according to the Will of our Lord Jesus Christ,
into His public ministry?
2. Do you believe that the Holy Scriptures - the Holy Bible is THE WORD OF GOD - containing all
Doctrine required to instruct the lost how to receive eternal salvation through faith in our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ? I DO
3. Are you determined to use these same Scriptures to instruct all people with whom you come in contact
for the purpose of leading them into a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord? I AM
4. Will you be faithful always to minister the Doctrine and Sacraments and the Discipline of Christ as
commanded by our Lord and clearly outlined in the Scriptures? I WILL DO
5. Will you be ready - and quick - with all faithful diligence, to take authority against - in the Name of the
Lord - to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God’s Word? I WILL
6. Will you be diligent in prayers, and the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and in such studies as help to
the knowledge of the same, laying aside all carnal and worldly lusts?
7. Will you be diligent to frame and fashion your own life and the lives of your family - according to the
instructions in the Bible? I WILL
8. Do you promise to be accountable and submissive to CDNI Eldership in the Lord? I WILL
9. Are you now willing to take the charge of this church, agreeable to your declaration when accepting
their call? And do you, relying upon God for strength, promise to discharge to it the duties of a pastor?
Vows of the congregation:
People of God, you have heard the commitment made by Mr. _________________.
1. Do you, the people of this congregation, continue to profess your readiness to receive Mr.
_______________________whom you have called to be your pastor? WE DO
2. Do you promise to receive the word of truth from his mouth with meekness and love, and to submit to
him in the due exercise of discipline? WE DO
3. Do you promise to pray for him, to share with him in the work of ministry, to encourage him in the
tasks of ministry, and to respond to his work with love and respect? WE DO
4. Do you engage to continue to support him while he is your pastor with worldly maintenance which you
have promised, and to furnish him with whatever you may see needful for the honour of the Lord and
for his comfort among you? WE DO
Invite elders and ministers for laying on of hands.
The Laying on of Hands:
Elders of Fellowship and all ordained ministers present
The Ordination Blessing/the anointing of ordination
__________________, I set you apart by the laying of hand into the office of Pastor in the name of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.
May God, our Father, who has called you to this holy office now guide you by his Word and equip you with his
Spirit so that you may serve faithfully and fruitfully so that God’s people may be edified and His name be
praised. In the name of Your dear Son, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
__________________ we rejoice with you today. May you experience much joy in fulfilling your calling. As you
exercise the authority of the office entrusted to you, may you remain a humble servant.
As called and affirmed as Pastor in charge in this congregation, you are charged with loving Christ and feeding
his sheep as you provide care and leadership for Australia Christian Fellowship.
1. Be faithful in prayer. Be faithful as you provide leadership for the prayer ministry of Fellowship.
Encourage God’s people to be people of prayer.
2. Be diligent in your study of Scripture and as you teach; and as you provide leadership among the
educational ministry of this church.
3. Encourage others who teach and lead in the educational and small group ministry among children,
youth and adults.
4. Be compassionate in your words and example as you provide care and nurture.
5. Help support and sustain people in their times of pain, sickness, weakness and sadness.
6. Celebrate their joys with them.
7. Be faithful in providing guidance, encouragement and challenge as you help to shepherd God’s
8. Use all your talents to the utmost of your ability, and do not neglect any of your gifts.
9. Be attentive to opportunities to fan into flame and nurture gifts God has given you for the enrichment
of His people and for His glory.
10. Above all, put on God’s love and Christ’s compassion that is demonstrated in word and deed. And
one day our chief Shepherd will give you the crown of glory, saying. “Well done, good and faithful
And to you, congregation of Fellowship, congratulations also. It is a day to rejoice.
Receive ____________________ as God’s leader among you.
Keep your vows to pray for him and encourage him, to respond to his work among you with love and respect,
and to share in the work of ministry.
Let us now give thanks and ask the Lord to help us do what we have promised.
Prayer of Thanksgiving (Pastor ____________________)..