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Study Guide: WEATHER
Science SOLs 2.6 and 2.7
Students will need to know the following information for the test. Please help them study.
Thank you, The Second Grade Teachers
1. The climate is the type of weather a place has over a long period of time.
2. A meteorologist is a person who studies the weather.
3. A meteorologist uses many tools such as weather balloons, satellites, and computers.
4. Students should know the correct position of the following words in the water cycle:
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and run-off.
Evaporation: When the sun heats up water in lakes, rivers, and streams and turns
into vapor which leaves the land and goes into the air.
Condensation: Water vapor in the air gets cold and turns back into a liquid forming clouds.
Precipitation: When too much water condenses and the air can not hold it anymore the
clouds get too heavy and the water falls back down to earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail.
Run-off: When the precipitation that falls collects back into the lakes, rivers and streams.
5. Precipitation is when any form of water falls down to earth.
6. The four types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, and hail.
7. Clouds are made up of bits of ice, dust, and tiny droplets of water.
8. When the drops of water get too heavy in a cloud, we have rain.
9. Large areas of clouds can be seen from satellites in space.
10. Farmers keep track of the weather so they will know when to plant their crops.
11. In Virginia, we most often have thunderstorms during the summer.
12. If you lived on the coast by the ocean, you would most likely experience a hurricane.
13. It would be important to know the weather if you were going on a hike in the mountains.
14. Some things you would do in the summer are: eat ice cream outside, mow the lawn, swim, wear flip-flops.
15. Some things you would do in the winter are: build a snowman, snow ski, build a fire for heat.
16. A long period of dry weather (without any precipitation) is called a drought.
17. A long period of wet weather (with lots of rain) can cause a flood.
18. 32º F (Fahrenheit) would be a winter temperature.
19. When looking at a thermometer:
 the HIGHER the mercury level- the HOTTER it is.
 the LOWER the mercury level- the COLDER it is.
20. Soil erosion is the gradual wearing away of land by water, wind and general weather conditions.
21. An example of soil erosion would be a storm washing away the dirt from a farmer’s field.
22. Remember the 2 W’s: Water and Wind usually cause soil erosion.
23. One way we can reduce soil erosion would be to plant grass and trees.