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Types of Prayer
Question: "What is prayer?"
Answer: Prayer is conversation with God and should be made without ceasing
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). As we grow in our love for Jesus Christ, we will naturally desire to talk to
Question: "Are we alone when we pray? "
Answer: The Bible speaks of praying in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:14-15) and prayers when we are
unable to think of adequate words (Romans 8:26-27). In those times, the Spirit Himself makes
intercession for us.
Question: "Where should we pray?"
Answer: In Matthew 6:5-6 the Lord tells His disciples to pray privately. Certainly there is nothing
wrong with public prayer, but we should not pray to be seen of men. The example that Christ uses is the
hypocrites who pray out loud—and loudly—so that they can be seen by others. Private prayer is a time
of personal relationship with the Lord. We get our term closet prayer from this passage in Matthew.
Question: "What are the different types of prayer?"
Answer: The Bible reveals many types of prayers and employs a variety of words to describe the
practice. For example, 1 Timothy 2:1 says, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.” Here, all four of the main Greek words used
for prayer are mentioned in one verse. In practice, we all use different types of prayer during our prayer
times, and there is no reason why we cannot apply any of these types of prayers to all the situations that
face us. Ask God to fill you with more of His love and make your prayer life richer.
1. Prayer of Supplication (Request of Petition)
Supplication means to petition or entreat (ask) someone for something for oneself. A passionate zeal and
hunger fuels the prayer of supplication. We see this prayer often in the Psalms where David is asking
God for help in a particular area of his own life. Prayers of supplication are prayers that all Christians
should regularly engage in, as we earnestly desire to seek God's face and know His will for our life.
God welcomes you with open arms when you take your genuine requests for help to Him.
We are to take our requests to God. Philippians 4:6 teaches, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Part
of winning the spiritual battle is to be “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication”
(Ephesians 6:18).
Luke 11:9-13; James 5:17-18; 1 Kings 8:37-40; 1 Kings 8:54-55
2. Prayer of Intercession
To intercede means to plead or mediate on behalf of another person. Intercessory prayer means praying
earnestly for the needs of others, and seeking God's will for their life. We are called to intercede for
others, just as Jesus is interceding for us (Hebrews 7: 25).
Many times, our prayers include requests for others as we intercede for them. We are told to make
intercession “for everyone” in 1 Timothy 2:1. Jesus serves as our example in this area. The whole of
John 17 is a prayer of Jesus on behalf of His disciples and all believers.
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Types of Prayer
Another word that is found in the Bible that is used in this way is the word intreat. It means to beg or
implore. Many times in the Bible it is used in the same way as the word intercede.
Genesis 18:22-33 (Abraham); 1 Kings 18:41-46 (Elijah); 2 Kings 4:32-36 (Elisha); Acts 12:1-18 (Early
Six Essentials of Effective Intercessory Prayer
Be Sincere - Prayer is a sacred responsibility, and we need to treat it as such. Samuel told the
Israelites, "Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you."
(1 Samuel 12:23)
Be Discreet - If you've ever had details of your personal life spread all over church, you know
how devastating a little gossip can be. Here's a simple rule for any effective intercessor. Assume
every prayer request offered by a friend is for your ears only, even if they don't specifically say
so. If you belong to a prayer group, you might ask the person if they mind you sharing their
request so others can pray, too. Even if they respond positively, refrain from telling the group
any more than is necessary.
Be Sensitive - Often, when people have just suffered a traumatic event, they're exhausted with
having to retell their story to every person who asks. While we want to demonstrate concern for
others, there's no reason to make them relive the ordeal by asking a lot of questions. All we
really need to do is let them know we love them, and we're praying.
Be Encouraging - An encouraging card or a sympathetic whisper promising to pray for someone
in pain can brighten a dreary day and lift a weary heart. A simple expression of concern can be
an incredible source of encouragement to anyone going through a physical, spiritual, or
emotional struggle. And through the week, when they become discouraged, they can remind
themselves that "Someone is praying for me!"
Be Organized - So often we glibly promise to pray for someone - and we really mean it - but
somehow we simply fail to do so. When you make a commitment to pray for someone, make a
note of it. Amid the pressures of daily life, prayer often gets pushed to the back burner. The
whispers of our conscience can be drowned by the screams of a hungry baby or the demands of a
cranky boss. But no matter what your work schedule is, you can find time to pray.
Be Committed - If you consistently have trouble making time for prayer, find a partner and hold
each other accountable. Even if you don't have the time to pray together, just remind each other
regularly of your commitment to pray. In promising to pray for someone, you've made a sacred
commitment. It's a solemn responsibility - with incredible rewards.
3. Prayer of Faith
The prayer of faith is rooted in our confidence in God's Word. When you are sure that what you are
praying for is God's will for you, the prayer of faith can be employed. The prayer of faith is knowing
God's will, praying it and receiving it from Him. Not forgiving and doubting are the two greatest
hindrances to prayers of faith.
James 5:15 says, “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.”
In this context, prayer is offered in faith for someone who is sick, asking God to heal. When we pray, we
are to believe in the power and goodness of God (Mark 9:23).
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Types of Prayer
Mark 11:12-14; Mark 11:20-25; Luke 7:1-10; James 5:13-18; Matthew 9:18-26; James 1:5-8
4. Prayer of Consecration
Sometimes, prayer is a time of setting ourselves apart to follow God’s will. Jesus made such a prayer the
night before His crucifixion: “And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, ‘My
Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will’”
(Matthew 26:39, Luke 22, Mark 14). We see another example of this in Hannah’s prayer dedicating
Samuel to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:24-28).
5. Prayer of Agreement (Corporate)
The prayer of agreement is when two or more people come together and agree with one another and with
the Word of God that something specific will be done. When we stand together in unity - with one
purpose, sharing a joint vision and trusting God's Word to be fulfilled - God can work miracles.
After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples “all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14). Later, after
Pentecost, the early church “devoted themselves” to prayer (Acts 2:42). Their example encourages us to
pray with others.
The book of Acts teaches much about corporate prayer. The disciples and the early church were
involved in public prayer. In the first couple chapters of Acts it seems that the church services were
mainly made up of prayer. Decisions in the early church were accompanied by prayer. This is seen in the
choosing of the first deacons (Acts 6:1-6) and when they sent out the first missionaries (Acts 13:1-3).
Genesis 11:1-9; Matthew 18:19-20; Exodus 17:8-13; Psalm 133:1-3; Acts 4:23; Hebrews 10:24-25;
Matthew 28:16-20
6. Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving brings us into the presence of God. Thanksgiving focuses on what God has done.
Thanksgiving and praise They disarm the two most deadly weapons to our Christian walk: unbelief and
satanic attacks. These two things are manifested in many different ways, but thanksgiving and praise are
the two-edged sword that helps us fight against evil.
Philippians 4:5: thanksgiving or thanks to God. “With thanksgiving let your requests be made known to
God.” Many examples of thanksgiving prayers can be found in the Psalms.
When Christ prayed He often gave thanks (Matthew 15:36; 26:26, 27; Luke 22:19).
Psalm 100; Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 149:4-9; 1Thessalonians 5:15-19
7. Prayer of Praise (Worship)
The prayer of praise is similar to the prayer of thanksgiving. Praise also brings us into the presence of
God. The difference is that worship focuses on who God is. Praising God in both the good and bad
times affirms our faith in Him. Praise and thanksgiving are powerful weapons. They disarm the two
most deadly weapons to our Christian walk: unbelief and satanic attacks. These two things are
manifested in many different ways, but praise and thanksgiving is the two-edged sword that helps us
fight against evil.
Church leaders in Antioch prayed in this manner with fasting: “While they were worshiping the Lord
and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called
them.’ Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off” (Acts 13:2-3).
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Types of Prayer
8. Prayer of Contemplation
The following steps may help you build contemplation into your prayer life.
Establish a time and a place - Establish a regular time and place to give God your undivided
attention each day (not in the car or while doing the dishes!). Have everything you need: your
Bible, a journal, a pen, etc., so you can move right into prayer.
Keep your purpose clear - Come to this time for the sole purpose of seeking God's face. Keep
this time for worship, meditation and listening for His voice. Intercession and supplication are
for another time
Be still and quiet - This is a difficult discipline and takes much practice. After acknowledging
God's presence, become still and quiet before Him. Relax your mind and breathe deeply, all the
while thanking Him silently that He meets you in the stillness.
Meditate on Scripture - Unlike Eastern meditation, our goal is not to empty our mind, but to
fill it with the revelation of God's manifest presence. Read small portions of Scripture, asking
God to reveal Himself to you. Wait on Him and listen for the Shepherd's voice.
Journal your prayers - Write daily love letters to God that respond to the joy of being with
Him. Chronicle what He seems to be saying to you in writing.
Prepare for wandering thoughts - Don't worry if your mind wanders, especially at first. Jot
down things you need to do later; then return your mind to seeking God's face again.
Don't fear drowsiness - It is no sin to fall asleep in the arms of God. Of course, if this becomes
the norm, you may need to change your sleeping habits!
Infuse intercession with contemplation - Whenever the battle in prayer takes its toll, take a
few minutes to contemplate the loveliness of Christ, rest in His arms and simply enjoy His
presence. Then go back to the work of active prayer.
9. Prayers of Imprecation
To imprecate means to curse or speak evil toward someone.
Imprecatory prayers are found in the Psalms (e.g., 7, 55, 69). When David used this type of praying it
wasn’t as a form of exacting revenge. Rather, David used it as a way to show agreement with God’s
judgment and sovereignty over evil. They are used to invoke God’s judgment on the wicked and
thereby avenge the righteous. The psalmists use this type of appeal to emphasize the holiness of God and
the surety of His judgment. Jesus teaches us to pray for blessing on our enemies, not cursing (Matthew
David’s prayers (and the imprecatory prayers of others in the Bible) were not hateful or vengeful. We
are told by the Lord to pray for our enemies in Matthew 5 and Luke 6. The context for both of those
passages is loving our enemies and praying for their good. As we pray for our enemies God often works
in our own hearts to love them more even though they are undeserving of our love.
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