Download Module 8 Exam Review 1. The arrector pili muscle is attached to a

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Module 8 Exam Review
1. The arrector pili muscle is attached to a ________ ________.
2. The primary protein found in dead epithelial skin cells is called ____.
3. The dermal layer contains blood vessels, ________, hair follicles, and glands.
4. What disease process is the result of an autoimmune attack on desmosomes and
hemidesmosomal proteins?
5. Keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium is describing which layer of the skin?
6. Where is the stratum corneum in relation to the other skin layers?
7. Melanoma is a dangerous form of ___________.
8. Which layer of the epidermis is continually undergoing mitosis?
9. Thick skin features an additional epidermal layer called the ________ _______.
10. A first-degree burn only involves the _________.
11. Langerhans cells in the epidermis function as ________.
12. Merkel cells are ____-_____ receptors of the epidermis.
13. Keratin along with lamellar granules in keratinocytes will _____ the skin.
14. Individuals with little or no melanin are at risk for skin cancer from ____ exposure.
15. The function of the epidermis is ________.
16. Melanocytes can produce two types of melanin called ________ and _________.
15. Circulating hemoglobin is credited with the __________ coloration of the skin.
16. Collagen and elastin fibers provide _______ strength to the dermis.
17. Ink that only penetrates the epidermis will_________ quickly.
18. Fingerprints arise from the _________ region of the dermis.
19. Pressure sores are also known as _______ ulcers.
20. The _____ region of the dermis contains nerves, blood vessels, hair roots, and
21. Enterococcus and Staphylococcus are common bacterial organisms associated with
dead, sloughing off skin cells called _____.
22. The epidermis gets its nutrients from the ______ loops in the papillary region.
23. Conservation of heat is primarily accomplished by _________.
24. The purpose of vasodilation in dermal blood vessels is to ____ ____.
25. The role of the subcutaneous layer is the ________ of the skin to underlying
26. Adipose tissue exists in large quantities in the ________ layer of tissue.
27. What percentage of the body surface has been burned if the anterior surfaces of
both legs have been burned?
28. The Pacinian (lamellated) corpuscles found deep in the dermis detect______.
29. Pain, cold, and warm stimuli are all detected by ______ ______ _______.
30. Odors produces by apocrine sweat glands are called _____________.
31. Sebaceous glands are a compound, ________ glands connected to a hair follicle.
32. Eccrine and apocrine glands are both ______________ glands.
33. _____ sweat glands are coiled tubular glands found on all skin surfaces.
34. Xeroderma pigmentosum is a skin disorder that resulted from a failure of ____
35. Rapidly dividing cells are found in the ______ and _____ matrices.
36. The medulla, cortex, cuticle are all part of the _____ ______ and the _____ _____.
37. The anagen stage of hair growth is characterized by the ______of the hair shaft?
38. The telegen stage of hair growth is taking place when the hair shaft ____ _____.
39. The fetal skin develops from the embryonic layer of tissue called the _____ (4th
40. Thermoregulation changes with age because of the redistribution of the ____
41. The stratum basale is the skin layer responsible for filling ______wounds.
42. Deep wounds extend into the _____ and _____.
43. _______ are activated to form scar tissue.
44. The papillary region of the dermis houses the _____ corpuscles and _____ ____
45. The skin turning pink or red is an indicator of vaso-_________.
46. The palms, fingertips, and soles of the feet are considered to be _____ skin.
47. A second-degree burn involves the epidermis and __________.
48. A burn that involves loss of function, both layers of the skin and even the
subcutaneous layer is a _____-_____ _____.
49. Adipocytes are found in large quantities in the _______layer.
50. Thermoregulatory is managed by ________, _______, and _________.
Module 8 Exam Review
1. hair follicle
2. keratin
3. nerves
4. pemphigus
5. epidermis
6. superficial
7. skin cancer
8. stratum basale
9. corneum
10. epidermis
11. phagocytic cells
12. light touch
13. waterproof
14. UV
15. protection
16. pheomelanin, eumelanin
15.. pinkish
16. tensile
17. fade
18. papillary
19. decubitus
20. reticular
21. squamous
22. capillary
24. dissipate
25. attachment
26. subcutaneous
27. 18%
28. vibrations
29. free nerve endings
30. pheromones
31. acinar
32. sudoriferous
33. Eccrine
34. DNA repair
35. hair, nail
36. hair root, hair shaft
37. elongation
38. falls out
39. ectoderm
40. subcutaneous
41. superficial
42.epidermis, dermis
43. fibroblasts
44. Meissner, free nerve
45. dilation
46. thick
48. third-degree burn
49. subcutaneous
50. vasoconstriction, vasodilation,