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Biology 1 Mid Year Test
Chapter/Concept Study List
Chapter 1
Microscope structure – see 1-4, how to use it, find and study diagram of parts. light microscopes vs. electron
6 steps of Scientific method – see 1-3, what is a hypothesis? theory?
6 traits of life – see 1-2
Chapter 18 Taxonomy
KPCOFGS – Linnean System
3 Domains – Archaea, Eubacteria, Eukarya
scientific names – what they are, how to create one – for example, Homo sapiens
phlyogenetic trees – what they are, how to make one
use of DNA to study evolution
Chapter 2 Chemistry
Element, atom, compound, molecule
Structure of atoms
Covalents/ionic bonds
Endergonic vs. exergonic reactions
Activation energy & enzymes
Solution, solute, solvent
pH and acids/bases
Chapter 3 Biochemistry
Water – structure & why water is a polar molecule, hydrogen bonding
Hydrogen bonding as cause for water as good solvent, cohesion/adhesion, how water moderates temperature
changes, & why ice is less dense than water
Why carbon is important molecule in making macromolecules
What is a macromolecule?
dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions
functional groups – what are they and what do they do?
Example - hydroxyl group (-OH) and alcohols
4 types of macromolecules
know subunit(s) of each macromolecule
know structure/function of each
be able to identify structural formulas (pictures) of each
Enzymes & enzyme reactions (enzyme, substrate(s), product(s))
Graph of enzyme reaction – activation energy is lowered by enzyme
Chapter 25 Viruses
Structure of a virus
How viruses are classified – by DNA or RNA as genome
Virus life cycle – how they infect cells
Lytic vs. lysogenic cycles
Types of viruses – what is a bacteriophage? What is a retrovirus?
How are viruses used for gene therapy?
Examples of viruses
Flu virus – flu vaccines, bird flu – what/where is it now? How could it change into pandemic flu?
HIV virus – as a retrovirus – how/why does it change so quickly? What is HIV?
Chapter 24 Bacteria
What is a prokaryote?
What are the 2 types of prokaryotes?
How are Archaea classified? What are the 3 main types?
What are the 3 shapes/types of bacteria (eubacteria)?
Why are cyanobacteria important for the balance of O2/CO2 in the atmosphere?
Describe the basic structure of a prokaryote (DNA, capsule, pilus, flagellum/a)
Why do bacteria form endospores?
Be able to name and describe the 3 ways bacteria recombine/pass their genes to each other.
Why are bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics?
How do infectious bacteria make people sick?
Describe an example of antibiotic resistant bacteria (Iraqbacter, multi-drug resistant TB, MRSA)
Chapter 4
What role did microscopes play in the discovery and early research into cells?
What is “cell theory”?
Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells – how different?
Within prokaryotic cells – eubacteria vs. archaea – main difference
Cell size – why are all cells small? (TSA/V ratios)
Know structure and function of all organelles we studied
Animal vs. plant cells – how the same? how different?
Diagrams of animal and plant cells – find and know the parts!
Chapter 5
Cell Transport
Passive transport – diffusion (equilibrium), osmosis (hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic), facilitated diffusion (why
do polar molecules need protein channels to get across the membrane?)
Active transport – protein pumps (Na+/K+ pump), endocytosis, exocytosis
Chapter 6
Autotrophs vs. heterotrophs
Structure of chloroplasts (thylakoids, grana, stroma)
Electromagnetic spectrum, light and wavelengths
Photosynthetic pigments – chlorophyll a & b, carotenoids, xanthophylls
Chlorophyll absorption spectrum – see below:
Light reactions/Dark Reactions – what goes in, what comes out
Photosynthesis releases O2 into atmosphere
Chapter 7
Cell Respiration
Cell respiration & photosynthesis as “opposite” reactions – be able to write the 2 reactions
Depending on enough O2 for cells:
Glycolysis then aerobic respiration (Krebs cycle, electron transport chain)
OR glycolysis then fermentation
What goes in and what comes out
Glycolysis, fermentation, Krebs cycle, Electron transport chain
What is role of O2 in aerobic cell respiration